Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gu† i† ou†

"Advice" from a ['sympathetic' 'encouraging' 'positive'] Medically CONversant columnist. 
with disclaimer:

i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno i dunno nothing  nothing               i dunno
i dunno nothing  i dunno nothing  i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing i dunno nothing  nothing              i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing    i dunno nothing i dunno i dunno          nothing      
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing    i dunno
i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno nothing
i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno      nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   nothing                            nothing         i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   i dunno nothing i dunno  i dunno              nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   i dunno nothing i dunno  nothing                i dunno
i dunno nothing                                  i dunno nothing i dunno nothing         i dunno nothing i dunno  i dunno                nothing

" but for pain due to Steroid Withdrawal an individual needs to gut it out , one thing IS for sure that eventually the pain will pass away."

~ which first ?

~ the pain or the individual,  passing away ?  medicine an imprecise Science Art ??????
 "akin to blanks fired in semi-darkness" it is surer the individual would, before the pain, pass away.. hence attaining painless-ness.

 More than that
the UNFAILING Creator is
  ever "surer" ever "precise" 
   Man having been conferred mortality, would be called Home : by HIS Law --- SUREr than by any Pharmaceuticals'  CONjectured PostuLA†ED CONSPIRated  CON$téépATEd Possibilities or W.t.e.f.g.h.i.js 
have ¥øUs where uncer†ain†ies are being given faked sense of Guarantee$ with conjectured possibilities, all unQEDable 

~ In this realm expect "smart" a$$é$ such as unCONnected COLUMnist making clucking,  patronizing noi$e$, accompanied by expectant $ound$ of ca$h register$; totaling anticipated credit$ -- Columnist's credit$
when it especially is NOT their PAIN to begin or end with ~

Ye† "Gut it out" in any even†
is advice good to dwell on
whisl† pain wreaks havoc on the oh so human so impermanent frail body....

~In the REALM of the "Living"    
 no surer thing than 
                ~ PASSING away~                 
 ~In the REALM of the After-Here 
As sure as passing away is assured   
           expec†     «'»     be assured
            †here would be Nø pain
       øñé need deal nøugh† with any PAIN 
                 ESPECIALLY when

HE done

H E 
|||||||||||| ever ||||||||||||


Circa : oo0o

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