Saturday, December 1, 2012

Filled to the Brim & Over-flowing ...

A semi-wise guy told his half-witted friend as they ruminated, one afternoon over their warm mugs of Capusino-betah-dahn-d'next at BitwinAveryHaRTRock&DipBluC Cafe: 

   "When we arrive at Heaven, at the Banquet which our Lord has prepared for all His faithful servants, every faithful servant will drink from cups filled to the brim and over-flowing: your cup, my cup, his cup, her cup, even those with ambiguous gender's - cup, will be filled to the brim AND all will be overflowing." (He obviously had  insider knowledge)
     "BUT (now he shows his semi-wisdom) your cup may contain ONE liter, mine 500 mls, hers 50 mls, the ambiguous gender's may hold 24 liters."   

Then the semi-wise concluded :
     "If your cup holds only 10 ml of 'Blessed Beer' don't try to act 'drunk' like you had 325 liters of Holy Spirit,  OK?"  

The Pastor drinking  incognito nearby quietly went : "Buuurp". 

Whether the half-witted friend could swallow his Capusino, after this  revelation from the semi-wise that  afternoon at BitwinAveryHaRTRock&DipBluC  Cafe is not known  till this day.

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