Sunday, July 20, 2014

DREAM ....

 "   Dream   "


when sleep has gone,
the music's rocking
the choir's vocalizing, lisping symphonies still, 
  fueling, twisting, waltzing, pain ached joints  
that draw happy tears
which don't wet,
don't sorrow stain;        
down cheeks, 
wrinkled, crinkled 
& twinkled too.  ' 


no one need be helped
no one need be inspired
!no no no!
no one need be guided
nor taught

nor shown
the way,
the truth,
  or the life ..

"No one needed those, 
nor now.

Everyone needs,
Everybody wants
joyful dreamers,

even who can't dance
nor croak a tune,
to freely joy, 
blindly, indifferently,

All are called, 
are chosen,

anytime - then, 

every time - now.
It's been that way,
since dreams were born,
since sleep woke  .. "

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