Sunday, July 2, 2017

Blow thye TRump.é†

When one wanting to imitate some one, sets a goal, AN IDEAL, so high that every moment of one's try, one fails, never ever coming close to whom (what) one emulates; would that bring anything worthwhile? 

    It just proves how silly the notion of attempting to  surpass one's own natural standards and abilities. 

    If born a bird - one would probably be able to excel as a bird - in an avian environment. Try till one's bird-balls turn blue, there is not much chance of one ever breaking the mold of a very unchangeable settings i.e. a bird-born  specimen of the bird family.       
Thus even if one could ditch the feathers, lose the 'natural' mode of locomotion, & waddle, swim like a penguin; still the same - 'bird' - 
 - in penguin form one remains
        ~~~  'BIRD' ~~~
    One can never be what one isn't made to be. 
 If one's ambition is to become a worm {uuurgh worms BAAAD, Butterflies? from wormy [too] Caterpillars = Greatly Awesome}
Or become a buffalo maybe? 
Or a PéåCock! That surefully would be awefully åwe$mé; no?
   This fact REALIT¥ which most are reluctant to face up to, brings a scenaRIO of what many are imagINg today
 …unreal Wannabes ...  
•$nakes ~ fantasizing they were   
•Mangy mongrels ~making believe 
  they were pediGREED canines

~ a naturalLéé cømmøñ bée who wannabée some "TING" 'other' than what it was made to bée.

   -We cannot accept our God given natural status - and just excel within it -
  This refusal, reluctance, to squarely realize our abilities or lack of,  can be summarily put as deluded wishful day dreaming.
BUT it DEFinitely is NOT one's fault or doing..
    It was conceived & propagated by planted Ideologies similar or same or equal to Theologies similar or same or equal to Indoctrination, similar or same or equal to Mass Manipulation via  Media's pleasantly planted must- acquire at ALL COSTs soft core-hard-sell advereasements;
"anyone can attain whatever one puts one's mind to"
An extremely "Productive/Destructive" element, 
a form of POPulation-wide indoctrination, fueled by capital-making motives of a consumer-targeted society 
that thrives on $ELLING 'worthless' values as means of generating COMMERCE & material gains 

nobody gives a hootîñéhhñééhøø 
what happens to individuals long  as there is money/gains to be made from the irrelevant Masses.

    Younger folks, wishywashed teens, 
& peterPAN-adult-kids fall into that mode of think-acting on a regular daily basis. 
Laboring under this CONcept of "I can be whatever I set my "mind" to be. 
[?ensure "mind" is adequate.primed]
 I can, if I put heart, soul, plus nothing much else

  °Wannabe a pop idol
  °Wannabe a STå®
  °Wannabe adoréD
  °Wannabe all & sundry that they most definitely are not made to ever be !

Deluded about having talents to fly like a bird whilst creaure very UNFORTunately was born COMplete with 4 legs & striped  ~ a zebra.
•Wannabe the President of the United  
  States of Delusional Fantasy, when 
  can't read, write in legibly     
  understandable lingo; 
  can't make any legible sentence    
  expressing constructive coherant  
  ideals with extensive public benefits
•UNbothered unCONcern of parents'   
  greatgrandparental descent ~ Dunno  
  dun care dun give a h00†
•possessed of NîL zîlch qualities to  
  administer, isn't equipped with, nor  
  can be trained to acquire the
  attributes of an effective President of 
  ANY State, be that of Deluded FANtasy
  -or the UNITED $†a†e$ of A

  Such stuff which everyone has seen before forms the storyline of books & movies:
"The Despicables  -- I, II, III, & more
"Haîry the Pot --- SERies I II III IV upto & béYøñd ~ to where no pot or utensils has ever dare try beé
Yet being what we are, huMAN; 
we laugh, we ridicule such puerile attempts to break out of the confines of one's 'birthed-with' nature/attributes, to think & act outside the box in which our 'rockets of awesome potentials' (?imagined potentials) are waiting to be (tou are) fired/LAUNCHed. 
  To look at such attempts at trying or to be MORE than what one can at all achieve naturally; AND ridiculing such 'misdirected ambitions' does not make one any more or less than the ones we are 'despicabling' 
These exercises in derogatorily sniggering at another
 are self-therapeutic. A  mental pastime, practiced within limits, healthy ~ if kept  private & personal.  
Mental mocking of other creatures' unrealistic 'higher' ambitions; AND more effective, turning it inwards at oneself »»self "mocking"«« acts as spurs prodding one's 'stallions'[mares] to loftier heights
     disproving the cynic's bedROCK

"there is no good to be had from 
'¢ommøn' huMåñ$" 

   The sooner one realizes one's abilities (or lack off) for posts or positions one can (or can't) attain to, things start to go better for everybody else, avoiding collaterally damaging bystanders, which might involve

          ~ the entire United States of hArmerica ~ 
& sparing oneself eternal ridicule et infinitumin charted in the annals of clowniescharacers kept in The Wikipedia in the never end-able Library of  TRUTH.

THUS if do or else die have to, need to,  try 'imitate' or pretend to wannabeé luminaries, within the LIMITS of one's abilities, setting one's goals just a little lower 
  eg CON$trucion 0ffice CLück           
             ooops Clérk?

In the very first instance why would one even wish to imitate or be anyone else 
other than oneself   
                   Unless that persona is the absolute 


ake heed, advice, tip, from an antiquated ancient Chinese bunmaker[Longoñé DéåD] 
who lived once, next door to Confucius 
~~ "Try pass SH• commensurate with size of Añü$" ~~      
   ≈≈ peacé might just make it ≈≈

Chîmp Påñ†¥
circa: 00o0

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