Trash & other worthless discards, cheap stuff, disposables, abound; littered all over the scenery, ubiquitous, are everywhere!
Trash in rubbish form, end up in earth-fills, as incinerator fodder, then converted by extreme temperature into smog, acid rain, trans-border wind-borne environmental inconvenience -
Al Gore's ticket to a N0Bell prize?
What about "TRASH" in the form of Man?
The contemporary blurring of human values does not make cheap trash 'gain' any bit of worth. Values can't be bestowed on worthless 'SHÏT' just cos of public preferences & appetite shift.
Come the advent & ease of self broadcast on the readily available WWW, coupled with Man's innate craving for publicity, seemingly at any & all costs; 'low life' once un-welcomed, not encouraged, are given license now to crawl from the dark, dank, nether regions of perverted filth. Goaded, cheered on by profit-driven media which gives no damn for anything - but gain! AND propelled by invigorating, intoxicating catch phrases like 'popular' 'viral' 'hits' 'score' 'spread' 'wave' 'tsunami' - a dung-heapful of self-proclaiming shameless publicity hungry non-profit 'artistes' has been unleashed like miscreant bats from HELL!
Inappropriate antics often times devoid of values, of worth, usually (particularly) of any human decencies, flood social media sites. Everyone from under-aged youngsters (who should rightly be disqualified but were given licence by 'loving' parents), to custodians of Human values - who should know better but didn't; vis. teachers, priests, community leaders, Law enforcement folks, judges & other professionals supposedly imbued with high peer esteem; to whom green tender-feeted youngsters often look for direction & guidance in their track through the Maze of life; are jumping onto the band wagon to popularize, show-off, spotlight the darkness of their complete absurdity, show-casing their mediocre lack of everything of value & their °ƒø$ ideals, theories & whacked philosophies - °full of ShÎt
Demonstrating shameless traits all too common & cheap to be of any worth, they make intellectual sounding pseudo-smart utterances in "exotic" foreign (foreign = educated = classy?) languages to excuse, give credibility to their puerile pranks for which their birth mothers would have regretted not strangling them when they were being birthed!
None of Human born, can ever hope to attain holiness, @ par with the DIVINE, the TRUTH, the CREATOR, ALLAH, GOD.
No one of Human born, need try.
Thus let us save ourselves the grief - imitate those whose hurdle is scalable! Set goals we as fallen human can hope to attain.
Heck! why try imitate God or His son, His step son, or the Saints?
why set goals on anyone so far ahead of our own abilities, that as soon as a tinge of temptation is whiffed, through the veils of our lustful lechery we are sure to stumble, fall & fail!Acknowledging our inability to rise to such glorious heights let us NOT be hypocritical in our portrayal of an uprightness of spiritual exemplariness, a standard we definitely don't have.
Lets not fake anything when our main & most times only preoccupation is to screw around!
Human decency, sense of honor, embarrassment, values which kept us supposedly slightly-higher-made creatures from wallowing with the swines, which kept us from 'fucking' with the whore-mates of Bacchus, which stopped us at the debauchery of virtuousness of the human spirit as it was meant to be, now has quickly been prostituted for a penny of orgasmic ejeculate at the altar of popularity, trendiness, hedonism, progress, advancement, and sensual aspirations! Given stamps of respectability by the all glorious embracing of anything hi-tech, of seemingly practising freedom to choose, of belonging to the crowd of hip, jet-setting, free-loving waves-making, shakers & movers. f being regarded as Game Changers!
- What game is anyone playing & if it's a game, who is changing it, & to what? -
The commonly held contemporary 'values' on which standards of human achievements and assessment of manliness, machoism or cuntism often are established, placed in placed by media based profit driven consumers - oriented - organizations! With nothing more noble or of value than profit at whatever costs, would anyone expect no debasing, dehumanization & stripping, denuding us of every freedom of our human spirit - our integrity as Man.
°Can anyone ever be FREE when bound to hunger for materialistic, consumeristic, hedonistic wants, needs & urges ??
°Can anyone be FREE when acceding to the expectations of another, especially a mindless profit driven commercial organization [helmed by highly acclaimed(by whom?)people with integrity and great moral character? (by whose standards?)
°When one decides to Freely 'CHOOSE' to acquire anything tangible and devoid of 'true' values, - one is no more practicing FREE Choice!
°When one dances to random tunes playing in random 'theatres' other than one's heart-felt mother-based own, ONE is no more FREE!
°When one moves, acts, think, or even does nothing; under the volition of any force other than from the innate soul of oneself, derived from & planted by the only TRUTH - one is no more FREE!
Much as one believes otherwise; one has been compromised, controlled, redirected manipulated and diverted onto a mindset to adopt a behavioral preference which not only would enrich the coffers of dis-interested non-benevolent parties but which would transform one - a Man meant for better - into worthless - 'TRASH' (chaff)
BOTH my mother AND father(fathers too are just as to be honored - sorry "mother worshippers") taught me what is wrong can never be made slightly less wrong, or acceptable or more ok by adopting a small bit of its wrongness - if you are fucked pregnant you are fucked FULLY pregnant.
There is no such thing as being half pregnant - by a half fuck.
Thus in certain considerations of black or white there is no ambiguity - no compromise, no half measure.
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