The distinctive difference between one who fully trusts in Religion & all it's claims about god; and one who fully Trusts ONLY in God, with a cynical askance eye & ear to Religion; is the divine gift/burden of Discernment.
There is no denying the supremacy and authenticity of the Maker.
Any one with the humility to acknowledge Man's utter non-superiority & zero power
in as far as recreating a semblance of even the simplest single cell plankton or microbe is concerned would realize the sheer immensity of the Universe's creation with its UNIQUE GOD signature - and would know the making of spontaneous LIFE is an Undoable FEAT - especially with Man's self assumed superior insufficient intellectual and other talents - it JUST cannot be humanly done!
Thus despite many renowned scientific claims of break through technologies and other seemingly super human near god attainments NOT a teeny weeny beety Sh°°†¥
'ø' of LIFE has any Human ever been able to CREATE!
Other than the illegitimate 'results' of infamously random hedonistic reproductive couplings which obvious even to imbeciles cannot be counted as CREATING 'life'
through all these millenniums NOT ONE scientific endeavor has produced LIFE!
Should scientific enterprise be given an eternity of time, it still is a given that Man would NOT be able to achieve THAT.
Thus if one clamors for scientifically quantifiable laboratory proof of God, in all reality one is blindly looking from the dark shadows of misplaced Ego.
In society the ideals of the Maker, His almightiness, Holiness, Agape & other man-determined divine attributes have been "garnered for private benefits"
Does anyone really know what attributes GOD possess, other than the qualities Man has conjectured as His ?
This tussle having morphed into a spinning game assumes a 'genius' in the Almighty DIVINE being harnessed to derive benefits - & almost everywhere, in more ways than mere men can discern, God is exploited as a source of revenue. And - RELIGION - which purportedly evangelizes Him, & rightly should be a venue for the honoring of HIM become the foremost device for milking others via the persona, GOD
That power most UNDENIABLE by humans - god - is manipulated & employed for very mundane human ends.
Though woven into that fabric of earthy cheap self serving intents, are countless excellent threads of personal human sacrifices that admirably, truly propagate & reinforce godly ideals with total subservience to His Will, via good works to others, via charitable & unquantifiable initiatives solely for HIS glory, these sacrifices by men & women of God, get high-lighted, show-cased as THE agenda of RELIGION - as the path it should (but do not) closely walk with Him, manipulated & turned to further authenticate the deviousness, and evil of some religious groups very human agenda.
Through eliciting & reinforcing a guilt ridden mind-set among those who are unable to discern between truth and manipulative spin, many who truly want to be with & in God are imprisoned, caught in an ever downward spiral, which compounded by an unquestioning simple-faithfulness, get chained to a romanticized idea of a god they needed for security, protection & consolation in a hostile, unfriendly world. A world filled by these self same vicious humans serving a very human organization purportedly serving Him.
Benefits in units of pecuniary values are mainly to the credit of Religion & examining this heavily misted & fogged-up balance sheet of Religion's undertakings :) held up as resources to propagate a romanticized God, one would be sure to glimpse god's complete absence.
God, be He of Abraham or Mohammed, does not at all reside & assuredly do not condone the numerous timeless acts of aggrandization, material-wise, as well in all other benefits to Religion. These gains if at all fittingly should be directed NOT Religion-wards but man-ward for God's glory.
While acknowledging the many recognized great works done & the countless unimaginable personal sacrifices endured by the many greats of Religion, should even a single inkling of misdirected intent for self or institutional gain be conceived
& successfully transacted, the entire soup of religion's Right-set-ness is contaminated, it's thrust for the DIVINE's diluted beyond acceptance, credence. FAILED..
Did He not so say through prophets
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world"
Thus very clear cut and precise; there is only one way to do right by Him. Anything else that especially mixes good with evil, Truth with half truths, nice feelings from deeds of real good personal sacrifices to justify human greed; would NOT be accepted.
If one has yet to awaken from that stupor of basking in the feel good about one's missionary zeal, (& the accompanying warmth of good works truthfully done for only Him) plus the self congratulatory back slapping from so called "chosen" priests of His, who unknowingly draw believers into a deep well filled with pseudo truths, poisoned with conceit, deceit; one would do well very urgently to acquire the ability to discern between what is TRUTH, what is religion's hype and what is a mix of deceptive half truths and Absolute spiritual truths!
The devil is a Sifu skilled in deception.
AND the DEVIL is MAN, cloaked in many guises not least the 'Cloth' of God's 'chosen'.