An old friend recently underwent an arduous trip to visit his old home town after having moved away to another country a life time ago. The reason for this arduous trip - long for a man of 75? He was recently tested by a team of medical professionals, experts & specialists. After subjecting him to a long exhaustive regiment of tests these brilliantines concluded he has an extremely high likelihood of ALZHEIMER!
It used to be the big C that got ordinary folks like everyman to shit bricks & stones lay sleepless till Kingdom came for them, which was rather unavoidably certain.
Nowadays the big C has given way to the big A!
Every body quivers, dreading the day when & if the almighty doctor would pronounce that "A" word !
So this old friend preparing to meet his Maker, comes back on a live-juice-sapping trip to make his peace with his demons in his old home town. His children more or less are resigned to their father's imminent fate of not 'being there' very soon.
The queer & completely insane part of the tale is:
Those batteries of Alzheimer tests might indicate a high likelihood of one developing or progressing to that dreaded 'A' state but it certainly is not a CERTAINTY!
Besides one might just happily die from the other fearsome awesome less dreaded big C! Or a happy-heart attack provoked by exhilarating sex with some goddess-like creature in a one night stand??
The kind of God-like reverence for professionals in the medical field - [admittedly there are excellent examples of great minds there-but to be fair, as with any professional groups, the medical professionals are human beings like everyman AND due to that fact we have many sub-par performers in them too] -is nothing but pure disrespect for the Divine (who decides all) as well as misplaced over-confidence & uncalled for-reliance on another just as human 'every man' - no doubt technically trained to be better equipped in the field of medicine.
A related tale:
There has been many instances of specialists who never could do better than just scrape through every test and examinations at lower and every other academic levels.
The rich-beyond-imagination father [fortunate for him an ego boost, but not for everyone else who would might have to face his useless off-spring as a medical practitioner :( ]
whose earthly wealth might be derived from lucrative engagementds in dubious deals ensuring vulgar gains via transactions bordering on criminal illegitimacy) by coercive as well as grease works managed to secure the near moronic son in a medical school in a 'degree for sale' college.
Has anyone who consulted a doctor at any time asked the medical man what his placing was in the college from which he obtained the license (medical degree) to practice the life threatening art of pronouncing 'death threats (sentences) on their, trusting patients?
Voodoo works along similar lines :(
Thus before anyone wills himself to begin the process of dying based on baseless as yet technologically inconclusive tests & pronouncements from such tests results, wake up & at least know what & who one is dealing with.
Waking to the fact of LIFE Some professionals are as good as dr. google or the neighborhood shaman only would in the least give many an edge to good living ...
Similarly the chopping off of a pair of beautiful, wondrous, 'fully-functional-in every-sense-of-the-word' visually delightful, innocent boops, due to the detection of an uglier pair of as yet innocent, mutated genes BRCA1 & BRCA2, is tragically drastic to say the least.
These silly attempts to pre-empt, control, manipulate others for whatever gains - In simple language - play god, is mal-practice & is not restricted or confined to medical professionals. It is a tool exploited by every person who portrays, emits any credibility in any field others less advised, would seek advice from.
Be wise thus & better informed; Basically be unafraid.
Since the Truth will set one Free
Since the Truth will set one Free
seek thus the freedom of the TRUTH via the ONE true GOD.
It is not death - i.e. the exit from this life - that one should dread - it is inevitable for one to move to unending LIFE ...
Pay scant regard & give zero credits to fear, anxiety or irrational over-reaction for the end of life …
for ETERNITY with Him begins when the present stops.
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