Sunday, April 17, 2016

Missing Peace

      When a piece (or two) is absent in a being, the incompleteness prevents the creature from attaining perfection in peace, freedom of spirit, & generally "Happiness" is not attainable.

What is absent from a person though is less important as that which should be removed.
      The many intentions, urges & cravings, that fill a person are the very same that disable him from attaining completeness. Buddhism directly refers to this..with the accompanying aim to devoid one of all wants & physical needs in attempting to attain perfect harmony, freedom and peace.
      How is anyone able to be 'good' when where "good" need to be, there is present much "un-good"?

When attempting to search externally for peace, freedom, or harmony;  one unfailingly would be trekking along a path full of every manner of alluringly, attractive distractions, & diversions; with all manner of irresistible pleasures and sensual gratifications. Ultimately leading one to where most everyone else has ended up in….not far from where one started --- nowhere nearer one's goal. 
      Thus if one seeks for truth, harmony or peace external to oneself as it were a thing that one has to grasp, to acquire, to possess, ones' quest will reaffirm the elusiveness of the inattainability of perfect peace.

      Similarly just as fallacious is the assumption that one should pray against 'evil' as if it were an external threat and attempt to protect against it with a cloak of godliness or spiritual blessings.  
Evil not unlike goodness, is not outside of oneself, rather the two, good & evil reside within every one.
   When negative-ness of bad is lessened, the fullness of good is increased, much like the balance or Harmony one knows as the ying/yang of Chinese philosophy. 

   To be truly free, close to harmony & ultimately find PEACE in life, is to devoid all "UN-GOOD" WITHIN oneself & fill that void with GOOD.

There is hardly any other way.

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