Wednesday, January 17, 2018

LIFE is about these...


     What good are you, as a "MAN" when you don’t drink, womanize or gamble ? 

Such a mock" was thrown at a   seeming sissified version of a Chinaman when he originally got friendly with a group of ‘pals’ who practice a way of life deemed by many Chinamen to reflect the manly lifestyle of person worthy of his "hood": Manhood i.e.

     Chinese especially (though many other ethnicities too) tend to gauge their manliness & worth via such worthless criterion, as rite of passage to attaining inclusion; i.e.“be  counted”  in man societies; communities; even in this here & now contemporary age; when Man supposedly could reach the Stars.
And it involves rituals, habits that honestly demonstrate immaturity in more ways than admirable Intellectualism & displays zero "manly" prowess per se.
 Rather correctly Man do  not need to be anything more or less than to just be a huMAN. 

  Who though is interested in such mundane boring non-heroics that go against the likes of greats who line the halls of fame as renowned »˘•˘» 
    «««trail blazers

              «««King$ øƒ GAMbler$

of our world?

  <> Why does any man need to indulge in alcohol till he completely becomes foggy in the mind to ultimately end as a ‘life’ member of AA (if any life’s left) so to emphasize he is a ‘man’?

   A myth & often a standard exaggeratedly set by hawkers & purveyors of alcoholics! 
Where else would one even need to go further than plain & simple ‘self-profit’ to arrive at that conclusion?
   And over the passing of time, the practice becomes set as a measure of one’s Manhood, long after the ‘promotors’  gleefully banked in their heady gains

<«{˘|°}»> whilst the original intent of making free & easy profits is still valid as a cheap trick for challenging immature Man to part with their senses; & becomes buried in murky history & lost; --- the practice of bashing oneself into alcoholic stupor is MANtained as a standard for 'Man' to achieved.  

    When one is offered told a promotional is “being good for one” most oftentimes, it is “better, much, for the promoter”
      Hence asking the head-waiter for his recommendation$ of dinnr banqut mnu oftentimes it's akin to surrendering one’s "lamb" into the greasy hands/jaws of a greed-filled crocodile |||||
     or walking right into the parlor of a salivating spider drooling at a naive tasty fly||||

And one can be certain the most ‘lucrative’ dishes  as suggested for one's banquet is of much more dlight$ to the restaurant than to one's burping/belching gastronomical experience 
with  BITTER after-taste of bellyaches in the pocket-book.

Talk about Simple Simon meeting the nø† so simplé pieman.
Gambling is a trait evidently involving monetary exchanges & it when done on a daily basis --  'satisfies' the primordial competitiveness of the primitive 'beast' lurking in CHINA"man -{oftentimes/evidently}

To outdo',  
      "to beat' the other guy, 
        "to assure self
          as having "won' the day,
           ‘‘aced the "game'      {life often is viewed as that — a "game"}

   This very real urge drives many, unaware of its subtle workings inside the deepest psycho-crevices of the remnant beastliness from which most Man never out-grew. 

   Thus which better civilized & accepted way 
to win"
    'to overcome"
      to beat the other into submission"
            'to defeat" 

some other -whoever; than on the gaming or gambling table?
Since most certainly, laws in almost all civil societies forbid open killing or doing someone in,  
 just to winthe day.

   Gambling provides many that sense of fulfillment; necessary to get a high dose of needed daily ‘manliness’.

What a joke man has turn out to be - what depths he descends to -
 so to attain  'heights' of ‘revelry’ & to reinforce his  sense of self worth.
    <°> Womanizing  is essentially a trait most potent in any man’s considerations as ----
 THE measure of manhood, a quality most sought after,  most hungered for. 
More than food or even drinks.

