Countless people visit the Great Wonders of the world; the Great wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt, Niagara falls, among many.
After having been to & seen first hand, these wonders it does make one wonder if these Wonders are so wonderful anymore.
Familiarity does breed (maybe not) contempt, but a loss of the feeling of "overwhelmingness" a diluting of the "awesomeness" a "waking up to reality" that the WONDER was just another "thing"
If one knows who, what, how, when, and every in-&-out of a friend, or someone revered as iconic idols, pretty soon that personality becomes no more a "Wonder", but a mundane (perhaps), uninteresting, 'un-awesome', not at all overwhelming persona. He becomes like an everyday 'thing", our car or that familiar item we use, see, touch, interface with - our battered soon to be upgraded PC or Mac or mobile phone?
One may develop an intimacy with the Maker - as some have been able to attain, (AND many maintain living in the same tent with Him or has His personal home #).
God is never & not meant to be understood, explained, put under the Scanning Electron Microscope.
He definitely is not in the same league or the same crew & is not one of us. Not just because of our defilement or spiritual impurity. Neither is He an artifact, a concept any human person can comprehend or figure out. If He were would it not make Him similarly perceived as those so-called Wonders of our earthly world which had lost their luster ?(perhaps not on the first visit)
He definitely is not a "wonder " or a "thing" of the human world!
He definitely is not a "wonder " or a "thing" of the human world!
That though does not detract from our choice of turning to Him for spiritual sustenance, strength, consolation, inspiration, love; or for a greater, more meaningful purpose in life than plain existence as any other creature/organism.
If one's god is a sub-way ride away, a call away, on a block downtown; he would not be the God one should pay homage to.
If one has a god with whom one finds happiness & fulfillment only when in feel good moments, perhaps that god isn't what one should "go for"?
If our god is only for the asking and granting of needs we humans can't obtain, then again a re-look is necessary.
He so loved the world He made (& seemingly lost) that He went to great lengths to re-associate with us.
Why then can't we ever find Him, or experience, make contact with Him & have Him as our personal god in the context of a feeling, palpable, personality with whom REAL life experiences can be shared & lived!!??
His inaccessibility, non-tangibility, remoteness, & seeming "non-existence" is:
*Not because He is invisible.
*Not because He has no form (as we understand form to be)
*Not because He is unapproachably Pure & Spotless
*Not because His time is not yet
*Not because it would destroy us physically...
It possibly could be because we are looking for the NEEDLE in a haystack... when the needle is the haystack.
Perhaps the oft repeated perception of Him being everywhere gains clarity & relevance...?
HE is already here, with us, in us.
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