Saturday, November 9, 2013

Allah Tuhan God Yahweh Jehovah - who owns who :)

The One True God [whom I own]...

It is not of concern by what name you call God  -
   it is whether God hears your call.
It is not of concern if you believe in God -
   it is whether God believe in you!
It is not of concern what you think God is about  -
   it is what God think you are about.
It is not of concern how numerous are the followers of your Faith -
    it is how many of ANY faith, God accept as His.

It WAS NOT about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.
It IS NOT about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.
It WILL FOREVER NOT be about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.

God is not yours to own -
God owns you, to FUG around with if He so wishes!
God did not make you alone, you were an after thought - AFTER He made everything else! The worms, the mosquitoes, the insects, the fornicating fruit-flies, the wart-hogs, the huge marine leviathans, the slimy blobs crawling in the sewage sludge - then when these creatures amused HIM not sufficiently enough, HE thought of you….an after-thought!
The Sh*T has outgrown itself and thought it was the Lord!

And you said YOUR name was??

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