Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Peanuts for Christmas..


   "Beggars can't chose - givers can, CHARITY is  the giving of what beggars can't chose to refuse" 
  To give, 'donate' stuff cluttering up one's live & space, (trash) to others one imagines might welcome them with open-arms due to their marginalized social or economic situations, then gleefully congratulate one's generosity and charity; is self delusional, misplaced,  flawed !

Very few practice charity with complete altruism. Other than Love being the nature of God (Agape) few by the very nature of being human can do true charity or practice Love - making sacrifices; loving another (especially a completely unrelated person) with no expectations whatsoever of self gain. 
If at all, one wishes to love altruistically, by first subduing instinctive impulses for ego affirmation, self-satisfaction or gratification; by killing any expectations for benefits, or gains, material or imagined; one might then (perhaps)  come closer to the practice of truely loving.

"A Lover is utterly selfless - has no regards than to give all to the Loved"

Do we really Love anyone?

Merry Christmas?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Confucius never said ....

"Problems" faced by the elderly besides the obvious physical deterioration & age related medical conditions, are also and very importantly "intellectual"(not referring to High IQ, rather 'of the mind').
You know I have zero qualifications to expound on this topic other than my age (not really OLD - but getting there:)
Being an avid observer of human nature specially in respect to spirituality & how humans are so tempted to indulge in basic instincts & selfish urges, as well as faithfully obeying artificially planted (media created) needs, I find it amusing but not at all surprising, when reading this particular case of a Dr from a certain nation, who obviously could not get happy 'cos of his (self perceived) failed materialistic ambition/aspiration.
  In a certain nation, held out as an example of a high achieving country, the craving, the all consuming urge so glaringly obvious across every age sector is MATERIAL success! No one does nothing i.e. every body is all the time on the go...chasing an illusive-getting-harder-to-ever-obtain goal ... which is: "Come hell or high water" must be top dog: Get successful, Be counted among the Elite (in every government-defined idea of Success, & Elitism).
That ideal, those cognizant with Buddhism, is THE factor for INABILITY to attain any level of happiness. 
BUT Who cares for Happiness per Buddhism anyway when that kind of Happiness is not enjoyable?
     *See the frightened young parents ... every moment from the day when the prenatal ultra sound INDICATED  [indicated-not confirmed] life in the female parent's  womb... getting frenzied, initiating the quest to ensure their imminent child must become successful in every way humanly possible. So Mozart (unfinished symphony - of course) is piped next to her abdominal walls 24/7. Multi-potent multi-vitamins, specially designed exercise programs to ensure uneventful NORMAL birth of a physiologically/anatomically 'normal' but highly IQ'd child are subscribed to.  Designer diets, the engaging of other prenatal gurus with programs that actually make no difference; are  adhered to - an almost fanatical undertaking to ensure absolutely zero chance, the still undeveloped, unborn, unconfirmed as a viable child, will be denied any possible human input that will guarantee success in later life. (if at all birthed)
*The young preschooler, & other children from junior  schoolers to college, University students, are subjected to a frenzied, very purpose-filled and directed (regimented) program of life. I would not use the word 'live' as they do not have life, as most kids know it; there being little free & easy time to lazily, gleefully explore the wonders that must be the world to their 'youngish' perception. They have almost no self determination in their growing up years, than keeping up, staying on top, or (to the joyful ecstacy of the parents) besting the government set patterned & regimented development program that is good for the nation's survival, growth, achievements etc. etc.
     *The Middle-aged group running on an ever speeding treadmill  - going nowhere, having to keep running faster - the alternative - falling off is unacceptable?

