Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Feeding Habits

when ANOTHER was hungry           
       »»»  give him to Feed

when ANOTHER was thirsty             
       »»» give him to Drink

when ANOTHER was naked, cold   
       »»» give him Warmth

when ANOTHER was homeless        
       »»» give him Shelter

when ANOTHER was lost & alone   
       »»» give him Comfort


WHEN another WAS hungry              
            ««« Fééd him RELIGION

WHEN another WAS thirsty                
            ««« Fééd him RELIGION

WHEN another WAS naked, cold     
            ««« Fééd him RELIGION 

WHEN another WAS homeless          
            ««« Fééd him RELIGION

WHEN another WAS lost & alone     
            ««« Fééd him RELIGION


It has definitely with NO uncertainTY 
been WRITTEN in the BOOKs
              That “RELIGION” 
 is the WAY
     the TRUTH
       & the LIFE
AND only through

can anyone come to the FATHER

SüRE ! sURé ! sure !
When évér¥øñé has got enough of

    évér¥øñé will OF COURSE be, 
with bated breath; 
waiting, dyingly
 †o go †o †he F A T H E R
 through the only ¥øür Way


      Isn’t this SUCH great a cømmî†mén† courage-filled cømm
îssîøn that

HE G O D, imparted øñé 
  even AFTER HE had sent multitudes of
GREATES Prophets, 
     HOLIES Martyrs,
         FEARless Sains, 
           all HOLIER men, 
           more GRACE-filled women, 
              THROUGH THE AGES 
&  HE needed ME  †o again 
almighty HIM CREATOR G O D

announce Réannounce announce Réannounce 
announce Réannounce announce Réannounce
announce Réannounce announce Réannounce   announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce announce Réannounce 
AND then again

 REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce
 & with little let-up 

announce announce announce announce announce announce announce announce announce REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce   
AND REannounce 
 with no better  practical way to help BRING  HIS kingdom to realiy

 than to

announce announce REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce announce announce announce announce announce REannounce REannounce Reannounce REannounce announce announce announce   

ad infinitum 
        ad nauseam
the promise
HE made 



what was made known via the multitudes 
    of Prophets
     of Martyrs
       of HOLIER men, women,
         & upon being told; 
these THEN recorded HIS promise in the bookS
 Funny no; that HE the [Almightiest] CREATOR had need that Man [the most insignificant POs] need by our wonderful 

 show of


Sharing, Caring,
            L0ving Concern 
            & Charity   

Would Reflect, Enhance, Magnify, HIM

MORE LIKE: Putting the CART before the ASS

vain glorious inactive non beneficial verbose feverish fervor that hardly feeds nor fills the truly Empy
        ¥es ¥eah ¥aa

Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Epilogue to a 'worm' - who was'nt - but should have been...

All your needs are attended/catered to; 
All set, 
All ready, pre-decided for you. 
No boring daily decisions to make.
Entertainment viz Audios, Visuals, books, are provided regularly  - free.
Your designed clothes & special "gourmet meals"
i.e. 'food' are all specially customiz'd 
to ensure you stay alive & well..

There's no ambiguity nor chance your health would be jeopardized.
The menus provide that which are 
-nutrient-wise-  -mineral-wise- 
with the entire pyramid of stuff humans eat to stay healthy 
 surpassing even your mother's
''home'' cooked meals 
[home shanty/ghetto/CONDomuniééAñ∂ééz/Orphanage/Salvaged Army Boys' Home] in dietary requirements.

If you had any -

that is. 

You can go wherever you need... doctors, dentists, lawyers & other CONsultants; with driver-provided transportation; with armed escorts to ensure zero untoward incidences.

Regular religious sessions/services/devotionals to spiritual Persona/Personae are conducted in residence;
allowing a plethora of spiritual choices
so you could 
 "Sing" your Praise$" 
   "Chant" your Man†ra$ 
     "Ring" your Bell$
      "Knock" your drumlet$
        "Sym" your Cymbal$
 or just plain OOOOOOoooommmm
      in spiritual Synchrony with others of similar incline.

Should you be un-gifted in giving voice to praises
 Audios are available to auricularly help still
  your spiritual discordance.

There is no work    ----  you need undertake;
There are no fields  ----  you need till,
There are no cattle,
nor sheep,
nor goats,
                                  ---- you need tend.

Remunerations due you, will never be withheld or diverted,
nor would annual benefits - be denied.
All credits due you would be credited to your 
nominee recipients should you inadvertently
be called HOME..   

You have been particularly required to;
  in an idyllic environ -
 contemplatively engage,
  & dwell on your live - till thence,
 with particular reference to the many lives
  you have 'touched'
 &  have by your 'initiatives' 
 'disengaged' them from their happiness, the happiness too of those whom they loved 
& loved them in return.

   unconcerned by any
thoughts of human compassion

          nor of
       greater glory
            nor satisfyingly        
             of a longErrrr-time 

everyone else too

crave$ for

hunger$ for

would die for

And would make others die too

Thus you await  

in the solitary alone-ness provided you, 

& with ALL the above mentioned EXTRAs
 -  the Perks all, freely funded 
    {you lucky devil}

by the State's Penitential Funds

till the day 
your cervical vertebrae would be maximally extended 
by application of 
downward ∂råg


you might appreciate how an anaerobic organism 
 is able to survive.  

 Perhaps you then might wish
you were 
an anaerobic microbe. 

which you should have been, in the very first place.

HéñgMåññ Nüü$é
Circa 00o0