Just like little kids in the play yard, some grown men (who should know better) in their vain attempts to raise their self esteem & sense of pomposity in the eyes of those who do not know better, act like the fast guns in westerns we know so well, shooting down the fastest gun alive so to establish themselves as the fastest & greatest.
With minds filled with the same warped psychology as that of political assassins throughout the ages, who bring down icons, leaders of societies or nations in order to establish themselves as greats in the halls of infamy they go round tearing down established icons of human greats.
Which icon among human perception is the greatest if not GOD himself?
Thus a host of (so-called) intellectual, philosophical, analytical thinkers; using their understanding of logical reasoning powers supposedly centered on Socratic evidence based scientific deductions conclude and proclaim as "ridiculous and unproven gibberish & superstition" the faith many have in GOD.
What greater infamy than to tear down an ICON so great as that of GOD himself.
What greater infamy than to tear down an ICON so great as that of GOD himself.
How much esteem would that not bring one!
However if one were to slow down a little to realize the insignificance of oneself when held up against the vastness of even just the known universe, would not one quiver when held up in comparison against the yet unknown, yet immeasurable greatness of the Maker of all that is seen and unseen ?
Would not any logically intelligent mind (imbued with or without scientifically tuned Socratic analytical abilities) be of the opinion that it is NOT important whether we the insignificant creatures known as human beings believe in the Maker God; RATHER whether the Maker gives a hoot at all about us ?!
Thus the story ends here; not in some grandiose verbose loaded pseudo scientific philosophical ranting to huge audiences & pod/broadcasted to every known electronic receptors, filling libraries of denouncements about the non-existence or the un-provenness of GOD. Nothing ever is decided or ever concluded at these displays of semantic prowess and exercises in intellectual arrogance. HUMILITY is never acquired, it has to be administered via a hard fall.
Living only once is insufficient for some - these should die twice… once in ignorant arrogance and then again in utter humility.
However if one were to slow down a little to realize the insignificance of oneself when held up against the vastness of even just the known universe, would not one quiver when held up in comparison against the yet unknown, yet immeasurable greatness of the Maker of all that is seen and unseen ?
Would not any logically intelligent mind (imbued with or without scientifically tuned Socratic analytical abilities) be of the opinion that it is NOT important whether we the insignificant creatures known as human beings believe in the Maker God; RATHER whether the Maker gives a hoot at all about us ?!
Thus the story ends here; not in some grandiose verbose loaded pseudo scientific philosophical ranting to huge audiences & pod/broadcasted to every known electronic receptors, filling libraries of denouncements about the non-existence or the un-provenness of GOD. Nothing ever is decided or ever concluded at these displays of semantic prowess and exercises in intellectual arrogance. HUMILITY is never acquired, it has to be administered via a hard fall.
Living only once is insufficient for some - these should die twice… once in ignorant arrogance and then again in utter humility.
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