Wednesday, February 20, 2019

WEAlth - PROSperity - LONGevity ?

By Traditional Chinese thinking -
«« a successful personality is one blessed with the most sought after qualities of »»





Yet with all these sterling, almost humanly impossible to acquire qualities;
 which would make any potential spouse
 "S W øø N"

and any Potential Mother in Law
"D R øø L"

LIFE would still be meaninglessly
if there is



INspiRED by: 
$îQmååñ Fråüd

Monday, January 28, 2019


     May •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• be the judge
 — what is uttered by man's mouth may not be true  

      •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì has given many of His creatures intelligence to distinguish the Pharisees & Sadducee & other fibbers/fabricators\ef'ers et al, from the ones who truly toiled in •His Vineyard for no other purpose or reason
than to do •His Will as they knew it to be.
      Speaking confessionally in such seemingly obedient, self-effacing tone,  indicates a believer contrite; seeking forgiveness, attempting to sanctify past misdeeds - committed whilst arrogant & young - fired then by nothing but *self SELF & SéLF * & again.$ELF

as youth-filled folks, ego'd with unbridled-power almost always do 
         None will know if •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì would forgive your transgressions
 »« some undeniably grievous,
 »« some grievously had denied many; opportunities to  live well: as equals.
      Man though are easily appeased ~
For man have little grasp of what 'evil' were hatched  by your conniving mind; then, 
as Head Honcho
 -«Eg0-full with smokey delusions of invincibility,
intoxicated by fearless dreams; visions 
of  immortality & vainglory-«
                 Thus your own intent, your own motives,  your own humility, your own contrition, your own repentance; remorse
                 »» are only your own «« 

•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• alone wouldst know the worth of your publicly uttered, muttered; contritious, remorseful, compunctious, confessions 
   ∞• Man with compassion might forgive •∞
                                                     •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• is not Man;
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• share not Man's values         
Man is Nå†üré
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• is SüpérNå†üré
   Being from "dir†", "dus†" "zér0" 
mere  ««creatéés»» here, by the Grace & magnanimi†y of •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•
one could hope, beg, beseech
, to know •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• fully.

Man need realize; ñøñé ever could.
  Hence, proper & right it is,
to  beg, beseech, implore, 
                                                         for mercy.

~yet •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• aloné decide~
Other creatéés, should rightly, respond

 ∞°∞May •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì• have mercy on an antiquated (93) creatéé's plea∞°∞
It never is too late to beg pardon from
 •Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•   ~~    
it is known 
•Allah/God\Siva/ShàngDì•    ~~     
is Compassion. 

UNLESS  one;      
            adamantly unrepentant
                            too late,
                       already dead.                       
Let it be as Thou Wilst

whispered to:
Jüdå$$ î$çå®ø†:

A Be††er Plåcé ...

Do you fellas over in deNñZå¢ have any other sources of information on topics like religious CONvictions, faith, beliefs, and such [wot] waste of time topics than YOUtube?

»»which as far as reliability, authenticity & factuality is concerned««
 •• is as genuine the real McOY as a basketful of smelly fish masquerading as "Parisian Perfume par excellence" -- the odour is there, though with a flavour that's  trying too hard. AND I note most of your referenced clips were from youTOOBE
You mean the government is filtering screening -- like in Orwell's 1948?
 •• with postings mostly up for enhancement, satiation of neglected egos; just cos it's there,
                              it's free, 
                      & since many have nothing better to do, having had empty stomachs, fed full,
 free time weighing heavily on their long day | night --- boredoom --- staring them down-
- with creative(?) juices spilling over, nowhere/no-one to create anything with. 
so POST on YOUtube  -   what's better?
    A guy asked, once; who to cast his vote for in the nation's  upcoming  General Election -- and of all resources -- ask of some silly pseudo-guru on YOuTUBE:
 a self styled Xpert; who could probably be the next guy to steal all his chickens AND eggs too [ both laid and as yet unlaid ] 
given that kind of TRUST, as indicated by the serious profound nature of the requested advice. 
This says aplenty how people of voting age are NOT able to decide the government of their choice, despite being adults of a certain presumed maturity.  
Who doesn't know, too, where to look for legitimate advice. 
Who probably would still need a wet nurse at their marital ceremony.
   What kind of thinking abilities has been developed in the     
   teens / youth of this generation if they -- 
                      full blooded, 
                      able to breed, 
                      to bear arms, 
                      to lay waste to another nation,     
                      to become leaders of other men/women, 
                      to do everything else a man/woman could do,
              for better; (likelier) for worse
BUT don’t know which party or who they should choose to form the next government of their nation state?
You could safely surmise the same scenario is played out over the entire face of this blob of earth, with intelligence imbued humans (or so going by the blue print) almost all, acting thinking, scheming, living, formenting, dying --- just as 
Cyndi Lauper correctly put it
 --- rather pop-musically

Why sø?
How come sø? 
• cos EVERYone just don't give a sh*t ?  
• life is not forever & seemingly the Divine's      
  presence is too subtly subdued ?  
• it’s been far tooooooo long ago since HIS    
  last Call?
• no one ever gave solid evidence otherwise of 
                   A Be††er Plåcé ?