There is no resident  of this "success-at-all-costs" nation, whether transplanted from another country or natural born, who does nothing.. i.e. not chasing or pushing or in action towards an end! NO ONE  worth his salt STOPS or DOES NOTHING at any time. Even slowing down is considered 'unproductive', 'frowned upon' and 'not encouraged' 
   *At a mass transit station above the escalator, hanging over the heads of all commuters like the Sword of Damocles : "It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop" a huge billboard supposedly quoting Confucius. 
Would a sage, a wise guy like Confucius be stupid to never stop? To smell the roses (or Chinese Peony), to savor the melody of the bubbling brook, to take in the majesty of a Technicolored Sunset as only the Creator can? Would a wise guy like Confucius be wise like Confucius if he DID NOT STOP? He would have been going very slowly AND stopping countless times in his journey through life to be able to deliberate and come up with the wisdom associated with him. Many of his 'wisdoms' are as you no doubt would gather are of dubious origin, tending toward mass manipulation (indoctrination). 
  There is uncertainty if this subtle indoctrination of the citizenry thru subconscious mind messages  'blasted' across the media and everywhere like the over-hanging sign boards (sword of Damocles) is a psychological brain conditioning of the people. The motives & real-life beneficiaries - anybody's guess. There are many obvious answers as to why people are made to run faster on the spot. It is safer not to vocalize or speculate.
The only safe way out of this shining (glaring?) example of a "socially engineered successful" nation of busy bustling (?mindless) mob is to STOP three or more times a day. Stop & redirect or reassess the objectives in the lives of its nationals.
If any sanity is to be obtained by any age group, it definitely is not down the path towards material aspirations...huge condos...huge foreign automobiles... huge bank accounts... glamor foreign degrees... foreign husbands/wives...foreign sounding glam names (Caucasian usually) ...faked foreign accents…Glam Religious Affiliations, in other words the acquiring of Pseudo-Prestige/Class & the associated badges of Success.
My point, you would realize by now ... the nation is barking up a very wrong tree - equating success, happiness, fulfillment, achievement, even patriotism with material acquisition ! Or perhaps that isn't the intention of those who planted these ideas of 'success & achievements' in the first place BUT in reality the means to a yet unrevealed  agenda?
If that were so it was a very well thought out strategy implemented very subtly over years, through inculcation in impressionably minded generations of pre-schoolers; "That being competitive, maintaining high GDPs, KPIs, besting everyone else, doing anything at all BETTER, BIGGER, FASTER, HIGHER, CHEAPER" 
 All SUPERLATIVES which together with other suicide inducing ideals -  ensure that the country with no natural resources would be able to survive and compete against a hostile world which owes it nothing for a living!  - asking Olympian standards of real life people. Ordinary everyday people who only wish to live in a peaceful, safe environment, with sufficiency (not more of  everything plus extra) in all needs.
Do you know, under the tiny garden stone, the earthworm which lives in this same nation in the same equally resourceless environment, with no marketable talents, no foreign acquired abilities, is happily living his life - with enough of everything he would ever need for his equally short existence ?
Of course who in this nation wants to live like a worm?
They'd rather commit suicide!
AND if you've come to 67 with a life long brain-tuned attitude of need to climb to the material mountain peak regardless, not even knowing what for, and you suddenly woke(perhaps due to deficiency in testosterone) that 'hey I am not at where I should be" would that not make you depressedly suicidal ?

Have a peaceful week my young friend.
BTW are you happier in Canada? Do they have many psycho-therapists there?
LIFE IS GOOD ANY AGE (even under a stone) IF YOU (not your government) SET YOUR HEART TO MAKE IT SO 
 God permitting 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Connecticut Carnage..

    No one is NOT angry - there is no sure-fire remedy to the problem - moral re-education, inculcating better social & moral values, fear of the Divine (the Govt?)adoption of extreme punitive measures; anything anyone has or will come up with; very categorically will not solve this problem adequately.      

  Many countries elsewhere around the world, though, do not allow anyone other than armed forces, police & (certified) security personnel, to carry, own or use firearms. Screening is stringently conducted before anyone (not in the categories allowed by law) owns and operates a weapon. When license is given the purchase of bullets too is very strictly documented, recorded & accounted for by the (stringently screened) dealers to the authorities.
  In such countries crimes are committed with use of arms too (illegally acquired). The incidences of mass slaughters through semi or automatic firearms though are very infrequent as compared to the USA -  reason  - the ease of obtaining such weapons is zero.
 These countries practice Democracy too, perhaps not identical to USA's version. Their citizens are human beings (not some aliens with higher angelic values). They have similar leanings, negative human urges & anti-social inclinations & propensity towards criminal acts too. There are people living in these places with severely disturbed and troubled personalities too. They do run berserk on and off BUT usually with machetes at most. NEVER with semi automatic weapons. 
 The extent of the carnage in human lives, is thus restricted by the killing force of the weapons available.

The glaring difference between the US & such other countries - THE NEAR IMPOSSIBILITY TO EASILY GET A GUN ! 
   Perhaps Huckabee is partly right. The de-God-ing of society might be a factor.     
    An Asian saying "Fear the guy who fears neither god or man" 

   It could also be the abdicating of parental responsibilities as first role models to their children. Many parents are qualified only in their biological ability to procreate. 
   Likely too the delegation of fostering good values to equally unqualified  (not in academic qualifications) teachers. Teachers lacking commitment, dedication, focus & motivation to 'build' a socially adequate person from the children under their tutelage. A teacher in only for a livelihood.
  And not completely without accountability for these incidences 
-  those who formulate, approve & ensure the system Americans live in is safe, wholesome & conducive to the pursuit of their dreams & aspiration as laid out in the Freedoms - cherished by & held forth by Americans.  

