on 'believers' Great Expectations of being saved again
Some of you humans hopelessly wish & foolishly believe that even though you are all so desperately in deep sh*t Sin, the Lord (benevolent God) will come deliver you - like the calvary or Lone ranger & Tonto in the old Westerns.on 'believers' Great Expectations of being saved again
For evil as you know you all are, He has a weird love which you humans has never understood - a kind of unconditional Love, you so proudly call AGAPE. That in itself is fallacious Which intelligent being would want to associate with creatures like you let alone a Divine Intelligence like God? (OMG!)
Naturally being made (only) as images of Him you will never be able to feel, express or even appreciate this Agape. (Shame on you).
Being what you are your eyes see only visually *agreeable images.. *include mainly crass, gross & other earthy, sensually exhilarating images (despite claiming a religion)
Your minds seek only *acceptable thoughts, the bland, the safe, & the mundane *(not restricted to only spiritually imprimatur-d thoughts - also & especially materialistically avaricious self enriching-ly tempting deliciously one-upping)
The Ears you have tune into only to the soothingest, most consoling, condescending comforting, religious platitudes.
*How many of you poor fallen ones will trouble yourselves to seek in places most of you will shun, which might bring you closer to a proper perspective of the whole story and purpose?
*How many will endure spiritual isolation, being ostracized and shunned by your religious peers to enquire alternative and usually unorthodox inputs on the happily accepted romanticized version of your Maker - fed to you from infancy by organized religions?
*Who among you hopeless, spineless creatures will even think of being different and try figure out the real deal?
Rather you prefer to feel secure & spiritually safe (I have been SAVED)by believing unquestioningly as Religion would have you do, that what you were told IS THE TRUTH about God. An idiot with unquestioning FAITH!
Is that what Faith is - Unquestioning? Not wishing to know ? Swallow whatever is fed to you? Would you even ask why should Faith be unquestioning??
So here's the
Final decree & CLARIFICATION for your information :
NO God is ever coming to save your miserable a**es
(readers without 'faith' in the authenticity/reliability of events depicted in scriptures - what the 'eF' are you doing reading this crap? )
Nobody, NOBODY is coming to save anyone, anytime, anymore - ever:
REASON why No One will be coming ..
•First time 'God' came: He was accused of submerging & drowning the entire world except for a few people from a favored family namely NOAH, his clan & most animals ( mosquitoes, snakes, killer viruses, creepy crawlies -& Yes politicos; they were very inconveniently not excluded since heaven isn't here. Unicorns & Santa Claus sorry, are not on board)
•Second time God came: He was accused of making a VIRGIN full - Bringing shame, disrepute, scandal, shambles, & catastrophic horrors to the honor of two entirely respectable (middle Eastern) families. (you still think it's a privilege to be a race that's chosen - i.e. in the same family tree as Mary & Joseph?)
•Third time God came: ... oh well - you know right?
You hung Him high between 2 thieving scoundrels on a hill where public execution of *criminals, low-life, perverts, rebels with or without cause, people who wear glasses, tatoo-ed people generally anyone not with you & thus are against you...
... "Justice must not be done but be seen to be done... bla bla bla'' (politicos very qualify for inclusion on this list)!
From the torture exacted on Him prior to, as well as during the termination of His 3rd earthly encounter with you miserable humans, the Manual on techniques to extract information used in various black sites, on detainees from the Axis of Evil, is devised and is instrumental in helping Team Seal 6 get that 'tall Guy' at AbbotaBAD
Thus if you were in God's shoes (if He wears shoes) would you wish to, dare to, bother at all to make a come back & face the music with fargs like such?
Or would you make yourself as scarce, as far away, as silent, as unseen, unheard, unreachable, unavailable, invisible; as you can from this mistake called MAN?
Following this CLARIFICATION it is now CLEAR why you never see or hear or smell or touch or taste or even imagine Him after His Crucifixion?
If you still see, hear, smell, touch, even dream of His presence - CONGRATULATIONS!! the stuff you are smoking or snorting, mainlining, imbibing will be greatly sought after... $$$$$$$.
from the iPad:
of deputy asst vice president:
Sir S. A. Tan C.S.B.(knight of the Imperial order of Coal Sulphur Brimestones)
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