The concept of a human being who is also divine, does indeed give believers of Religions a sense of having a powerful intercessor. Imagine believers having on their side a 'persona' impossibly powerful & able to do anything.
The coming to life of "If God is on our side, who dare to be against us"?
The coming to life of "If God is on our side, who dare to be against us"?
Imagine if we had on our side, God, would anyone dare try anything ?
The answer to all man's needs, the complete, perfect elixir for man's feelings of insecurity!
A very human (& childish) concept of the big brother looking out for the weaker!
A very human (& childish) concept of the big brother looking out for the weaker!
As it is, many seek super powers or align themselves to very powerful forces or individuals with the same intent. Or at the very least some try to acquire weapons of great destructive powers, for the same intent & purpose.
It cannot be denied there once lived such a person, Jesus. It is also historically documented the things he did and said. The teachings as well as ideas he imparted to those close to him are well researched to be actual events.
But whether he were DIVINE should not be a deterrent to our essential understanding of his mission. His so-claimed miraculous and immaculate conception and the romanticized events surrounding his humble birth, the tales of the guiding star, plus all the fairy-tale-like embellishment is; mildly put utterly irrelevant.
Whether he is divine or not is secondary to what his purpose was in his doing & teaching; in his attempting to impart a concept to those of his time.
It should be of greater concern what he was trying to show or teach us all.
It should be of greater concern His message of UNSELFISHNESS, of complete GIVING, of Ultimate CHARITY.
It should be of greater concern his perpetuating of the idea of the Supreme Act of Sacrifice, the giving up of one's life for another, one who is a stranger !
His ideas on LOVE for someone repulsive, one who is completely unloveable.
His ideas on fairness, justice, on what constituted discrimination against another based on ethnic, gender or political differences.
Based on all that we read or know about him it is not relevant if he were or were not divine - unless one has other intentions, to manipulate his intent.
The bigger picture and more important is what he tried to teach and show us all ARE God's Values !
A way to live harmoniously, lovingly, peacefully, for the greater love of the Creator.
He might be trying to correct the misdirection and wrong focus all humans have of self-enrichment & the massive acquisition of material wealth & earthly power!
We do not know that we can never take anything with us??
He might be trying to tell us the reason and purpose for which God made us!
Would the stuff he tried to teach us & show us be any less relevant or truthful if he were not divine, not the son of God?
Truth and Godliness has no need for certification or validification…when spoken or shown, whomever by, are evidently TRUTHFUL and GODLY.
Would any Godly values be less godly because the one imparting it is not divine?
Certification and accreditation are very human requirements and practices for selfish generation of commerce as well as for the creating of elitism & material wealth.
In general Man should devoid ourselves of such mandated requirement in affairs concerning the Divine, & godly values.
And most definitely Jesus did not suggest to not love or accept anyone else just because the other has a different religious conviction!
What is it that he is trying to tell us ?
Perhaps he wants us to realize & appreciate the purpose of our being put here after CREATION was realized ?
Perhaps he wants us to realize & appreciate the purpose of our being put here after CREATION was realized ?
But that is another post to follow.
Truth no matter who tells it is still TRUTH !
GODLINESS is still GODLINESS no matter who practices it!
Life is not about the here & the now. Neither is it about what we can gain from living.
For everything becomes nothing.
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