Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Give the ChilD a FERRARI

How does one know
how near or how far
how thick or how thin
the  barrier be
that separates
one from dark eternal HELL & virtuous joyous HEAVEN?

Is it as thick as  condom's skin in a sexual union - ILLegit  *{with the wayward spermatozoa, squirming on other side of condom skin, to get to their destination,  & die then; doing their job}

Is that "thin-electronically-tested-rubber-based-barrier" sufficiently thick:
-  there being  NO CONTACT with the units of Life - Sperma†ozoa [more precisely no DIREact contACT with the penile cord of the illegitimate mate]  -
hence that sexual union technically constitutes      -     no SIN?

Is the Glass of a beer bottle thick enough that the HARAM'd alcohol inside would not incur the check out clerk who manually handles the bottles to scan for payment; any SIN - nor gain HIVp {Hell Incurring Validation points}?
Or does she need an extra set of (Mike Jackson) gloves to prevent that?  

Does barbed wired Fences & electronically-rigged-sensor-triggered-Virtual walls, separate one from 'SIN' - and deserved eternal HELL & damNATION?

What SINs (there is a variety of them) would lead one to HELL & eternal Damnation?

When a guy, DEAD, is NO† real anymore 
And dead guys being No† "here"
IF he is being interred in HELL
 & he being not here  ~ HELL too CAN'† be here.

hoi hoi hoi - OH YEA ? OH YEA? OH YEA?
°°Look at those homeless kids,
   some being Issues of that misUNion, from  
   broke through condom skin 
•• Look at the half crazed guys foraging in giant  
    dumpsters at KFcs in the midst of nite for their 
    daily HAPI meals 
°° Look at the guys "sleeping", in dark nooks &   
    corners all over  huge {success-oozing cities
    [$ucce$$ by politicians' assessment], wrapped 
    up against the cold, only by their epidermis
**Look at the guys walking the streets, "trading" 
    {hooking}, so to feed hungry mouths and fill  
     empty hearts
then say AGAIN
              ~~  HELL is NOT here ~~

Tha which makes  HELL & HEAVEN tangible real 
neither how thick 
nor how thin the barrier
nor if the barrier could disable C0Ntamination by SIN   
& one is granted direct VISAs 

Tha which makes  HELL & HEAVEN tangible real is Misguide..

The Guide has the right MAP
THE Guide chose to willfully misread the CORRECT MAP -  by  design,  
by misUNderSTANDing
by being ILLiterate.
And of  possible likelihood the Guide never referred to the MAP
at all & he/she just thumps chest and Misguided from huge EGogogo

              ««««An everyday example »»»
         ‡‡ A (Hell fearing customer/patron) was requested to manually lift the 6 pack BEER bottles with his hands to be bar-code-scanned by Check-out-counter person who is already completely "protected"  from any "risk" of inciting untoward 'emotional responses from an onlooker" with her "aurat" fully wrapped & concealed by a HIJAB•• 
yet she convinced the BOTTLE glass is NOT thick enough to separate her from SIN and virtuous HEAVEN  by just touching the bottles; with sIN alcohell ooops alcohol in them to scan.
Yet damage was visited on None.

          BEER was sold/bought. 
      Money legally tendered. 
Sale legally closed.
Everyone concerned each went their own way -
ONE to quaff BEER - purPORTedly on his way to 
SIN ~ Hell ~ eternal DAMnation.
One to reaffirm/resolve to NOT finger BEER (alcohell containing) bottles, hence avoid earning HIVp even if she loses job.
Should the latter happen & she loses her job, she might be placed in more precarious positions, nearer to HIVp, {IF} when in attempting to earn a living in a supinated lithotomy posture, engaging in the oldest profession. {IF}

