Sunday, August 27, 2017

Acquired Olympics Syndrome

When days [will] get short’r,
nights when nigh, [will] seemed long’r, extendedly;
Whilst  WaiTER$ 

~in transit-mode~
anxious minds;
                 [unbeknownst, unwakefull to self’s impermanance]

fill up with want$
of attaining greatER nothings, 

fill up with want$
to add more  x  24/7.
All & each & every udder øñé$
every other øñés
        ~ & in all ways~
 [unknowingly ~ even HE ~demeaning]

    To  ~ desperately outshine ~
          ~ enact $ill¥ show$ of “€mp†¥” going on†o “Dépletion”.
          ~ compulsively to outdo self-perceived excellence
          ~ attain goals as yet unachieved, but must attain, [wish lists?]

                  the Final boarding Call

Loudne$$ ~ Thunderou$
ne$$ ~ Blazingne$$ ~ Blinding, $pectacular, $howers of $ensationalized oo0hs woows aaaahs O0yeeeaaahs     

encourage, induce more Display$ of ~~~

Loudne$$ ~ Thunderou$ne$$ ~ Blazingne$$ ~ Blinding, Spectacular, Shower$ of Sensationalized oo0hs woows aaaahs O0yeeeaaahs     
  Worthless Wasted Energies if better applied
     might have bloom’d

     meaningFULL’r enCOUNTERS
     richER exPERIENCES
     highER exCELLance [near diVINe] 

Who though, counts ?
Who keeps score, though?
Who at all gives a sHkoot?

Whils† new Arrived,
FRESH-filled of Vim, Vigor, Vitality, overBrimmingly running with GIFTs, Abilities,  Zestfull  of QUALities

 (horned & razorsharp’d) 
from paRental, anCES†ral
from HIS “diVINE”  Impar†s
        are here come;
                           to  -  comfort,  placate, assure
                           to  -  PEACE-fill HOMEward bound †ransit0rs
Lîfe is  ENDless;
Lîfe  would unceasing  CONtinue
    with; in; through

= I† should, but I† never does  =
   comfort, placate, nor assure.

For reC0££€¢†î0ñ$ of HOME
 were long murky lost,
  as †raipSING in the wonder-filled here;
    in the splendor-FULL now;
      all have been StuporED $énsele$$
        all have bu† FORg0†
         the FINAL call
            to reEmBARK

All & every øñé 
dulled, lulled by HuMAN ego-starved "prophets"  called ?'false'
 yet so real,
 so †rue,
 so relevan†,
 so appropria†e
 so Scrip†ur'∂

 so goshPél'd
so K0rLunn'd
so SanSkrîp†'∂
so bHuDDudd'd
so watever the "Farg"

would, Loud,  clear & deafeningly, $øønes† enuff

                                                                      S O U N D

As now Face-On with øñé's Time’s Up
   Wails, would resonate Loud; [of course]
   Grief would Reverberate; just as loud [of course]
   “if only’s” & “should have’s”
   would add Regretfulne$$ Recriminations, [of course]
And sudden-woke un-awareness,

Claw, Cling, Beg, Plead, Grab,
†o s†ay on
[of course]

naught would  avail.
 [of course]
†oo late [of course]
Hoi jus† surrender, be led aboard for
 — all life-long — having accomplished nothing —
                           [of course]
hoi perhaps not, no; not in vain; at the minimum leas† there is a plus ?
Oh Ya?
0h yA !
As a redemption coupon for a comfortieR ride HOME
 øñé in the littlesT bit did:
                                    elicit, the smug, almost silent ,snigger; from the Dank Evil Unseen rePungence.

øñé in the littlesT bit did:
                                    give a “good job” boost to her Ego-starved MalevolenT UnrepenT

øñé in the littlesT bit did:
applaud her having stalled another ñøñéñ†î†¥ from going any.nowhere near Up.

$he need break no sweat, nor do naught, for tat †o attain, though,
We humus ooooops HUmums ooooops hyMENs, ooops human$, 
on our own cognizance, 
under our own volition, 
are rather well equipped, 
fool oooops full enough;
of the Olympic Syndrome of$$
       to do it †o ourselves.




NåpAløñé Bø®ñApåR†
circa: 00o0

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