When HIS servant Moses (Musa) went up Mt. Sinai to receive GOD's LAWs he Moses (Musa) was reputed to have been given GOD's Commandants.
10 of them.
that the FAITHFUL (UMMAH) might attain HEAVEN (Syurga) guided by them.
It wasn't so concise or precise as presumed, a neatly packaged set of 10 items so awesomely packed-up like an operating
Manual with instructions on how to run MAN the machanized units with a CPU [Cerebrum Poorly Utilized]
-- a set of post-installation instructions with Operating System & codes to run maintain & trouble shoot H.Sapien version 1.0 - Man the BioN0nentity.
There were more than 10
Being the perfectionist, Moses (Musa), would have felt the 11th & 12th & 13th & 14th & more commandments
would cause an imbalance in the aesthetics of the presentation of God’s Laws.
Moses (Musa) only knows [MOK] & GOK [god only knows] how many there actually were in the presumed 10 commandments.
After all 10 looks, feels, sounds complete. Whole, & symbolic of authority.
& 10 does imbue an authenticity that the Laws are of Divine origin as 10 has finality in that particular numerical
Besides Humans have 10 digits & our numbering system is based on 10.
-- here thus is an alternative discourse based on nothing but the very high likelihood of what truly transpired
-and what was a romanticised presentation to make acceptable a fairy tale presumption.
The unabridged non-fabricated
complete 10 + more Commandments
with the overwritten addenda reinserted to the concise version
°°° “Thou shalt not mess with MY Creation, by adding to, or subtracting from it, in any manner, way, substance, shape or form.
°°° Not through thy meddling with the ecosystem
°°° Not by perceived intelligence on thy part to genetically modify, clone, alter or detract from what I thy God has made PERFECT.
That which I thy God has made PERFECT need not ever be improved upon by you a creature, which I thy Creator brought into being.
•••-Know therefore thy intellect & ingenuity are but like the 'matter' that passes through the rectum of the primitive earthworms, which though low in the evolutionary scale is nevertheless a CREATED piece of LIFE as select as thou art.
Thus having THAT intellect, whatever grandiose plans in thy insolence thou has conceived for MY creation, other than to nourish, cherish and protect it, thou shouldest henceforth abandon with double haste & urgent immediacy.
Thinketh thou that I thy God am capable of less than thee?
That MY CREATION - this ENTIRETY wouldst require the application of thy self-presumed Intellect to readdress, improve, reconfigure, or add value to? Up-size?
Thou shalt abide by the Laws I have given through my messenger Moses (Musa)
notably - Do not wilfully KILL
by declaring any wars as Holy even if it were on Terror, be they Jihads, Crusades or any plain old militarily assisted mass murdering GENOCIDEs
& the associating of My name with wanton slaughter & destruction to legitimized your Caliphates', Muslim States', 'United States', 'Eastern Alliances', 'Free Wes†', 'Deviant North'
or "Uncouth Orgiastic Alliances of Hedonistic's attempts at vain glory seeking !
ALL these are to CEASE forewith!
<That means you>
<That means NOW>
Be thou not misled by false prophets, arrogant in their moronically inadequate knowledge of MY laws, especially those leaders, clerics, priests, [be they Celibate or Non-celibate] the Ulamas, Ayatollahs, the Arch ‘whatever honorifics' your various religions may have honored thineselves with,
who in claiming appointments as executors of MY Will are truly false prophets messaging disunity via segregating & promoting disharmony by adopting exclusivism
I Thine GOD in the form of My Son has warned your ancestors against such.
These 'false' prophets are worse than any others who are easily seen to be clearly false, as they being deceptive, effectively assume an image, benign & benevolent, have misled my people, & deviated them from that path I pointed out for them.
They have in using MY name created their own kingdoms for glory of self.
On that TRUTH which My KINGDOM was to be built-
these false ones have built their own kingdoms
- via the vehicle RELIGION - it is called!
WILFULLY abusing, manipulating
MY GODhood
MY Irrefutable AUTHORITY
for having thus misled My entire created People.
In again removing that STONE your ancestors once rejected & replacing it with their own prideful agenda they will have much accounting to do with ME Thy GOD.
If you should be so enlightened, be emboldened then to embrace ALL of my creation
- beings like you -
- living creatures -
- ALL of them -
For to claim exclusivity as in a select RACE of Special True Believers, would be deluding thy evil selves & thine entire following, would be special select for residence in that place reserved for Lucifer & such of his pride-filled ilk, suffering from unwarranted arrogance &
presumptions of vain glory.
