Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Iz laik dat wan

Pain@DOLL & Pain@DEEN
 they hang on tight
 they sit, they sqüar†, they sh, the¥ bend,     

 fidget & they budge,
 through thick,  

 through  thin, 
 through heavy,       
 through light,
 through seemingly nothing pleasAn† 
would  they  ever be attaining within sight -----------------------------

they keep on bearing  it all with a 
                      collective grin 
they keep on   
                      bravely ignoring the Pain

which tries so hard, üñRelentlessly; to do damn in.

  Poor †0®†ü®éd Pain@DOLL
  Poor †º®Méñ†ed Pain@DEEN

«««««« Knowing not where, when, how this might END »»»»»»

 Knowing 0nly
   the üñpleasant, üñnice,
üñbearably taxing, üñnecessarily Ex†ended, †åkîñg †•• 
     L                     ø            
                 ñ                       g  
ge††ing üñduly
Devoid of Meaningful Motives  
ge††ing Løw on Spirit Raising Raison
ge††ing Weak in every other values annîé hüMan
would, could: rationally, even wildly 

Conjecture as  N øb le
   ye† Pain@DOLL hangs on tightéR & HårdéR
   †o Pain@DEEN 

with one solacing, and the other sºº†hîng;
each bravely, vainly,  futilely,
†rying to $éé 

 if åññîé  GººD is at all visible, locateable, worthwhile-able 
F0r ALL thé eXpañdéd †ørméñ†ing Pain inducing ANIMa†ing

bU†† the PAIN whén søø†hé∂  
like each & every udder FakeR Unîver$aLé
the ñéX† ´Eñçøñ†ér is
like LîFE itself hinged on it.

†he FORCE is there for you, 
yours to SQUARELY lay your bAd on,
†0 swear @† ~ 
with Profanes† 0bscenities, 
†ø Cü®$é  ~
with Viles†  Bi††ér-most Vén0m;
like as iƒ it weren't 
your desire, nor your fault, 
like as iƒ it weren't 
your every life-breathing aim, intent, goal.   


Much good that would do
    »»»»» 'cøs you were made  to do this «««««
IDIO ~ Like
   For this  
      LIFE  it SELƒ.


When the next loud bang hi†s,
I† migh† be clearer †hen.
P E R h a p S ~
~ Maybe.

JéåLºü$ $éåzü®é 

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