Thursday, December 29, 2011

The most fallible assumption..

      There is 'something' 'someone' 'force' 'intelligence' whom none of us living or dead, understands much about, though most know about, who (I believe) is "responsible" for all that we have here. One who probably 'made' (or was involved with) what we call life, our existence, the entire set up we know as the universe; One who decided the various parameters within which the physical world operates; the laws of the natural universe. 
Much as we would like to get a firm understanding on Him/Her/It, much as those who lived before tried to define, debate or provide evidence of this personality, no one has ever come near to doing that. 
This 'Divine' personality, has been attributed abilities we earthly beings do not have. He is able to perform (or unperformed) anything and everything. Nothing is impossible with Him, the rational being He made everything. Thus it is 'a given' that He possesses this ability, to do things which we are incapable of. He is beyond, not under the constraints of the Laws that govern all things, actions or inactions in the known universe.  He is the LAW - Judge DREDD :)
Though there is scant reasonable humanly derived, evidence of such a personality, apart from so-claimed HOLY BOOKS, we do have humans claiming appointment and given a contract to do the Will of Him.  People who are supposedly shepherds to the rest of us who have no direction, going around in circles. These Rev Fathers are supposedly to show us the way, (like the captains of maritime naval vessels of old to whom belonged the maps), that points toward the Divine One.

For any who believes in a Maker, a Creator, Originator, (call Him what you will), only the one known as Jesus Christ (even if he were not divine) has qualities and attributes that we can emulate to help us get closer to the TRUTH.
 No one here is establishing or denying the divinity of J.Christ. Just a persona who is worthwhile emulating for individual development and elevation of one's spiritual psyche, not unlike many, many other great humans of the Race of homosapiens.

However when we acknowledge there is a "Divine Maker of ALL things" the rest of our 'journey' through life, will follow with less 'difficulty'. It will become clearer what our direction, our purpose and our role would take.
We are all alone in the quest for Complete Comprehension. Though the world is so crowded with such great numbers of beings, no one has any added advantage over the other concerning the route to the Ultimate Understanding.  
We each have to make our own trip under little guidance. The exploits of explorers of the ancient world can be analogously referenced. 

However if anyone were to look to anyone to find 'direction' in the quest for the DIVINE ETERNAL MAKER G  O  D one cannot make a more mistaken, poorer choice than complete reliance on so-called people of the cloth' who supposedly had been 'called' to this role ... supposedly ordained divinely!!

We each have to 'independently' find our own spiritual compass, for it is an undeniable certainty, an unspoken truth, blind folks cannot find direction to a place they are not at all familiar with or has never been to before; and more so through directions from another just as blind. Thus the guide, from whom a blind seek help for directions to (even)the toilet , unless is half blind or legally blind yet can 'see', the hope of a successful arrival at the 'loo' is unlikely. 
To seek directions from one less blind, in what is so vital as one's 'future' destiny hereafter if not foolhardy is down-right foolish. 
The ability & intuitive gut feel to seek & move to the 'designated' path by following the legitimate unabridged, original certified 'guide' - & the traditionally romanticized guides or *shepherds (Glåm:)that is what most blind, 1/2 blind might find themselves going on a long ride by charismatic charlatans, charming smooth devotional 'EVILangelists, manipulative institutions & etc who are equally as blur to the "Desired Destination" but familiar with the route to their BANKS.
 most fallible assumption is that organized religions has the answer & is the guide to follow!

As for those who hold that "everything' happened without 'intervention" i.e. no "intelligence" especially not 'god' no one, no force, ZER0, nothing was involved, in that we called 'this' we have here on earth & all around, over under, this existence: are hanging on to an even more fallible, preposterously un-informed fashionable trend ego-based on arrogant illogical rejection of an unestablishable 'FACT' - 
just try make Sh*t without ever eating anything - you'll get a small idea :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


If we were made in His image:

The cities would be livable with only good people.

The globe would not warm. There would be no Inconvenient Truth nor Al Gore.

Everybody would have the other's welfare foremost. 
Prospering thy neighbor would be a reality, not some politician’s double gobblygook.

Profit at all costs, would be unheard of.
Manipulations, falsifications of accounts, insider trading, paper shredders…no one would have devised them.

Vanity, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Sloth…would not mar the horizon.

Neither would the Ozone layer thin.

Ever-bloating defense budgets, burgeoning welfare, healthcare costs, would not complicate drawing boards of governments.

Some one's death would not bring celebrations, with dancing in the streets of Times Square. Nor would countless perish and nations destroyed  because of someone's greed.

Physicians would definitely heal, not just themselves, or just the rich and famous, (or Insured) but everybody and anybody.

Charity, generosity, would be, charitable and generous, unblemished by pretentions, self-service, hidden agendas,  malevolent motives.  

Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence would be everyday, everywhere, anytime things.

The Truth would be…the Truth.