Every answer to why a disturbed individual did this is at best only a conjecture. Only someone equally troubled or perhaps a supernatural being might have more than an inkling.

Besides all ills of society, that could possibly account for such acts, isn't it undeniable if guns had been impossible (or near impossible to lay hands on)what happened at Newtown, and the very unacceptably painful loss, would probably be a non-event?

  Despite the overwhelming outpouring of grief on live national TV, in the breaking hearts of those bereaved, in every feeling American (normal) - the need for a complete over-haul of value systems that made US what it is, especially on gun control, very unacceptably is overdue.
No one man, Obama or whoever will come up with a comprehensive answer -  the cause of the disease being "MUTIFACTORIAL"  it will not be found in a single silver bullet ! 
No one is patient - for workable solutions to be initiated !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Filled to the Brim & Over-flowing ...

A semi-wise guy told his half-witted friend as they ruminated, one afternoon over their warm mugs of Capusino-betah-dahn-d'next at BitwinAveryHaRTRock&DipBluC Cafe: 

   "When we arrive at Heaven, at the Banquet which our Lord has prepared for all His faithful servants, every faithful servant will drink from cups filled to the brim and over-flowing: your cup, my cup, his cup, her cup, even those with ambiguous gender's - cup, will be filled to the brim AND all will be overflowing." (He obviously had  insider knowledge)
     "BUT (now he shows his semi-wisdom) your cup may contain ONE liter, mine 500 mls, hers 50 mls, the ambiguous gender's may hold 24 liters."   

Then the semi-wise concluded :
     "If your cup holds only 10 ml of 'Blessed Beer' don't try to act 'drunk' like you had 325 liters of Holy Spirit,  OK?"  

The Pastor drinking  incognito nearby quietly went : "Buuurp". 

Whether the half-witted friend could swallow his Capusino, after this  revelation from the semi-wise that  afternoon at BitwinAveryHaRTRock&DipBluC  Cafe is not known  till this day.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Criminally suspicious acts.

When some one gives herself (himself) completely to someone else the response evoked in the recipient is not necessarily a 'feel good'.
  Your friend (selflessly) do things for you. She (he) serves you literally hand and foot. Whatever you may wish for even before you verbalize it she provides. 
Be it  an article of food, a comforting act, a thought. Be it a physical, emotional, intellectual need you might have, wish for, even think vaguely about; your friend in almost an inhuman manner, anticipates & provides.
  NORMAL human beings in the first place don't or are not able/inclined to do that. 
  NORMAL human beings think of self first, less often of others thus their inability, disinclination to do that.
Most human beings are  - NORMAL.

No normal person would act, or be inclined to behave that way. She would cause uncertainty & doubt, in you if she behaves thus.
What is the expected gain? 
Human relationships not unlike trade,  profits & losses almost always are ingrained in human interactions.
You begin to find these acts of devoted friendliness, (servitude) unsettling, & difficult to accept.  You do not expect to get a free ride, a free meal, anything at all free. You are a typical human. 
Unless these acts clearly are for  'rewards', 'benefits', 'gains' or some yet unknown "pluses", & unless  payments for these 'devotions' 'servitude' 'volunteerism' are made & paid well, her purpose would be elusive  to one's understanding, hard to accept & properly responded to. 
In fact she would evoke doubts, suspicions, fear, rejection even animosity if she does them for no apparent conceivable human intent.
  Nobody in the world would do that; completely, selflessly, with no apparent motives, obscure or otherwise. With no indication  for gain or self enrichment in one or more ways.  
 Does your parents ? (You would prefer they do, for the reasons you think are inherently noble)
 Your spouse (male, female or other)? You are sure, for reasons atypical of humans?
 Your live-in companion?  Ditto as above?  Your friends with benefits? Your pastor, priests, spiritual gurus, Popes,?
  Your crew ? The PM, Congress? Members of political parties? Your obsessed with Rock Star?
In fact - Does anyone at all (for selfless reason) ? 

If they did were these acts not in some ways 'paid'  for by you. 
If not paid for, were they selfless & atypical, unpolluted, untainted  by narrow human considerations? 

That we regard acts like these as done with anticipation of rewards, reaffirms the HUMAN in us.
Some call that inclination to question plain pure 'good'  - paranoia, suspicious minds, inability to be gracefully accepting, the XXXXXXX of a human.
Parents, siblings, friends, others,  should they act thus, do so  from feelings of responsibility, of love, charity, kindness, tenderness, friendship.  

