Thursday, December 25, 2014



 It's getting crowdier 
 as the season grows
 it gets crampier
 by the hour.

While most unbothered
many no fair
Some more fearful 
many over dare.

"Green" grudge "Blue"
what "Maroon" hates "Turquoise" 
"Beige" wishes be hers
 before "Amber" gets it all.

Live celebrate Joy to I to me & to mine  
The rest smells lousy bad
 to be despised
Who is here to care 
or give a Fíck.

Woa yes much crowdier now
as the minutes tick 
Empty fakers speak 
lots loud out there
foul air freeking flow
warming eggs
make credits grow.

Many yet lulled kept fooled 
by what rolls empty laden 
over under 
on & on
from steeples to domes via fanciful tomes.

As glitteringly selling
bright & loud 
thro handouts
packed cloaked zeroéd 
Love, care, charity, aid, 
& every other SH°†.

We dun care 
Nor give a híck
Long as half of what "J" wouldn't swallow 
"X" would eat.

"F" go grab all she wants 
"U" feels her's not enough  
"S" so too
they 3 can both go frúck the bucket with their list. 

We're not shedding  anié hair 

For long as quarter of what "J" wouldn't eat
"X" would swallow ½
The rest we yet will share.

"C" go take all he wants,
Along with mighty "K" 
for theirs that they can't
never bring. 

Not a byté do we care 
Long as tinié bit "J" needn't swallow  
"X" will gladly leave,

WÉ thé RÉS†  

would sharé.

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