We ask for this, for that, for heaven, for earth, for good, for happy things, for our friends, relatives, that they will live happily forever;
For our enemies, that they may die soon, horribly and forever be condemned to Hell.
We ask for the granting of what we want. We beg, impeach, we pursue, we appeal, we implore, we cajoled, we try everything, for the granting of one and a thousand things to make our lives what we feel will be better when these things we asked for are granted.
Have we ever un-prayed answered prayers?
Has anything which we have been granted awhile back seem not so on target now & we would like to have the prayer wished away i.e. UNprayed?
Have we been granted a wish or prayer that we now regret was granted? That we now wished was never prayed for & never got granted or answered?
Retrospectively many have occasions to un-pray. Tho this seemingly would point to the believer's poor foresight, planning or impulsive attitudes in begging Him for assistance, be assured that what was granted in the first place was His will being done.
Rest assured that your prayer was answered NOT because it was good for your selfish needs BUT that it served His purpose.
We often think destiny is our's to determine & when things don’t seem to be going in the right direction we pray it will be set right. When it was, we felt He concurs with our wishes.
Be assured that in the first place HE decided to give what we asked NOT because He concurred with our desires BUT because what we are going to be receiving; even though it seemingly was prayed for by us, was actually His Will.
Now did we not know that when all this started we had through the first Man messed up everything? And was there anyone to pray & beg and beseech and appeal that He sends His son to redeem our lost grace?
NO, nobody even had any inclination to even think that.
NOT Adam, NOT Eve.
NO ONE prayed that we be saved & returned to Grace.
It was just not un-prayed for by any living being.
And though nobody prayed for the mess to be undone for the restoration of our lost salvation, he came, in human form, in order we not go 'mad' to see Him coming as He really is .... Almighty God Himself!
Thus without need of our praying, or begging, or appealing, or beseeching, to regain our lost inheritance, by His sacrificing of Himself, by His consenting to debase His Sovereignty, we received our Salvation.
Therefore be assured that it is no coincidence that what you are about to pray for, if granted, will never be in need of being un-prayed for.
His plan for us is we just be worshipful, faithful & true - to all things - all thoughts - all desires - that is of Him & would be as He would wished for.
Do you busy yourself attempting, with all the prayer requests that makes you into a "prayer warrior", to "intercede" for all those people who meant plenty to you (yourself included) that they lived happily (or in the case of your enemies, die horribly) ever after?
Attempting through your "intercession" to change situations, to bend things your way?
As if there was any authority apportioned to you as if you in all your presumed religious arrogance had a special connect to Him.
Do not delude yourself
as the worms or the birds or pigs = with them too you rank.
There is no need to do all that, for His Will, will be done whichever ideas you may have or otherwise be entertaining.
Any mess or situation you may have created or prayed for will, because of His Love for you, be set right with no need for you to un-pray what you pleaded for with mistaken intent that had made such Massive Mess.
Just as was your lost Salvation redeemed, without need for you to un-pray those pleas for self indulgences or other similar self centered requests, which caused the Fall, in the first place.
Such is His Love for you.
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