Tuesday, April 17, 2018

MîLK ---


Contrary to Universal Feel Good
           ~~~ °°° ~~~
 of HUMAN kindness
don’t flow easy..
NOT from woman’s breast
nor from man’s ‘’whatever’’ too.

   Diet of Infants
   from cows, goats, cattle,
   or even from mothers
were NOT: never were,

ever filled with ••kindness••
 ~~~ freely, easily, sweetly 
self-givingly ~~~
••HUMAN•• or otherwise.
 .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Kindness since Dawn of Time
    eluded every born’d of Man.

“including the ones not of women born too"

Man never was from "Kindness"
Nor was partial to : “Kindness”
Never was raised on “Kindness"


make more stains & mars deeper; 
than the purest pearliest white MILK of KINDness of any kind ever would ameliorate the indelibly etched blemishes.

From Day 0 of THE eviction of Adam: if the cows, goats, cattle’s milk on which Man's Children
were fed, & nurtured with;
had been foddered with
• HUMBLE pies 

• Leaves of IGNOBILITY
• Shrooms dripping full of MEEK
• spiced with Barks off tree of

• & a pinch of the Salt of  


such Potions of Apothecarial
Concoction Might have brought Man
NOT to this His present

 Buts & Ifs;
 Never altered reality
 Never then
 Not now
 Never EVER would.........    ......

If conscientious good sense, probably lost; 
Høpéfülly not dead drowned; Høpéfülly still viable  & stubbornly floundering, indefatigably buoyant 
even tho drenched & bloated;
Høpéfülly from murky brooks of sensible care-filled cerebral river-lets, would, might,
stubbornly rejoin
  Maybe then, perhaps these suppressed streams might just  reform; against all norms
     to make flow
        the mighty Milk of     

when Good Will prevails
makes Impossibles ---

îñ$pîré∂ by
$împLé $†übbøñ˜n 
circa 00o0

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