   A man is despised specifically when unsuccessful in that department of amore💙

            ---- a wimp ---- 

 one who is not able to twirl around his thumb the 
💖 trembling hearts, 
      💓 quivering longings, 
         💖 swooning cravings,
of womén;  most times is DISregarded as A creature not worth even spent salt of the earth.
<<|To be able to elicit a woman’s longing sighs, when thoughts of anticipated secret pleasures, elicit swooning mourns as thoughts of him arise,|»»  

 is a much admired sKILL/ability many a man would give a fortune & sacrifice all self respect for.
   The dung-heap of human discard$ is littered, filled with carcasses of such woefully inclined aspirants                        «««»»»to the title of MAN «««»»».

 Wonder where intelligence, good sense went when there is seemingly little  gains in terms of uplifting of anything, except perhaps a temporary & very transient after-glow wisp of remnant recalled potency is ever garnered.
  But we all would DIE miserably too, to so be distinguished.
     So now that 
••little GRAINS of Sand & ••tiny drops of sperms oooooops WATER 
made the                      <>MIGHTY oceans of our desires REAL, & 
<>the MIGHTY land in which 
 our urges yet roam in hungry lustfullness;  
  what else does one, who aspires to make a hero”;  
seek that would raise one’s standard of having 
been there(where, actually?) 
done that(what,actually?)

 These values that Man acquired & which society has subtly  imposed as critical criteria to distinguish a  MAN/LION from a wimp\mouse would actually be promoted by none other than cleverer selfserving, self-profiting men, in for “the root of all ambitions”
            ««M O N € ¥»» 

these had gotten all man to engaged in that pursuit —— of attaining the pinnacle of ‘nothing’.
Which in actual fact might represent modern day society all over this earth where values  

   ^|^    far too puerile,
      ˘|˘    far too worth naught,
            ^|˘   far too promoted for naught,
are embedded in most 'man's psyche.

Is life to be  thus considered as it seemingly is, then; 
worth nothing more ""great"" than it truly is or can be ----- 


with concerns only
   @The Bottle «»
        - The Bed  «»
         -  The Bet    «»

 How did such mind-set, gets set ?

Look no further ——— profits, monetary gains & all else of material world “value”.
                          Of course the fact of humans being born with competitiveness in ALL & EVERY useless endeavor ever stumbled upon is not entirely blameless. 

To want to excel for no other reason than to be on top of the dung heap of worthless pursuits.

What else is new?

What else is of worth?

What else is of value?

What else is noble?
Than to “WIN” at all costs?

But ñøñé ever ask 







$împlé $îmøñé
instigated by
$îQmåñ Fråü∂ 


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Enter at own Risk..

   Dog trainers assert that it is not difficult to train an 
"attack" dog, from any dog of suitable size.
As the dog’s basic instinct is to "attack" "savage" anything that it perceives as “alien" how difficult can it be, then, to “instruct” “encourage” an animal to do what it does naturally?
   However it is very difficult if not an uphill task, to train a dog to respond to “abort” or to “stop” when it “attacks” i.e. does what comes naturally.
 Or to NOT ATTACK at all when it’s every instinct is to..?

Training any animal to do something that is basically against its nature is almost always tougher, if not impossible.
   Man basically is an animal in a very empirical sense. And highly individualistic as well as intelligent, with his own personal preferences, inclinations and indiscipline
  All attributes that complicate the issue of asserting compliance & control over him.
   Self control is a force that is hard to master. An animal or creature generally has very little self control when placed in situations that tempt it to satiate its very basic (and usually irresistible) urges. 

<•> A fish placed in front of a cat. 
<•> A juicy bone in front of a dog. 
<•> A wolf in close quarters with a rabbit.
   In Man however, reverse psychology works better; most times. 

     Try telling a teen to not peek into a book for instance, with an added warning that it’ll be dangerous for him. He most definitely will do that the next available instance.
Tell him its better to ride his bike slowly as its dangerous otherwise and the next moment he’ll tear down the streets.
That is a child’s sense of responding to challenges as well as curiosity and the added thrill of  the danger-seeking self-destruct nature inborn in man. 