                                    Some do such sacrificial acts for Love of the ONE. 

Should one whom we never knew from Adam, comes along and allows us to completely consume ('share' - a word too abused to correctly convey the meaning) his entire being, would one find that easy to doubt, mistrust, suspect, fear and reject?

Should one perceive  such acts; especially from one we never knew from Adam, were done for  typical human intentions  - for  GAIN;   by such thoughts one would be impeded from knowing Peace.

If one acts or behaves based on such premise - for personal gain, in any conceivable form; one would not only be impeded but would not at all easily find Peace.

Thus when a sacrificial act atypical of  humans, is performed, by one unrelated in any way, with absolute disregard for gain of any sort or other, He is always viewed with cautious (even criminal) suspicion.

 Ultimately He will be hung  - for attempting to be an atypical  'good' human person!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The asses in one's life.

  A young person just launching into adulthood, getting settled in the first job seeks  his first  "S" - Success

  Years passed; he advances in age & experience, gaining understanding & wisdom (probably) together with increasing career stability and upward mobility his eyes shift to his second - S" : $ -  the almighty Dollar.

  More water flows under the proverbial bridge & just  as with the turbulence of the racing waters so it is with the youngster's raging hormones. 

  The third "S" rears it's head - Sex -  a natural DNA pre-determined sensual response. Call it -  'the procreative urge for  ensuring the propagation & continuation of the species'  so to ennoble its actual carnal intent and purely sensual motivation.
  (Besides the noble & glorious functions & purpose of Sex, which mostly is not the actual reason or urge for engaging in the act; there is the (undeniable) exhilaratingly unique sensual pleasures like no other;  which normal beings repeatedly crave indulging in. Thus the act of engaging in the sexual act  which brings that kind of a sensual rush, effectively ensures the survival & propagation of the species. Instead of an intensely pleasurable sensation which is un-achievable by any other means, imagine if sexual orgasms bring unbearably intense painful sensations ? Would any normal/sane person wish to do any sex anytime soon ? And would that not effectively spell the end of the race)

  Much time, energy &  effort were  applied, spent and depleted when the youngster reaches a less robust, less physical, more intellect-dependent state of being when he realizes the physical provides little relief, almost no respite and hardly any complete fulfillment.  
                He looks for the forth "S" - Spirit.

  Ideals, aims, goals, must do's, must have's which were main agendas in his earlier (younger) considerations while riding or attempting to mount the crest on the after-burn from the first 3 "S"s now fade from his  primary focus as the  less youthful person turn his focus & dwells on matters more spiritual.
 Thoughts and intellectual activities turn inwards, his spirit (?soul) attempt to reestablish the non-physical bond  with a long lost primal cord  -  an ethereal connection broken & cut loose when the 'being' was 'birthed'  years ago in his murky existential beginnings.
  Seek as he might  though, with all zeal & fervor, his spiritual quest would bring no satisfying soul--quenching elixir of stillness, nor peace-filled centeredness till he aimed his sights at the final 'S'
  The 5th all important "S" in any person's journey towards the Ultimate Truth - the SELF.
When one after an entire life of seeking, would arrive at & be comfortable with  this crucial 5th "S"  -  SELF, one would achieve centeredness, balance & stillness of soul. 
A transitory period in one's life long journey toward the Ultimate at which stage, one is certain of the reachability of the next  stage - Bliss. 
Many seek but do not arrive at  the 5th "S" - SELF.
They cul-de-sac at  an alternative "S"
Their quest culminates & stagnates, when looking in the mirror they see & recognize they had been the hugest 'aSs' ever. 

  Peace is attainable when one arrives, feels one with and is totally home - at one's Spiritual Sanctuary - SELF.

All other stops are only lay byes.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Life is NOT about ....

Some know what LIFE is about. Many think they know. As for me - Life is NOT :
*A Business,
*A Job
*A contest
*A race
*A trial 
*A task with compulsory modules 
*About getting even

In plain speak the precious commodity given to each of us … LIFE, is an opportunity, a one time offer with an expiry date, to experience what it is to be a human person!
Living is not about getting somewhere before others do as in a race or contest. Eg. If one's friend has 3 sons who are world renowned physicians, should one feel any less if the only daughter one has is happily working at mothering one's grandchildren? Or should one feel lousy if one has to yet have a child?
It is NOT a business where the beautiful experiences to be had only once during one's prescribed years are abandoned in the pursuits of profits! There are no balance sheets to add up at the end of days; living is not to acquire gains & stave off losses. Even if one should amass an impossible amount of earthly riches, the question that one should next be able to answer should be "What do I actually own"?
Life isn't about how fast, how high or how strong one is.
It is not a performance sport for entertaining others or affirming personal prowess.

