Friday, January 8, 2016

A Purposefool LIFE..

Living seemingly has no purpose nor is any answer apparent - for now.
--- the 'so-wrapped-up-with-himself-yet-avid-listener' equipped with an insufficiently configured device - EAR - is not able yet to HEAR what it is NOT tuned to receive or ingest as meaningful inputs ~

----be these -----
electro-magnetic transmissions
sine/beta/theta/alpha/wtf waves
Alpha/Omega vibes

----even the whisper of HIM that pre-Fall Adam was privy to, which post EDEN spin-offs like you, me, men, women & almost the entire miserable lot of God forsaken purposefool creatures, have lost that connectivity to discern or to be aware of & revel in HIS presence.

So if
Mourning -
Weeping -
Recriminating -
Conquering -
Colonialising -

Chasing Trends
& Engaging in every other 'human' acts, enterprise, activities, agitations, ventings, rantings, as well as other manifestations of deep seated sense of zeroself esteem could bring a sense of purpose to one who feels nil or little joyful glow in living

HECK & Triple HECK

>>>>>>>>>>>>> go for it!

For the answers & the purpose for this entire Saga will be made known only in GüD time
Pascal's wager tho sounding PhIlosofaecal has only puerile integrity.

When knowing there is no perfect place or truly perfect person- the system imperfect - would not the quest to seek meaning & purpose in LIVING; infuse & inflame ordinary folks to be fired with quixotic do better ideologies?

Would theologies in the oft short visioned heroics of wanting to be Saving mankind has the ones iconising GOD i.e. Religion - fooling all?

Relevant (timely) to perhaps ask; save Mankind from what? whom?

Certain Leaders or KEY personalities who were privileged to play & strut on the Global stage, in FOOL pomposity in full view of the Messes, cannot but rise to the bait & impose their personal slant-eyed-Man-Eg0'd Will - supposedly good for the Méssés.

If it were to just be tilting at Imaginary windmills that's rather OK. But when the bugger is given a stage as big as the whole of a nation - with a few billions of lost headless chicken-like religious bigots & Jihardist (a trending title to label wide eyed know less folks who desire to serve the divine in so extreme a manner - even HE cringes)

And with countless potential adherents of an ego megalomaniac like the black flagged people now called ISiL

BUT at any other period of time are called

LURCH oooops CHurch

manipulating icons of irrefutable



"GOD" [most preferred tool]

Utilizing, Exhorting with


& enlisting idealistically wide eyed failed fanatics to
supremely STUPIDLY Sacrifice LIFE,
violently mince-meating their carcasses
to make way,
allowing others to

the downstream messes of brainfool, zeal-filled sensually extremised trendcrazed Émptiés, Created Intelligent Living Units of Life seeking a sense

of worth

of Purpose

of Füfilment

To justify itself

Thus which finale of DOOM for Mankind would be
likelier than
a complete WIPE OUT of AMEGEDDON magnitude?

The NEW year will be a Happy one.



or the same SH°T,
done innovatively NÉW 

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