      Now if a layperson can surmise such basic psychology how come Adam  was “warned” to not eat of a fruit in the Garden? To stay away from a particular fruit with the added warning of risk and increased thrill factor of doing great harm to himself if he disobeys?
   Some ONE must have miscalculated Adam’s compliance quotient? Or was Adam's natural  response expected & meant to be so?
Of course Creation & the Tales of ADAM/EVE & the Garden of Eden with THAT tree of Knowledge was crafted for the illustrative rendering of a much more complex mystery of how Man came about. In a nutshell a simplified edition for the consumption of common man & woman most of whom are not really bothered either way -- whether it was an apple tree or even if that tale was Gospel truth  ... as told.

Base on the assumption that the Creation was as told in Genesis ---
after the First ever Act of disobedience or assertion of Ego or whatever it is called, was committed, by Man's foreDaddy ADAM; we hear of :

***Joseph happily taking Mary to be his lawful wife even though she was pregnant with an illegitimate child in that day and age when such an act would bring tumultuous calamity on the house from which Joseph descended.
***Mary happily agreeing, unquestioningly to become “with child” when asked to be impregnated. Who in her right mind, (an unliberated mind of long ago ages at that), would agree unquestioningly to such a preposterous suggestion? Even if she’s only to be “covered” by the HOLY Spirit, would anyone in those days when the level of prudity far exceeded even Elizabethan norms, allow herself to be “done to”?

Some describes these acts of ready acquiescence as ‘amazing’ and points to the level of faith in God that Joseph and Mary must have had.
They both must have had frequent contacts with angels to find it not unusual meeting with and agreeing to such preposterous requests.
Then of course other tales suggest complete reliance and compliance with God’s subsequent orders, 
un-befitting their high level of preposterousness and ridiculous zero logic.    
***Abraham after begetting Isaac, in his extreme old age, agreeing readily to slit his throat on God’s order.
***Noah risking public contempt and mockery by consenting to building an ark on dry land with no sign of rain or floods and with the added risk of filling it with wild, poisonous, deadly, creatures. 

***Moses believing he could challenge the might of the Pharaoh and even possesses power over the seas with his rod and stave. 

    Thus looking at the Creation and the fall of Adam we can say that Man failed the very first test, miserably.
    And subsequently man (and woman passed) every other tests, believing & placing entire faith on religious theology that defies almost every human logic, despite & regardless of their incredulousness, preposterousness, illogic.
   Yet we find it goes so against our nature, so hard to even believe in good old Santa Clause.
Human beings can be construed to be unfathomable in it’s respond to a pitch .. 
be that 
a sales pitch, 
       a religious pitch 
            or a plain CON pitch as long as certain criteria are satisfactorily provided.
It is not too preposterous to surmise some Man would believe in anything if that promise contain factors that satisfy his basic beastly urges  & primal needs, &  especially if it bolsters/boosts his defective ego.

The FLAT-Earth adherents only recently done their last round of deregistration exercise.

$îqmåññ Fråü∂

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Widow, Widow, Burning Bright --

          Contrary to popular belief;  the poverty stricken just widowed woman throwing herself on the funeral pyre charring her dead husband’s copse, does it; more out of avoiding a life of sexual slavery; as an object of communal lust; than out of romanticism & idealism of LOVE, et al.
  In a world where true human values exist close to the Divine’s, then would desperation like these not enact.

 That world is attainable, when the distance lengthens   unbridgeably between
««««Man’s [unreal] self-imposed perception
∞•∞divinity (* made in HIS image)
∞•∞greatness, uniqueness, special-select exclusivity
∞•∞ (*each can realize his FULL potential)
∞•∞ (* be what you put your mind to)
∞•∞ (*though many, each was ‘created’ unique)
                         »»»» & ««««
the “divine” that’s embedded in each of us, [dormant] takes over complete control, subduing the afore mentioned bloated human-ness..
when wisdom, gets the better, upper hand»»»»