LIfe continues, though; with
   ~~~ MISconstrued CONcepts of True ~~~
§ A qualified doctor of medicine who touches a patient with a non human "instrument" to assess pulse, body warmth,  in every way not make skin contact - cos the patient is of the opposite gender, hence repealing the daily observance of his medical OBLIGATIOn. {Hippocrates' Oath?} To provide relief to his patients.

∞ The ticketing clerk\cashier at payment booths wears glove to receive cash - for similar avoidance of SiN when bodily contact is made with tainted (so presumed) money.

The lust ooops list of such 'purity' staining or Hell-incurring incidents - in the course of doing one's earth bound daily work, necessary to fill dependant hungry mouths & empty hearts, often causes distress if one follows the [?AUthenticated] teachings of some prophet (nabi) long dead & probably misunders†anding, misin†erpre†ing & unques†ioningly accep†ing a more than simple 2+2+2 = 6 theological CONcep†

Neither touching another of the opposite gender(s) necessarily will transport one nearer to ETERNAL HELL nor would avoiding such contacts deliver one closer to Virtuous HEAVEN, unless in one's act/non-act, one harbored Unadulterated impropriety.

••Money, in paper, plastic, metal, likely too be tainted with "Hell Incurring Validation points"  [HIVp]
derived  from many probable hellish human enterprises :
~ drug trade derived money
~ vice trade derived money
~ loan sharking rackets* derived money
   (*not tennis)
    All monetary instruments could have had history of contact with 'HIV'penterprises.
Yet don't one just Craze$, Crave$. $Crew$, for more MONEY; despite the possibility of it being tainted?

The pertinent appropriate question  is ~ does one get HELL Incurring Validation points ~~ HIVp simply by physically contacting "tainted" instruments like money?
OR does one 
• when manually coming into physical contact with Alcohell IN beer bottles working as check out counter clerks?
• when hooking up sexually ~~ ILLegitimately; wearing a conDOM, to technically NOT be in contACT with the hardened PENAL Code oooops PENILE Cord?
 • when merely thinking of  feasting sexually on that GYrating 'dish' in skimpy non-pants & skimpier see through whatever you call that piece of clothing material, that barely could cover her jiggling mammary glands; as she slipperingly rubs herself, sliding up and down the steel "dancing" pole - on TV channel GONE ?
• as well as other lusted ooops listed daily activities, in the course of earning daily bread 'working' ; 'ensuring' life for oneself & one's dependents?  
also had Sînnéd?
What constitutes an act or non act which could earn one HIVpoints
[Hell Incurring Validation points]?
   What constitute a SINfilled thought which    
    would necessitate one  
      to pluck out the offending eye?
        What act would need the perpeTRATOR to   
          chop the hand that wanked to the thought of 
            'feasting' ON that pole dancing        
               female after plucking out wayward eyes?

In the creation "story" "tale" (if true)
"HE G 0 D has  bequeathed this {i.e. ALL created stuffs - seen & unseen} to Adam to "use" as he, Adam 'sees' fit"

To with "eyes" feast  on pole dancer - sIN?
to wank to the same sight  - sIN?
to consume alcoholic beverages - sIN?
to touch BEER bottles - sIN?
to touch a suck sick man when one is a doctor & female -SiN?

†o make ANY & ALL forms of INappropriate contacts carrying out daily life earning activities so to fill hungry mouths, & to try fill impossibly empty hearts - with food & sustenance (only)  

Do such acts & principles of conduct derived from ? Spirit-eleva†ing †ale$, purportedly from Ancien†  holey holy TEXTs, transmitted down the centuries `` verbatim  ?UNmangled, ?ENriched, ?DIS†orted, ?Unadulterate & unearthed from very dead sea scrolls,  tomes & other H0£€¥ $cripts,
   almost falling to dusty butts oooops bits ~~
     & if these codes of conduct are not adhered to
      one DEATHfinitely is earning HELL &  
         eterNAL damNATION?
And the reverse; if one completely complies wi†h such LAWS of CONduct 
would that UNques†ioning COMpliance one earn
     ~~~ HEAVEN ~~~
      accompanying  Happiness, & Warmth in the 
         gLORIOUS Glow 
             of JOYfullmness
               & every other Ecstasy?

IS LIFE is so simply?



or are such tales of 
heaven attaining AND Hellbound acts
derived from the as yet inCOMPLETEly       revealed MAP ?

                      How come MAN is being MISdirected this way?  
Probably  one's "map reader" 
has insufficient capacity/ability/preparedness to fully AND righteously, courageously
     "decipher" "digest" & "transmit"
        the DIVINE "Godness" of the MAP
          for the complete benefit of ALL.
           And is held back by self sustaining sense  
             of  Spiritual prIDe,
               should he correctly [as intended by HE] 
                 "read" the [already] Revealed MAP 
                    to benefit all & sundry creatures.

~~~each earth based Creature of HE ~~~
till Déa†h deliver$ one Fréédom of travel
to des†in†ion HEAVEN
or in†ermen† HéLL 

«««†he here & †he now î$ Hø† as HéLL itself»»»


instigated by:

Alexander the Cleat. 
Completely Irrelevan/Ireveran
circa 00o0

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