Saturday, July 21, 2012

Inaccurate misconceptions

  • Democratically elected Governments are never corrupt. Only Fascist or Communist or Dictatorial countries are. 
  • You are your father's and mother's biological child. 
  • You are the center of the Universe. 
  • If a person is smiling, he cannot be angry or 'bad'. 
  • A man of God can always be trusted. 
  • Anything in hard copy has a letter-head/logo is genuine, & is official. 
  • They who are not with us are against us. 
  • If you love God you have to tithe till it hurts, even at the expense of your family's/dependents' well being. God's love cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Your sacrifice, tho not needed by God, will yet be greatly rewarded. 
  • If I ask people about anything I do not know, I am stupid. 
  • A person with a degree and letters after his name is intelligent & to be trusted. 
  • When an old man, especially a non-Caucasian, un-wealthy- looking &Asian, speaks to a stranger young lady, (the subject is not relevant) he never has honorable intentions. 
  • An old person is trust-worthy and will never cheat or try to get inside your panties. 
  • Young people know nothing about life or sex or anything important. 
  • When there is a sale the prices are always cheaper then when none. 
  • If you own hi-tech gadgets like the latest iPhone or iPad you are someone to admire. 
  • When a product is guaranteed for life it will always be replaced as long as you live. 
  • A person who uses public transport, cash not plastic, eats at stalls not restaurants, dresses in unbranded attire, is unimportant, a nonentity. 
  • Your enemies are God's enemies too. 
  • One who drives an expensive car, is rich & famous; fucking with the guy is safe. The risk of catching STD/HIV is zero. 
  • Smoking is cool, matured, attractive to the opposite sex & indicates a seasoned international jet-setter. 
  • A person who speaks a foreign language or with a foreign accent is a super star. 
  • Those who do not subscribe to your views, are wrong, must be despised & isolated. 
  • One who dresses like a tourist is a tourist. 
  • Titled people are definitely trustworthy, principled and highly educated, and will not try to get inside your pants. 
  • Highly educated people seldom commit criminal acts. 
  • What is on the news, TV and Internet about current events are true and factual. 
  • Justice is never politically influenced or controlled. 
  • The ruling government of a democratic country always has the peoples' welfare foremost. 
  • Communism is BAD and it's leaders are Evil. 
  • Money can't buy love. 
  • To be Successful is to own an expensive car, a huge house, exotic pedigreed pets, has membership of an exclusive club, yacht, & a foreigner as spouse, plus many Facebook friends. 
  • You can trust your spouse in all things. 
  • You can trust your friendly neighborhood police man to watch out for your neighborhood's safety & security. 
  • You can trust your Boss or supervisor in all things related to your job, your career advancements and your assured employability. 
  • Western Democracies are successful political structures. 
  • Anyone who is good looking, can karaoke, & dresses cool is a good person. 
  • A person who looks like a man is one. 
  • A person who looks like a woman is one. 
  • Sex is the least of people's intentions & when someone picks you up, it's due to your interesting personality. 
  • Your child is your biological offspring. 
  • You catch cold because of getting drenched in the rain. 
  • Love is never having to say you are sorry. 
  • Love can overcome all hardships. 
  • If some one says he loves you, it's ok to fuck with him. 
  • Going to Sunday services in Church is enough to become a good person. 
  • There is no need be courteous, especially to migrants, old people or nonentities. 
  • A person who has a badge, & wears a uniform is authorized to do what he/she wants to do with you. 
  • Eating sweets & candy will definitely spoil your teeth & health. 
  • Going to far away places as a tourist improves your appreciation, knowledge & understanding of other cultures. 
  • Mosquitoes spread AIDs. 
  • Budget Airlines are concerned with saving money for you. 
  • Patriotism is instilled by (Compulsory) National Service. 
  • Patriotism is cheering the national football team hysterically & getting stoned (especially) at the all night Bar during the World Cup. 
  • If a stranger, especially if male, smiles at your young child, he IS a Pedophile. 
  • Those on Death Row are guilty beyond reasonable doubt & deserve their sentence. 
  • No one is above the Law. 
  • Corruption of any public officials, can be eliminated with lucrative remuneration. 
  • What you get is what you pay for. 
  • Good stuff is always highly priced. 
  • Cheap stuff can never be worthwhile. 
  • Highly salaried people are highly motivated & usually super-achievers . 
  • Everyone is equal in the "Eyes of the Law" 
  • Money can buy anything. 
  • To be respected you must have power, money and good looks plus an expensive foreign car, & your spouse is a foreigner preferably Caucasian. 
  • Talk is cheap. 
  • Frequent masturbation leads to blindness, ED, sexual problems, & makes one a gay, or a lesbian. 
  • You definitely don't need anyone when you are sick or in trouble as long as you believe in God. 
  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 
  • Silence is consent. 
  • If a man opens the door for you & behaves generally like a gentleman, he IS one. 
  • It is pointless & totally unnecessary to do anything other than to benefit self. 
  • If you repent all the evil you (deliberately) did while young God will forgive & take you back. 
  • It is praising God when someone says Praise The Lord or Amen. 
  • West is best. 
  • Admitting you are wrong is a sign of weakness. 
  • When a fellow colleague does well or achieves a feat at work, it is ok to be envious & bitchy. 
  • If a person is better off (financially) it is entirely ok to always allow him/her to pick up the tab. 
  • When a gadget or instrument is broken, it is better to discard it. 
  • The earth is to be saved for our future generations. 
  • Keeping the earth "Green" will save it for future generations. 
  • What looks dirty & unpalatable is usually 'bad'. 
  • If some one says he loves you, he is not lying & it's ok to fuck with him. 
  • What appears 'wholesome', "nicely packaged' & smells 'great' is always Good. 
  • God loves you. 
  • You are most important to Him. 
  • If God is with you no harm will ever come to you. 
  • Free will is a gift from God. Thus you are free to do anything you please. 
  • You can trust the labels on the stuff you buy. 
  • It is safe to place your money in Banks. 
  • Investing in the Share market is trendy & assured to bring you good returns. 
  • You can rely on your Insurance agent to be concerned with your welfare. 
  • Your share market remisier has the welfare of your portfolio in mind. 
  • Money can never become "useless". 
  • Anything that goes up will surely come down again, including inflation. 
  • You will never grow old, unimportant or irrelevant. 
  • If a person is a foreigner or if he speaks with a foreign accent & is white, he is a good person & can be trusted. 
  • Someone not of your faith or religious conviction IS an INFIDEL. 
  • God has no favorite race/nation. 
  • List will be periodically updated.... 

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