when prudence becomes like breathing

    when unneeded preening self pride is gone  hand in glove with unneeded strive to excel for excel’s sakes.
What drives many man to try scale heights of such grand delusionals to seek turning mundane ‘thrills spills’ & apparent ‘wasteful purposelessness” into blown out of proportion sense of self overworth?
- One’s innate unbalanced sense of necessity to be more than one’s actual real true purpose, intent, goals….
as a plain creature made like any other just as worthy or unworthy abundant “life”
caterpillars; monkeys; worms; bed bugs; camels; dung beetles; slugs; bullfrogs; rhinoceros; catfish; hornbills; hedgehogs; pack.rats; buffaloes; contractors; property tycoons; POTUS; eunuchs;flies;vermins;honey bees; lice; bankers; sharks; baker’s dozen; police; Talibans; Spiders; secret agents; queens; tourists;
& so on & etc & so on & so on & etc
cos many the gratifications realizable which drive one
nuts & screwloose & bazoobananass to go get one’s worth of sensually gratifying life enhancing FeelsoooGood highs…
Hoi you live only once; you wanna go out in a flash of nuclear binding POWER
with nary a whimper?
Man will fall; faced
|challenged by  such comatose inducing rhetorical dilemmas ;
becoming victims, lured; hooked; netted — the prey of this world.
Trying to
NOT be a victim of this world often makes one take desperate measures - like the widow’s — even worse..
**desperate measures
          become disastrous** ..
There seemingly is no answer
There iS..
it lies in the god good part of self...
that part which was in each one pre |post Adam/Eve — impervious to the blinding glare of the inviting thrilling spills ——
It is tuff , of course,
      not to be made

              R ü $



SîQmåññ Fråü∂

Thursday, December 28, 2017

New World disORDER

A friend on receiving a readily available Christmas e-card {easily available on the WWW}
made this very prudent comment & appeal to all others 'sending' such "happy cards" 
*°"Please make some personal efforts to make another person’s day better or brighter by sending personal messages, during festive occasions ; [even if these are plain text];
- instead of 'copy paste' nice-looking, cleverly worded & prettily decorated greetings & well wishes
~ and  likely get oneself taken for a looooooong ride by “clever” nasties who might capitalize on one’s inborn inertia to be jabba the Hutt …MALEWARE & OTHER IDENTITY THEFT TRAP
An anatomy lecturer {may his soul rest in formalin ooops) peace,  used to say ....
given a choice -human beings will by nature sit ~ unmoving : opening mouth only
to feed, or shout to the underpaid/forced labor; for sustenance & every other sensual needs - the list of which will never get anywhere but longer & more exotic ….
This evolved specimen, envisioned by my anatomy professor was (?) satirized in the Star Wars character JABBA the HUTT which name if spoken by a lisping child might indicate a JABBering creature whose other attributes is a HUGE mouth and a very broad Huge butt (?HUTT) which ensures stability.
Hutt has two vestigial stumps resembling the upper appendages of a human, a wide, huge mouth from which will dart a long tongue to snag prey/food that ventures too close.
Well if all man takes the easy route of copy paste; in every & all activities
- due to innate inertia plus a fatally erroneous presumption that doing nothing remotely construed as work — signifies a life of ease, of leisure: hence ..a life when one has attained THE PINNACLE of what life has to offer
««««»»»» $ü¢¢€$$ ««««»»»»
thus to the commoner, ones who never has a day off —— all these signify a lifestyle rather frantically sought after

It is beginning to appear that when
•work •effort
•sweat •toil •labor •commitment •dedication
have all been relegated to the ranks of
Urrrgggghhhhh [BAD words]
<•Detestables ««
»» Abhorations•>
<•Abominables ««

°play °entertainment °glamorized pastime °Self indulgen†°POSH life
is the ambition almost everyman envision 

as life’s ultimate goal
LIFE lived ‘doing’ nothing
even if life depended on ‘doing’it
It is a sure thing;
JABBA the HUTT would come a’butting’in
as preconfigured human beings of the

 Scarey “new” World ..

