Sunday, December 11, 2011

Most untrustworthy statements ....

*  "Come into my parlor and have a nice cuppa tea." the spider to the   

*  "You are in safe hands."  said the Surgeon.
*  "I uphold the Law & defend Truth & Justice."  the lawyer. 
*  "This college is set up for the expressed purpose of advancing   
     the frontiers of Science and the pursuit of knowledge." the 
     college recruitment officer.

*   "I give you good time, I'm HIV free." hooker at street corner.

*  "Your banking needs are never more safely and securely   
     handled than by my bank and its associates, we are not just about money." banker.

*  "Serving as altar boys is the most satisfying way to receive God's
     graces."  pedophiliac priest.

*  "A chance like this comes only once in a lifetime." the 
     investment salesman.

*  "Your parcel will be shipped to it's destination in good order,  
     within the shortest possible time." delivery service. 

*  "It's not going to hurt one bit."  the dentist.

*  "You will never get a better kept, more reliable car." the used car 

*  "One size fits all & all purchases are guaranteed for life."  said the   

*  "This product is certified  ISO 9001." online Viagra dealer.

*  "Satisfaction guaranteed."  again the online Viagra dealer.

*  "To serve and to protect."  policeman, with taser, looming   
    over you.

*  "Non-profit organization." CIA director.

*  "Without fear, or favor." Editor of most daily newspapers.

*  "No artificial or unapproved ingredients." said manufacturer of 
    Melamine-laced Milk products.

*  "FDA approved."  pusher of crack cocaine.

*  "Our loans carry low & negligible interests." loan shark.

*  "Sign here, it's for your own good." con artist. 

*   "I swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth & nothing but the 
     Truth" the accused embezzler of trust funds.

*  "I've never had sex in my entire live." the out of   

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