It is not about who gets more of whatever or who gets to wherever first.
There are no tests to pass - (contrary to religious beliefs) No one does better or worse in life.
It is not a journey where the destination has to be arrived at in the shortest possible time, with the most possessions before everyone else; especially those one feels are the competition.

Life is about all those happenings also know as experiences, that are going to take place from the first instance one becomes sentient; till the day the 'offer' reaches expiry date.
The experiences one endure, the emotions, the agonies, the ecstasies, the passions that incinerate, consume the soul, that elevate the spirit above that of the animal. It is about the sensations; sensual, spiritual and intellectual that envelop and immerse one as one lives life.
It would be a fruitless, wasteful, ineffective spilling of the precious cup of life if one were to use up the the years given, fulfilling mainly carnal purposes, intent on achieving  what one thinks is successful living.
More wasteful and 'criminal' if the life one lived destroyed more than built, hurt more than healed, inflicted more anger then peace. If one lived indulging all urges (mayhem & anarchy) to the detriment of everyone else; that might not be 'wrong' (right & wrong being subjective); but one would have wasted a precious commodity.

Has one in spending of the privileged years allotted brought about anything 'good', 'worthwhile','true', beautiful', 'noble', 'right', 'honest', 'admirable'?
Or did one do everything with every fiber of one's gifts & abilities, to affirm one's 'ego', to ensure one's transient presence in this life was etched indelibly onto some self satisfying template? Or was one's existence all about fulfilling/achieving a list of immature glamor seeking goals, destinations or tasks? 

Most definitely Life is not about GETTING EVEN, apportioning Blame, recriminating missed opportunities.

SH*T is it so hard to live right?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pearls before swines..

No one of correct mind with proper consideration, respect, etiquette, & decorum dresses like a whore (unless IS one) in a place of worship, though many do; perhaps perceiving it to be fashionable, glamorous, liberal broad-mindedness.At a private orgy it is 'correct & respectful' to other orgy participants to dress like a whore and no one with proper consideration, respect, etiquette, & decorum  would dress like a religious person at an orgy. Notice absence of "correct mind" If one wishes to affirm one's superiority of; acute intellect, vastness of knowledge, holy spirituality, strength, openness of attitude, infinite experience in life (at 35 or 53, or even 99), been-there–done-that-ness in every human, cultural, historical, visual, geographical  and whatever qualities one imagines one possesses; which one feels would benefit others, it is best if one does that through a platform or avenue where one is 'invited/welcomed' or appropriate. Try preach the Gospel @ a sex Orgy uninvited!Or go to Church and display extreme sexual licence without imprimatur!Sufficient unto the sittuation the evil thereof.Similarly, & as relevant sufficient unto the situation the Good thereof.Evil as Good, are counter beneficial when imbibed/consumed to excess.Heroin as with other mood altering chemicals used with prudence, proper considerations, understanding & intent has great "good'The same substance is abused when used otherwise. We are neither saints (always DEAD people) nor devils (mostly alive)BUT neither excesses Evil Good is appropriately beneficial in all and every situation.In a war or combative enviro, aggression tinged with some evil is appropriate as intent is destruction of the other. God decrees we battle Satan - to covert Satan into Love ? No! To Destroy Evil.  It is not called a bad name i.e not an act of Evil. Thus which side you come from would determine your intention  - Good Evil. Besides Satan (Evil) is not an Entity outside of human's biological, mental, physical, spiritual, intellectual 'body'. More on that ...
In an atmosphere of harmonious peace-filled reaffirmation of human good - Evil has to be subdued, suppressed & disallowed to rear its head.
When one casts pearls before 'swines', 'swines' know better cos one's 'pearls' may be just a load of complete BS. Similarly a swine sitting in the Universal Library of Complete Knowledge is as stupid/uninformed as it would be in the sty, i.e. in the Knowledge contained therein.A wise man(wisdom Hahaha )would be just as stupid/uninformed as to the Knowledge housed in the Universal Library of Complete Porcine Knowledge.
Cast not any pearls to Swines or Men (both pronouns getting scaringly synonymous) Shove them all down one's throat & eat one's pearls by oneself; by example, conduct, utterances, intentions, one's pearls might bear fruit. God Willing.It might just reappear @ one's other end, as so much BS (the possibilities are infinite :)

ONLY to His Glory.