everyOne alive. then would be
taking up the space, 
soaking in the goodness
in this once beautiful place called
H O † ME
doing nothing else
 bu†† jabbering
JABBa the Hü††

- instead of 'copy nice-looking, cleverly worded & prettily decorated greetin

JéåLøü$ $éîzü®é

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Take advantage of having been taken advantage of..

claim to gain

>>>>CLAIM TO GAIN <<<<
    The trending “Word” that  describes
“conferred-childhood-badge-of- Courage - Damage"  predominantly in the Western Democracy, particularly in the fairy-tale land of unREAL
H O LL Y wood
 appears to harp on rape &/or other related “acts, ideas” “(ideals?)” where anyone who is or wants to be somebody has to show this badge of having been COMPROmiced compromised.
by a sex-tuned predator in the early {roll in the hay} days when the predator was as unknown as the predatee {payer - payee}
Now that the 'older’ predator has somehow achieved acclaimed status as a household name of SuckCess, representing EVERYthing many Americans would die for:
which contrary to commonly held ideals of a shining America;  gleaming  from sea to shining sea
don't include;
     Nor Refuge for the Broken
                      or the Tired
                            Definitely nO† an arbor for the persecuted

  marginalized or the oppressed.
NOT in almost every sense what the great  CONSTitution of the US of AMerica so proudfully proclaim.
None of the flaunted idealized GOD-like traits Unattainable by human beings of every ethnicity
 not limited to only AMericans but include  

all HOMO Sapiens 

Indians: Bhutanese: Australians: Nigerians: Chzechoslovakians: British : New Zealanders: Vietnamese : Congolese: Manchurians : Koreans : name the ethnicity & its included since all life is infected with that "spiritual DNA of fail"

Traits like::::

The now aged “predatee” being still an unknown, after sooo long of time passing him by, wakes up & realizes the potential, a kinda end of the rainbow 'glow' - from an imagined potful of GOLD - waiting to be capitalized on..
and into this WORLD is born oooops spawned an “Opportunist” who’ll take advantage to enhance SELF regardless of what harm or damage that’ll do to the US & the rest of the world as well as if he is really suitable for the post..
   The POTUS which chair is being filled now by  hot-aired Trumpet Blowing D0nald McD0nald & the rest of the aptly named  gang of clowns is heading where it can’t help itself from heading
       a FALL (not Autumn) neither would the goelocation  be
very far removed from the outhouse specifically it's foul stench

So fallow  AMeRICANs
Have a “gala time” anyhow. It is after all the Land of Plenty..
The past list of Favourite villains :
*Adolf Hitler & Nazism
*Chairman Mao & Communism 
*G.W. BUSH & hunter of Axis of

*Hugo Chavez & Marxism
*All other Villains who ever stood against the U S of America
& other just as despicable villains, with their equally as weird  ideas & “isms” and behavioral Malfeasance :  a huge diverse plethora — all American defined - all  specially sprinkled with assorted “nuts, lose “screws” as also ”raving lunatics” not crazy enuff yet to need isolation or Institutional incarceration. 

(Is not the Presidency of the US an INSTITUTION?)

The “weird” which would dilute Quality of LIFE as well as bring almost everything to a BaaaD “START” probably leading to the “END" : shares that same mindset as these who must flaunt their childhood history - that “somewhere in their youth or childhood“ they been subjected to sexual impropriety.
  Like if one didn’t get touched inappropriately or was not sexually done to with or without one's complete participation/enjoyment — one cannot be worthy enough to be on anyone worthy’s dinner invite list.
 One becomes then relegated & branded as:

 A “pariah” -
    A “nonenity”
      An “Unknown”
         A Ne'erDoWell

no chance to be a SUCCessful person. In this the UNreal land of Make belief  
         H O LL Y wood... 
THAT is a fate slightly less welcome than terminal illness 
or perpetual poverty 
or being an unknown

To claim having been molested as a child is great bragging rights;
a badge; 

a battle scar of distinction — an honor.

