Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Specially Chosen aka DREAMon

The REALITY often 
denied <> overlooked <> glossed over  <> ignored
   racial bias
   religious exclusivity  
   ethnic ego
   national hubris  
           is the
unpalatable <|> uncomfortable <|> disagreeable
 despite seeming GREATness 
    >>> everyone is plain & simply <<<
           a HUMAN BEING
  greater <|> lesser <|> higher <|> lower <|> exalted <|> mediocre

Living in packed societies, cramped communities,  tightly housed cities, swamped slums, ghoulish ghettos...
an individual would feel unDISTINGUISHED;  UNdifferent from the next zillion copies of a massively huge herd of others, too many for comfort - all mucking around in one's 
non-existing 'personal' zone.
      To desire to be differently perceived;
   as unique, not as a copy of zillionz 
  but a special entity; in a sense; to       
 entertain the SHIok 
the SPECIAL uniqueness of a completely  INDIVIDUAL being, though fulfilling 
 is transient;unreal;

--reality as it hits--
would negate that little comfort ..
 "look" at a person; 
   any person;
 after it becomes dust 
  it is just plain & simply
                   D U S
knowing all others - zillionz -
AND oneself included
 would be that 
  one & the same dust
should do much good 
add strength
  a solitary individual
 in a huge countless herd of 
  D U S


$îQmåññ ƒråü∂
in collaboration with 
$împlé $îmøñé

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