Monday, April 9, 2018

G • I • F • T 3

 -:    The B E S T gift ever :-
the ability to be enfolded by

"good" when "bad"

is spoken ° done & directed ° at one

::with intent:with malice:
:with vehemence:

   -:   The BETTER gift ever :-
the ability to keep
in "dumb" "safe" "silence"
when "bad"
 so overwhelmingly, 
painfully, jarringly,

audible is 
-: The Good gift ever is :-
the ability to be
"blind" | "deaf" | "dumb" 
--when one is dumped onto where one is--
 & harsh  
  $†ar€$ one down
 daily - everyday
   • CONSTANTL¥   
no Oƒƒ days  
 ALWAY$ "on"

 be assured


   What evil...which bad...whose malice
can stand


îñ$pî®é∂ b¥
$împLé $îmøñé

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