Sometime ago being gay had that same extinction distinction.
Now perhaps the reason or how come Americans - particularly, the present POTUS, & his Team or Crew or Gang are such “characters” is becoming apparent.

The “Good” part is “if an unpolished contractor/builder/property developer could end up POTUS shows opportunities are LIMITless in the Land of the Free & home of the Brave?”
[what’s “Free” 

who’s “Brave”]?

Be Afraid
Be very Afraid ~~~ When the separation between well balanced leaders of State

deranged fringed 
megalomaniacs becomes blurry

$îQmåññ Fraüd


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Askew values of the Now GENeration

If one lives here




or here


or with characters like such; here


even in a crack

But one get around with wheels like such                                         

maybe even such

one certainly  is a $UCCE$$

ñøñé cars oooops cares
    about the DUMP one sleeps in

   everyone cars oooops care$ 
    about the wheels 
              one ROLL$ in...

Thursday, November 23, 2017

PERFECT not incompatible with Imperfect

That a perfect PERSONA cannot create an imperfect or failed creature is incorrectly surmised.

It again is an arrogance-laden claim that since God (Perfect) gave origin to us Man, that presumption is absolute & correct, that we Man were made Perfect; as any PERFECT originator would not be able to craft imperfect derivatives.

No further from the Truth can one be, if that is accepted as correct

~~~A creature made by a PERFECT originator, the Creator, still fails, due to it's own inherent imperfection, even though it was made by a PERFECT persona, it was ‘an image’, ‘a reflection’ of the PERFECT;

It never was THE perfect ORIGINATOR himself only
"an image" 
AND that crafted creature formed by the PERFECT persona was allowed to decide with no authoritarian dictatorial sanctions what it wants to actuate - it was allowed an unfettered "free" will.
  "Free will" gives it, allows the created being a choice - to go wrong; to strictly stay right;
When it allows itself to pander to its urges & instincts; which were inherently NOT filtered out or deactivated from its formational mix
[batter - as in cake making] 
the creature could go Left or South, not necessarily Correct/Right. [by GOD’s terms].

The DIVINE ~ a supernatural persona, is NOT at all the same nor at all similar to the creatures HE created ~ which are 'of nature'
   - the VAS† difference           between the DIVINE           Creator &                 createes is the Superiorly different and FAR removal in every noble, god-pure concept, anyone human is able to perceive.

Hence if earth and the entire universe as far as can be sensed by Man is “NATURE” :by that same criterion: the DIVINE is SUPERnature
- above, beyond, on a completely superior level to Nature --- & Man.
not of it,
nor in it
not part of

He who presumes on a scientifically Quarke
(Turkey? Thanksgiving?) theory for Man’s origin -unrelated, unlinked to  DIVINE initiation; maintaining that scientific quarkiness being Correct and Absolute: which theory is as quirky and as unprovable as religious theologies : need no further follow this post..

Do not waste your time which could be better engaged in scientific research & ruminative run arounds; arriving at “nothing”

Religious ruminative meditations & Theological run arounds tragically also derive & dump one at a similar “Nothing”

Science by all Simple Simonic logic; being of & from Nature would basically be from the same DIVINE's initiation.

The entire UNIVERSE as far as any human eyes or science derived visuals can see is from the divine source -GOD-
how then is science not from a Divine originator?

Smells of Man-Arrogance 

Given the intellectual capabilities of a created creature being infinitesimally dismal held against the INFINITE of the DIVINE;

it is adviseably safer for one’s entire welfare, peace of mind & sanity of disposition; to accept one’s inadequacy to ever at all fathom what one has no inherent ability to perceive - with completeness; anytime at all;
but with the hopeful humility that the entire necessary TRUTH will be made known when the opportune moment is nigh.

~~~ and the many multiple numbers of countless created folks, who had gone before;
plus the choirs of heavenly angels,
knøw for a fact
That opportune moment
is going
  to be
    N i G H ---
      after the
        Hé ® é
           N ø w 

$împlé $îmøñé
circa 00o0