The cities would be livable with only good people.
The globe would not warm. There would be no Inconvenient Truth nor Al Gore.
Everybody would have the other's welfare foremost.
Prospering thy neighbor would be a reality, not some politician’s double gobblygook.
Profit at all costs, would be unheard of.
Manipulations, falsifications of accounts, insider trading, paper shredders…no one would have devised them.
Vanity, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Sloth…would not mar the horizon.
Neither would the Ozone layer thin.
Ever-bloating defense budgets, burgeoning welfare, healthcare costs, would not complicate drawing boards of governments.
Some one's death would not bring celebrations, with dancing in the streets of Times Square. Nor would countless perish and nations destroyed because of someone's greed.
Physicians would definitely heal, not just themselves, or just the rich and famous, (or Insured) but everybody and anybody.
Charity, generosity, would be, charitable and generous, unblemished by pretentions, self-service, hidden agendas, malevolent motives.
Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence would be everyday, everywhere, anytime things.
The Truth would be…the Truth.
Legislations, Constitutions and other “Thou Shalt Not’s” would Not be necessary.
The aching for God, the craving for eternal comfort, the emptiness of the spirit would no longer gnaw at our hearts.
Hearts would be filled to the brim and overflowing.
Love would really be blind, undistracted by the glitter from worthless whistles, banal bells, or succumbing to the smoke of transient sensual gratifications
All saints would not need to die before being canonized.
But the woman saw the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and desiring for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. When she shared some with her husband, a gloating sound, a sniggering from some dark forbidden place was heard;
from then on,
here we are,
in the ‘real’ world.
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