Almost to a “T” every ethnic group,
dislikes if not hates & wants to "take out" [not "take away" as in McD] every other ethnic groups. Very little spontaneous sense of belonging to a common human tribe nor of sharing a common human destiny; is either encouraged or promoted as a norm.
Strive, animosity, antagonism, each with the other is
THE norm
This is that fail in the make-up of Man
[The Maker is NOT involved in this failed feature of Man]
From before the first World War there has been birthed all kinds of competitiveness, horned to perfection; for the expressed intent of expressing dislike & perpetrating extreme prejudice by each ethnic group - one against the other.
Despite the League of Nations: from the ashes of WWI
To the United Nations, from the ruins of WWII..
& despite the innumerable mutual benefits, cooperatives, aid organizations, brought together by ambitious, men with noble® intentions to achieve & attain Harmony of some semblance ....
Peace still Elude
Until & unless every ethnic group; look, behave, & in all ways are like each other;
in odour, in color, in creed, in tastes preferences as also in every other unworthily trivial yet very earth shaking human preferences & biases
or Until all man have become equalized by having attained residency in heaven (whichever takes place first)
STRIVE, Competitiveness, Elimination & Exploitation
one against the other is
The only 'correct' way to go hence, to achieve a ‘tranquil’ less traumatized life, whilst here; is the adopting of a 'NO expectation' mindset that any idealized "heavenly" conditions is ever doable, viable or even temporarily enactable here in a failed system.
This here is no Elysium Field nor is it the
PERfec† Harmonious Permanancé
as many are wont to imagine.
This here is the temporary transient passage where the exploitation of slowER-witted yet “hungry” folks longing for a "better" living experience end up "baited, hooked, quartered & served up" as
for the generating of Commerce, the promoting of Enterprise, for filling to bursting the coffers of those better endowed to exploit.
{in reality no better has LIFE been known ever to deliver}
The question unasked; unanswered, cos it's a "given" taken for granted by the generally gullible public is
Who Unethically, Immorally, Intrudingly, Uncalled for Callously deprives the
••happiness ••wealth ••prosperity ••tranquility
of the exploitable, defenseless slightly less informed (blurrier) Communities even though these above states
of ••Life's.Goals
of ••PurposeFull Living
of ••Meaning
are delusional & transient & are least of concern in one journey Homeward.
This period of transience here need then be regarded as a process whereby potentially 'worthy' characters, who are all almost to a T possessed of slimey mud-like manimalistic Trump-like traits are transformed, made worthy by trials, tests; & through extreme emotive experiences; have their uncharitable self-caring-Xcesses, smack'd down; their delusional arrogance of permanence dislodge'd, and to them then is shown the confirmed precept that there is
{1 only} persona
who is addressed
and by numerous other honorifics denoting humble acknowledgement of
The hope salvageable in this rigmarolé is
which invariably, inescapably, †ermîNaté$
all human desires, kills every 'natural' urges, stop$ the €nterpri$ing €xploiter$ of feebler, blurrier men
-- as DEAD as sitting ducks would be - -
right there in
Life’s müddied water
What if Man were
- the blurrier less endowed victims of €xploiting Barbarian$ --
would be Victims
et infinitum ?
What if Barbarians;
tiring of exploiting
(really, they would be tired? of doing their evil?)
are yet compelled to keep €xploiting
et infinitum ?
Or till the cows come home & after crossing with the chickens sally forth again as ChickådyCows?
More proof
NåpÅløñé BørñÅpår†