Nor shoulds't thou issue Holy Decrees (Fatwas) engaging in wrongful wilful slaying & the taking of life
- any -
- all life -
All LIFE I thy GOD have created I hold SACRED
Not one of these MY created beings has thou the right to wilfully kill under trivial, flippant circumstances.
- •••-
shoulds't thou so desire to take the innocent lives of thy fellow creatures, in misrepresented holy missions by mutilating & multiplying thy body into many dismembered parts, employing incendiary devices, perceiving erroneously that by so doing thou shalt attain Heaven (Syurga)
---- know now the covenant I made with my servant Moses (Musa) of eternal happiness for Moses (Musa) & his seeds shall henceforewith be rendered Null, Void and Unenforceable.
No virgins await thee where thou wilt be going.
Even if virgins await, what would remain of thy man-hood now multi-blasted into useless shreds of fleshy remains to engage in any meaningful processes that could confer mutual sensual joy?
O' you foolish Creature of indeterminate cerebral capacities!
Eternal condemnation shall befall thee, thy offsprings & thy offsprings' offsprings 26 generations after OBLIVION
- for intent so vile.
I am who I am, if any Decrees (Fatwas) need be declared they
shoulds't be from me, Thy God.
Who art thou to say who shall live or shoulds't perish?
Only I the God of thy fathers & their fathers before them, has this Authority.
No one need fight, maim or kill to defend MY image.
Having never revealed Myself to anyone, how doth thou know what image of mine is thine to defend or die for or to kill others over?
Doth thou art so illumined as to assume Thou hast MY order to defend or do battle on My behalf?
Knoweth not thee that I thy God, very well can & is better equipped than the puny mites thou art, to defend Myself – if need be at all.
From whence cometh that presupposed ability that thou has sufficient forces or capabilities, arsenal-wise, or even possess the gumption to fight MY, thy GOD's, battles?
Doth thou poor creatures of puny intellect & abilities, imagine thou couldst drink too of MY Chalice?
Be not vengeful for have I not claim vengeance as mine?
Neither consider thyself worthy of MY favors by mere observance of daily worship, postulating, chantings, & in every way attempt to ingratiate thineselves.
Art thou not misrepresenting thineselves like the Sadducees and Pharisees of old?
Believeth thou that participating in activities of such fake PIETY thou would'st do me, Thy GOD, honor? And gain thee favors ?
All who worship & keep MY Commandments & doeth MY WILL are believers & belong to the Faithful (Um’ma) be they prophets (nabis) be they of whatever color, ethnicity, tribes or birthplaces.
Doth thou even knoweth there are created beings of MINE in forms & semblance the likes of which thine narrowness & limitation of vision scarce can imagine?
Thus None is to be denounced an Unbelievers (Kefir)
Should'st he know MY voice & doeth MY Will, even in the least, & doing it in utter subservience to ME, he is a Faithful (Um’ma)& will be accepted.
ALL have been called & all will be accounted for, as would each be holden to give accounting of.
The last shall be first to give account & first to be rewarded should'st their accounting find MY favor.
Judge not others by thine standards, lest thou be so judged, for none is without sin. Art thou in possession of any STANDARDS inasfar as TRUTH go?
Art thou conversant at all with TRUTH in the least: clever thou mayest be?
Thou shalt not for one moment labor in delusion that thou can'st hide, via high technologically derived modes, or cloak thyself in invisibility or flee from MY wrath or that of MY agents via flying stealth chariots.
Be forewarned the very grounds I have created will itself open up to consume thee should'st I so desire.
Thou art unsafe even in the deepest recesses of the Earth or over in the highest spaces of the air above thy heads,
through which thou engages in unmanned drone assaults on thy fellow FAITHFUL (UMMAH) half way across the continent.
I am thy God, can thou ever hide from MY fury?
- •••-
In the aqua water fury event of December 26 2004 off the coasts of Sumatra hath thou not been forewarned & should'st thou not be very afraid?
I thy God was giving you 'Lumbricus terrestris' a foretaste of the mildest of MY expletives.
You wouldst be forewarned NOT attempt to taste ANY of the stronger
for assuredly, from their fury thou wouldst not recover.
Thy One True God
Thou art less than dust,
be thus not embolden to even try think otherwise.
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