Of all the most important decisions in the world, the one which could be called the greatest mistake ever made; which most affected the course of Man’s history; was the one Adam & his wife, Eve made when they disobeyed His order not to eat of the tree of Knowledge.
Following that TRAGIC act of total DISOBEDIENCE - very weirdly peculiarly every other order; not withstanding how far fetched, ridiculous or illogical; has met with total compliance. (more or less)
• Abraham went so far as to consent to killing his ONLY son Isaac as sacrifice (what a guy Abraham must have been!)
• Joshua, a fighting man asked to "walk" around the city of Jericho with his troops to ensure its collapse.
• Moses being asked to strike an arid,
• bone dry rock with his rod to obtain a streaming fountain of water!!
• Peter (quite well off & successful by the standards of his days) & the others obeyed the very unfathomable request of Christ, to become "fishers of Man", dropping their nets and everything else to take after someone they hardly knew.
• After fishing the whole night and catching nothing, they agreed to try one more time, tired like hell they were; when so ordered by Christ.. catching their biggest haul ever!
• Peter defying common sense and logic; attempted walking on water!
• Even the dead are obedient... Lazarus; dead by all medical definitions known then, rose to life again when so ordered!
• Noah built an immense vessel, on DRY land, in anticipation of rising waters, when asked to; filling it with WILD creatures not normally known to be domesticated.
All these & more seemingly illogical orders/requests, which to us present day creatures are so glaringly of unsound logic possessing not even the least of common sense, are obeyed to the letter.
JUST BECAUSE He asked for them to be done!
Due to Man’s ego & refusal to submit, every living being has been paying ever since Time began.
If only Adam had been a little less disobedient...
Paradise would not have been lost.
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