The manifestation of (failed) Man's true colors - THE FOCUSSING ON SELF - driven by ego centric arrogance, manifesting in malevolence towards fellows.
Most of us being plain beings like most everyone else has to have an 'aur sua' (backing mountain) to give greater credibility & authority when wishing to control or sound higher than other, equally as ordinary men ..
what better 'Ego-Booster' than God?
The Divine all powerful, the undeniably greatest authority?
Even Sir Mahathir Madogmak, Lord Obama, the PM of Oz underneath, Chinese Master President, Korean Comrade Kim Jong X, any Power of Nature, of earthly origins, wouldn't dare go against Him - the DIVINE - aka GOD!
God, who actually don't seem & hasn't really never indicated irrefutably (or even refutably) He is bothered with the 'petty' bickering
& other 'gloriously self elevated' vaunted high ambitions of men, thus got 'used' or 'patronized' by megalomaniacs - small, medium. large, XXL & of every color, shade, ethnicity, with such self-raising intents, which basically aim at glorifying, raising & affirming the useless "great" SELF.
Problems start to begin when each crazed megalomaniac would not submit to the other just as crazed megalomaniacs' divine authority - leading to the claim of an exclusive "more" supreme than the other guy's god from which the equally divisive claim of a special select Race so chosen by their God to be inheritors of All Creation (more or less)
In the case of these control perves the leverage via a greater Power god basically is animal in instinct - to assume total superiority AND control over all and sundry via the UNDENIABLE Divine
When too many Divines are being referenced those nice poor well-meaning, simple souls, the ordinary brain frozen men & women of the Malls, nicely & properly get truly confused.
God the independent Divinity now has been hijacked by concerned power crazed groups with each claiming their's is the ONE ...
In the case of these control perves the leverage via a greater Power god basically is animal in instinct - to assume total superiority AND control over all and sundry via the UNDENIABLE Divine
When too many Divines are being referenced those nice poor well-meaning, simple souls, the ordinary brain frozen men & women of the Malls, nicely & properly get truly confused.
God the independent Divinity now has been hijacked by concerned power crazed groups with each claiming their's is the ONE ...
Blessed with child-like faith, many (tho a good number refuse to admit to simple faith - so as to to appear 'sophisticatedly' smarter :) instinctively recognize THAT god - the unblemished Divine who has little involvement with men's & mice's self centered insecure arrogance!
Thus other than a few fringed true believers (derided as heretics) - the ENTIRE assembled jungle of creatures then, together with the Aborigines and Chinese and Aussies and Honkies and Caucasian Americans and Kosher Jews and Malays and Indians and Rotary Club members and Royal Golf Clubbers and wrongly discovered RED Indians [due to navigational confusion]{actually Native AMERICANS}, and Sarawakians and blue eyed mermaids and one horned unicorns and Black Africans of American citizenry and communist North Koreans and Taiwanese and Indonesian Ethnic Chinese with Islamic names and Incas and North Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Bolsheviks and Mormons and Scientologists and Whalers and Vegans and Homosexual Royals and Vietcongs and Liliputtans and Haemophilics as well as all these others also mentioned in this song divisively began to claim exclusive privilege of being select people of their own special God..
Thus other than a few fringed true believers (derided as heretics) - the ENTIRE assembled jungle of creatures then, together with the Aborigines and Chinese and Aussies and Honkies and Caucasian Americans and Kosher Jews and Malays and Indians and Rotary Club members and Royal Golf Clubbers and wrongly discovered RED Indians [due to navigational confusion]{actually Native AMERICANS}, and Sarawakians and blue eyed mermaids and one horned unicorns and Black Africans of American citizenry and communist North Koreans and Taiwanese and Indonesian Ethnic Chinese with Islamic names and Incas and North Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Bolsheviks and Mormons and Scientologists and Whalers and Vegans and Homosexual Royals and Vietcongs and Liliputtans and Haemophilics as well as all these others also mentioned in this song divisively began to claim exclusive privilege of being select people of their own special God..
The simple faith of a Child is enough to carry everyone so inclined through the eye of the needle to His glory …
If each one closes one's mind to everything except THAT simple understanding of God - the world might unravel itself from the sh•† it has spun itself in.. to ridiculously, divisively claim oneself exclusive creatures when in reality each is no better or less than XYZ123?
If HE had only left out THAT gene of competitiveness & the vacuous Obsessive insecurity in the final item on His "to create" list..
Stay simply true, & be blessed.
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