Many never knew him nor have heard of him till perhaps interest in the cases of online piracy and copy right infringements begun hitting the news. The huge media blasts on the raid on Kim Dotcom in New Zealand. The proposed SOPA bill that led to a kind of online war between the freedom fighters of the NET vs Big Bad Govt. & MPPA intrigue many aficionados of espionage. These are the real stuff that 007 movies were made of. a site where under the Law & Disorder section tales of true virtual espionage are posted popped up. The story on the battle between HBGary and Anonymous as well caught the imagination.
Thus Aaron Swartz's came into a list of admired personalities. If not admired at least exceptional.
A true blooded living American 'hero'. Not in the classic gun totting image, but one who fights for what all freedom loving peoples all over the world have as ideals…AND a guy so young at that !
It is sad, tragic and a dirty huge stain on a nation which epitomizes the concepts of Freedom, Justice, Equality, Liberty.
Again this reinforces the pervasive paranoia of Big Brother & adds fodder to the conspiracy theories that abound. Many feel let down, disappointed.
How can anyone not feel let down & suspicious when a young man with such genius and potential for achieving good is force to do away with himself. AND by the Justice system which was supposedly there to protect the very ideals he fought for ?
The "crime" he did actually killed no one, if there were any victim in the first place!
A nation which is the foremost admired power on earth - emulated by many others all over the world.
A nation that espouses the concepts and noble ideals every human being aspires to.
A nation which "not only does not protect its citizens within its own borders" but has because of a misplaced justice system wastefully, willfully caused the death of a young man with such promise and potentials.
*It is sad that Aaron Swartz had to go do what he did .
*It is sadder that a Nation which could be a real beacon of hope for all humanity, is showing its true colors as it daily loses its shine !
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