The ones who seriously attempt saintliness, keeping to the straight and narrow, ensuring all's done correct & proper; may receive ‘gold’ 
when arrived at
     THAT though is up for debate. 
                 And a tale far too complex to even try begin.

instigated to:
$îQmåññ F®åüd
çîrçå 00o0

Sunday, January 6, 2019

All Aboard..Last Call


Approaching °Transit° years,
fond memories; of friends, of events;
of ones loved;
loved, still;
forged in
youth-filled days;
lost in misty prescience
full compacted with
joys in
"life" most deliriously sweet period,
often are the pillars shoring up
failing physique, decrepit functions,
and a host of irretrievable "sans"
As tonic, booster shots;
Cerebral power packs;
how they bolster resolve,
when in the approaching twilight
need step thru to the next level 
“Life’s” great sojourn.

With much difficulty resensoring that
when within
the Embrace
of the Eternal ONE..
Every & All good things come,
one was AGåPé loved.
Yea each {and all} need one another
need too
the BOND
transcends Time,
constricts isolating distance
infusés failing strength, 
stokes flagging confidence,
empowers quivering courage
 •reassures, soothes, confirms
all will be WéLL
once again, safe ensconced in
the warm enfoldment
|||||||| |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||
Rest in Peace 
Freely Soar 
in the
-:- ThereBefore -:-
here never is

Cøñ†®îvéd b¥ :
$îQmåññ F®åüd

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

To Sleep ° To Dream

Folks have too many ambitious goals unrealistically set; improperly put in place.
----There out there are “endless possibilities”----
(try recall whose quote?) just waiting for the harvester to reach out - pluck..
But a bird can only fly and a fish should be glad to be swimming well 
Due to unrealistic inputs from mostly
»» misdirected starry eyed parents ««
   deludedly seeing potential grandeur in their most mediocre kids & from 
glory-filled impressions plus other totally UNREAL make believe yet looking so real EXploits & CGIs on the NET; 
has some 'blur' parents thinking
«« if these [CGI imageries - where the] bird could swim better than a fish and the worm can snort fire dragon-like, and the chicken could drop-kick the lion and where a teeny weeny bed bug could turn an entire molehill into a looming mountain»»
& the message is plottedly hatched .. then imPRESSed to their less than common immature blur Kid 

-»»--You can BE anything,
                     Do anything, 
         if YOU 
        just put  YOUR MIND to it -««---

from that moment on disasters start to congeal, to coagulate
 -- end result -- 
read history books 
°°°° the many unending
mass killings 
blood letting  
other expressions of someones EXTREME angst against many other hapless someone else
Most the results of the inputs & misdirected deluded proddings of
 a ''mindless immature don't know any better simple kid'' 
who; if allowed to grow naturally, could have become a great goat herd, 
a very happy, successful dough nut maker 
or a satisfied postal clerk. 
or even as a mild mannered reporter at Metropolis'  Daily Planet..

BUT heck hey no, 
that has 
NEVER been -
Never is -
Never will be - how a child is left to find his own happy niche...
No no, not to discourage youth-filled vigour - 
  ˚˚˚Though to know & •accept• -human limits is the cardinal rule in all  human ventures or endeavours˚˚˚
There's only THAT much a human can stretch himself
That and to try; nobly, more worth-whiley; fathom the WILL of the “unknowable” God. 
(who btw is neither Christian nor Muslim nor of any religious affiliations - hoi! know better than put the cart before the horse)
Michael Jackson an example of a person living in unrealisticity and being unrealistic, manipulated by many unscrupulous humans whose usual (main) aim - self aggrandisement. A very gifted person bled dry, chewed and shredded to extinct oblivion..
No fan of MJ; but an outstanding analogy of the exploitative nature of most H.beings.
   The saga of many humans, neither famous nor rich - living untold, ignoramus lives, & dying just as untold ignoramus deaths  
— trying for nothing much nor expecting more than to sustain, continue more of the same 
              - cycle of mindlessness -
to perhaps improve on the intensity, 
the mediocrity, worthlessness of ideals 
& shallowness of goals.
Is this how humans with some Intellect conduct  draft the blue-print for the Race's ultimate destiny..?
Guess it appears to be so 
as since the last era 
«««« • »»»» eons back; till this present «««« • »»»»
  there has been no detectable change ; 
not in the pattern of misEncouragement, 
not in the message of  misMotivation 
nor in the intensity of  DELUdedness of Grand designs..
¿¿ Man must achieve Greatness or Die trying ??

C®åf†îly CøñCø®†éd 
$împlé $îmøñé

Sunday, October 7, 2018

RéTürñ †ø BåBéL

 On a warm Sunday afternoon 
the best thing  is to DREAM:

««The only EFFECTIVE way to achieve 
TOTAL harmony & COMPLETE peacefilled communities»»
is by
“ethnic effacement” 
    on a global scale 
                                –––– whereby all ––––
••••cultural affiliations: 
•••••national pride:
••••••Personal Ego:
•••••••trump snootiness: 
••••••••NAZIs blue eyed blondiness:
•••••••••Yellow hordes:
                    etc & et al:
are effaced & replaced with a bland colourlessness of Same.

And adding to that sameness - that bland  indistinction
everyone is able to understand what the other is about


$îQmåññ Fråüd