No one is able to make “dying”
any less unacceptable,
any less uncomfortable,
any less troubling,
any less mystical, less daunting.
It is an accepted 'logic'-derived “known”, that nøñé born mortal could add an extra Å√ø«¬Itgçk of GODliness to HIS image which HE would have any desire or need for.
Being Omnipotent, Omniscient, GOD of EveryALL, would any ß≈j¥˚¬≤ or Ó©rÅ∆µπF«ß human derived, & contrived, any honorifics be at all Esoteriffically Exotic or Flatulently OVERwhelming to HIM?
Hence when many self seeking folks in attempting to prosper, glorifHIGH self; implementing way of life -
Tüaboåism: Uniteyism: ONimîamai†y
often divert, mislead those ‘simply, trustingly are entrenched in HIS Godness with Childlike Faith
~ the disillusioning, diluting of Faith
~ the disillusioning, diluting of Faith
destroys devotion, confidence & complete reliance on the DIVINE, for life itself.
There is no shortage of these; trying, supposedly in giving help, in providing comfort, spiritualising, RELIGIOsing
this living process- 'life', for no great motivations than self fortifhighcation.
Every ‘life’ has to face, understand, know ‘mortality’
be cognizant of the FACT, the ultimate demise of "life’’ is
NOT termination
nor END.
it rather is the NATURAL necessary progression
that culminates <NOT> terminates with 'dying'.
Visuals & multiplééééé$ of feed$ from the first day most living created life could assimilate, see, form thoughts with some intelligence, DEATH & the dying process has been made to appear °°so awesomely sh°††y, so scarey, «so to be avoided at all costs‘»,
Visuals & multiplééééé$ of feed$ from the first day most living created life could assimilate, see, form thoughts with some intelligence, DEATH & the dying process has been made to appear °°so awesomely sh°††y, so scarey, «so to be avoided at all costs‘»,
so bamn unplalatable,
[so final? especially when one takes out one's nemesis/enemies]
that it really need a reIMAGE.
To demystify death one need only regard it as a transcending, a redirection, a return to the being-ness within HIS eternal EMBRACE; the CRADLE/BOSOM/ROCK/WOMB/HOLE/BAY/COVE/HARBOR/SHELTER ~ [whatever] ~ wherein all mortal life were enfolded before taking being
»» BORN««
Many 'mis'using HIS name honor & authority, under the guise of providing strength, help, comfort, or "salve" : turn this’
Many 'mis'using HIS name honor & authority, under the guise of providing strength, help, comfort, or "salve" : turn this’
~HIS most wondrous GIFT~
into crass commercialization, capitalism
into vain-glorious religious pomposity, posturing, jostling making $ounds/sermon$ based on zero DIVINE authenticity/authority/relevance - for earthly esteem.
Endeavoring a quick route to $AINThood without dying. As Sainthood requisites nonAliveness, it is a futile attempt, works only for the attaining of self SHIOK {pitifool}
into crass commercialization, capitalism
into vain-glorious religious pomposity, posturing, jostling making $ounds/sermon$ based on zero DIVINE authenticity/authority/relevance - for earthly esteem.
Endeavoring a quick route to $AINThood without dying. As Sainthood requisites nonAliveness, it is a futile attempt, works only for the attaining of self SHIOK {pitifool}
So-called $AIN†$ in 'heaven' could give a Tåtur®å†ooié's arse on †heir canonization/sain†HooD.
There IS wholesomeness, worthwhileness, purposeFULLness, goriness, (yes, no mispell), UNprettineS$ & moré;
to this
»»seemingly«« meaningless
if one would only divert from the
almost undoable
Jéålîøü$ Séîzü®é