Friday, February 27, 2015

Better ABBA Father or Ah Pa, Daddy ..

There once was a young person. He was happy while a youth. Things were pretty fun; nothing really serious impacted him or his life.
Change came. 
He heard the Word. Of how he has a Father who loved him with a love, he cannot even say properly - some agabe, mugabe or agape or something, let alone ever understand.
A Father who will grant him everything if he asked with faith, trust and belief, even move a mountain to the sea.
A Father to whom nothing is impossible, even letting His only begotten Son be killed, then raising Him to life again, so that the youth, if he believes, will live in complete happiness with this Father, in a place where there will be no pain, suffering, anger, hate, sickness, or any of the ills of human existence.

In other words a Father completely different from the father he has.

His father, who did not love him as the Father he heard about, sometimes gets angry with him. Sometimes this father scolds, even beats him, as punishment for things he did wrong. 

Would it not be great to have an ALL LOVING FATHER who is TOTAL LOVE??
Yes, most resoundingly – “YES”

His life changed, after hearing of this unheard of Father.

Everything became more complicated.

But after waiting, hoping, begging, fervently appealing (“praying” its called), with anguish, with tears; 
The Father whom he heard was full of LOVE, never was seen, never was heard, and never was felt.
He did not ever even smelled Him or as much as get a whiff of Him when He maybe passed by, if ever He did.
In other words: He just was NOT around.

His own father though, who did not love him as much (not with that Agape Love anyway), was around all the time, taking care of his meals, his schooling, his every physical, emotional need. In fact even though his father did not love him as they say that Father does; all he ever needed, his father was around to see to; ensuring that when the father dies, the youth would be able to fend for himself.

Thus as time went by, it increasingly got more and more impossible to even think the entire idea being ever likely.

The idea of a Father who loved with no limits, yet never was around. 
A loving Father, who never speak to him, try as he might to listen. 
A Father, whom strain as you might, cannot be reached. 
A Father whom they say is everywhere, yet was always missing.
A Father who Loved agape-ly yet the youth (now older) never felt that love.

The now older youth decides that his direction is to find answers and work out his life without any help or intervention from this so called FATHER.

And he too decided, when his life is over, it is over. What he hears about a Happy-ever-after-place, he will just wait till he’s dead to see if there is one.
And he will find happiness in any way possible without help from any Father who is never around.

What about you?
You want to try the easy way with an All Loving Father, who alone is able to love with AGAPE 
yet is never around?
This is the romanticism of the CREATOR god as promulgated promoted widely transmitted as a RELIGION as though without the dissemination of such idea the entire creation would change course in a melt down.

    In the context of a bigger picture, when one ponders eternity, salvation, the life after death,  one's earth bound almost always present Ah Pa is a derivation and contemporal representation of THAT eternal ABBA in whom ALL created life including earth bound fathers, draw life from & would  be assimilated with as ONE...

Our father who is on earth would not be enabled should our ABBA in heaven not initiate him.
 The Father of earthly nature, the ONE of eternity
is the ONE maker of ALL 
Definitely superiorly intelligent beings should realize and acknowledge the universality and complete non-denominational nature of 
that ONE 
 that REALITY which is


The 'youth' is enabled to receive what is adequate for his current viability.

There is NO distinction between ABBA or Ah Pa.
BOTH are in essence one
Ah Pa - the human manifestation of ABBA whom as a channel, as a conduit, as an instrument, as the ABBA in Ah Pa form, would throughout their lives together, shape the 'youth' (Man in spiritual Infancy)such that
The PURPOSE,  INTENT & ALL of God's WILL for the "youth", & HIS every wish for 'youth' would in  good TIME be receivable.....


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