Legislations, Constitutions and other “Thou Shalt Not’s” would Not be necessary.

The aching for God, the craving for eternal comfort, the emptiness of the spirit would no longer gnaw at our hearts. 

Hearts would be filled to the brim and overflowing.

Love would really be blind, undistracted by the glitter from worthless whistles, banal bells, or succumbing to the smoke of transient sensual gratifications

All saints would not need to die before being canonized.

But the woman saw the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and desiring for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. When she shared some with her husband, a gloating sound, a sniggering from some dark forbidden place was heard; 

from then on, 

here we are,

in the ‘real’ world.

As true as Santa Claus...

This time of year many are reminded of Santa, Santa Claus I mean. And some no doubt would be aware of the fakery associated with the myth of St Nick.

Any rational right thinking person would acknowledge he is only a gimmick to promote commercialism and mass materialistic acquisition of things unnecessary, unimportant and usually irrelevant to our lives. A way to generate commerce and economic well being for everyone.

But we keep silent, in the night (Silent Night) and also through the Holy season. Perpetuating the Myth of a non-existing benevolent entity. For many reasons known only to ourselves, we do not speak out against the fraudulent perpetuation of this myth.

Perhaps its the joy and expectations we see in the eyes of the little kids around us, as they anticipate, with hope and wonder, his arrival, bearing gifts which they had wished and hoped for.

It is hard to break the little fella's heart. So we keep silent.

Now should the time come when your number is called; and in that moment you realized with absolute certainty, (unlike at this moment when you are full of doubt); that another Entity is just as non existent, then if you were a right thinking person; for the spiritual stability as well as the emotional welfare, the sanity and hope of your loved ones, I appeal to you to perpetuate that myth too. I appeal that you continue to let others believe in Him, which at the moment of your going, you'd know, He is just as non existent as Santa Clause!

For it is almost impossible for those left behind, to survive this life with sanity intact, without Him.

So, shout out loud with your last dying breath, like it were so true...!

“Jesus Lord, God, I see you. I am coming Home to You, Lord”!

Even though it might be the last lie you ever tell.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Most untrustworthy statements ....

*  "Come into my parlor and have a nice cuppa tea." the spider to the   

*  "You are in safe hands."  said the Surgeon.
*  "I uphold the Law & defend Truth & Justice."  the lawyer. 
*  "This college is set up for the expressed purpose of advancing   
     the frontiers of Science and the pursuit of knowledge." the 
     college recruitment officer.

*   "I give you good time, I'm HIV free." hooker at street corner.

*  "Your banking needs are never more safely and securely   
     handled than by my bank and its associates, we are not just about money." banker.

*  "Serving as altar boys is the most satisfying way to receive God's
     graces."  pedophiliac priest.

*  "A chance like this comes only once in a lifetime." the 
     investment salesman.

*  "Your parcel will be shipped to it's destination in good order,  
     within the shortest possible time." delivery service. 

*  "It's not going to hurt one bit."  the dentist.

*  "You will never get a better kept, more reliable car." the used car 

*  "One size fits all & all purchases are guaranteed for life."  said the   

*  "This product is certified  ISO 9001." online Viagra dealer.

*  "Satisfaction guaranteed."  again the online Viagra dealer.

*  "To serve and to protect."  policeman, with taser, looming   
    over you.

*  "Non-profit organization." CIA director.

*  "Without fear, or favor." Editor of most daily newspapers.

*  "No artificial or unapproved ingredients." said manufacturer of 
    Melamine-laced Milk products.

*  "FDA approved."  pusher of crack cocaine.

*  "Our loans carry low & negligible interests." loan shark.

*  "Sign here, it's for your own good." con artist. 

*   "I swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth & nothing but the 
     Truth" the accused embezzler of trust funds.

*  "I've never had sex in my entire live." the out of   

Educated for the lesser good

We see many young people with education, degrees, with letters behind their names. 
From great, world renowned, acclaimed universities and colleges ranked high in the stratosphere. 

Is our education system effective?

Are we at all sure our students were educated for the greater good?
Or did we only made people good only for themselves?
Did we produce people who could succeed and flourish, but deprive and impoverish the others?
Did we produce hordes of educated, highly intelligent people who could change the world but only for worse?
Did we impart  them the abilities to exploit all the earth's splendor yet not conserve any?

Did we teach them to acquire, to consume but not how to care ?

Did we teach them to use & to discard but not to share?

Did we teach them to succeed but not to help?

Did we teach them to think but not be considerate?

Did we teach them to aim high yet not forsake the lowly?

Did the system produce citizens who think only of oneself and not as one?

Did we teach them God but not awareness that His kingdom is for All?
Did we teach them in anyway that everyone has a share of this wonderful earth, that it belongs to all no matter how lowly their station, no matter how weak their forces, no matter how few their numbers and no matter how colored their skin?
Did we teach them none is higher than the other?

Did we teach them anything?