Thursday, September 27, 2018

All the people ALL the TIME

People, [Lîƒé] die everyday.
[Lîƒé] die from ALL causes everyday.
All people die from any & every cause on any day.

*°*°*Lîƒé departs,  [DIEs]  leaves the [body]
                  a temporary organic container. *°*°*

Should one thus, be saddened if 43 brothers &  siblings "related >from Adam<  were all killed;
when they fell
                  .--- sp¥h|aå† ---.
attempting a record, 
sky-diving ?

Should one weep more if an aged fella died

 whilst trying to run as fast as he shouldn't
   to exercise his exotic pet Eqp in order to longer bond with it? 
     Or should one shed more tears when death 
           delivers a youngER fella.
Is more the tragic when a baby dies
from inherited fatal genetics; 

or just plain -- died? 

~~~~ Sadness, grief, tears, 
                      at the 
death, demise, 
[return to HøME]
of a Lîƒé
be inversely proportional to the length of years lived? ~~~~

            Knowing life is not forever
          Why then is a dead young fella
grieved, sorrowed, saddened over,
more than a dead old fella ?
Both get equally as dead <>  one not Deader 

                                       <>   nor less Dead
                                     <>   than the other

Yet the younger fella receives more grief.

 The "S A D" is much more unbearable, more voluminous the out pouring of  GRIEF.        
    Is there then, an age, that when death comes, 
it is acceptable, better received?    
  Or is this another preCODITIONING of perception in all who ever were born human, that dying is unnatural, is bad? that only 
THE aged,
THE decrepit,
THE nonuseful
THE unproductive
should deserve to be "gladly" "acceptably" dead?

it has been
That one has to FEAR, to DREAD, deny, to AVOID, to FORGET, to not dwell on  
DYING less one be     
  branded morbid negative weird

Yet death is the LOGICAL NATURAL     
                                     transcending of LIFE
                              to its ORIGINal abode 
 The e†ernal EMBRACE from which [Lîƒé]one, 
was sent when 
one[Lîƒé]elects to be birth'd

Another Preconditioning  >> after dying --- it is the   END 

At the earliest inappropriate Place & Tîmé

Ask [& tho' you might be questioning]...
Seek [& tho' you might be prying]..
Knock [& tho' it just might hit back].

find out
    ««« however one does it »»» 
AND know •• so be assured
from whence one came
to  hence one is to be  return'd





no, no, no, not really.
there's another
to that.
not necessarily is one returned to


SîQmåññ F®åü∂
circa 00o0

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