Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Total Irresponsibility ≠ CARPE DIEM

 "‹‹‹‹ the  song of Total Sensual  FREEDOM  ››››"
    (dedicated to the worthless pursuits of uselessness) 

°... may we mortals of indefinite destiny 
Carpe diem ourselves irresponsibly to the hilt of  supreme sensualism. Let's attain the peak of highest possible pleasurable climax!  

 Immerse us then again & again, drown, thrust us; deep, to the nether depths of depravity, imbibe deeply wines of abundant hedonistic intoxicates that for brief sweet awhiles, satiate us our lustful cravings. 
Of what is life but that distilled from  pleasurable enterprise.... ROFL.
IMHO what profits anyone, when laying all pleasures possibly getable, attainable or experienceable in one's short brief life; at the altar of sanctity, purity & propriety, & in exchange receive only the short-changed ration of cheap nothingness, of aged bitterness, of regrets for lost fornicating opportunities, & useless longings for  un-smelt aromas of pulsing pheromones, un-whiffed; dripping intoxicates never drunk; ecstatic  neuronic convulsions never tremblingly synapsed nor consummated?

Lets' thus discard all unfeel-able, thus senseless sanity, break free, detach ourselves from the bonds of painful prudence & dull decorum, & trash as would a condom, that naught but hinder & deaden; that serves to only dull the sensory stimulates of appendageal tactillity. 
Regard not prestige, self esteem, fore-bearance!                Heck & double Heck!    
     Throw!  Fling us into the abyss of "Unknowing", where raging torrents of temporariness, swirling winds of  inconsequentials, blank our minds, numb our prudish sanity, thwart us from bland tasteless nobility for a foolish, unprofitable,  untenable purposeful(?fool) life.
Satiated, and coming down from heights of highest hedonism attained, basking in the afterglow of  tumescence, in melancholic warmth, no regrets or remorse will assail us! For knowing that at our final transit point, the next hop inherits us  life-long gratuity of un-fulfillment, of aged regret, & worthless no-pleasure terminal WISDOM. 
    REJOICE instead,  - that all thrills, all highs of sensuality, all depths of depravity plumbable, we did drink, we have consumed, we were deeply immersed in - to the MAX ! We had been there, everywhere and more!   
  For ETERNITY then, when we'd be fixed, & deposited into the cold dank tomb, full, maybe even overflowing with? -naught, echoing naught; puking to the gills  with complete ZERO-ness  of unworthwhile-ness ----
before obvious, bland, dull, eternal boredom ! 

         "———Hoi! gimme thrills or gimme NAUGHT———"

disclaimer: only for subscribers practicing or prisoners of a consumeristic, hedonistic, exploitative, profit-oriented profit-oriented thus capitalistic lifestyle :) :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Need to Imitate Christ ?

           The value & or worth of 'anything' with any human intrinsic value, is inversely proportional to its,  availability, & ease of acquisition.
          Trash & other worthless discards, cheap stuff, disposables, abound; littered all over the scenery, ubiquitous,  are everywhere!
Trash in rubbish form, end up in earth-fills, as incinerator fodder, then converted by extreme temperature into smog, acid rain, trans-border wind-borne environmental inconvenience - 
Al Gore's ticket to a N0Bell prize?

 What about "TRASH" in  the form of Man?

The contemporary blurring of human values does not make cheap trash 'gain' any  bit of worth. Values can't be bestowed on worthless 'SHÏT' just cos of public preferences & appetite shift.

          Come the advent & ease of self broadcast  on the readily available WWW, coupled with Man's innate  craving for publicity, seemingly at any & all costs;   'low life' once un-welcomed, not encouraged,  are given license now to crawl  from the dark, dank, nether regions of perverted filth. Goaded,  cheered on by profit-driven media which gives no damn for anything - but gain! AND propelled by invigorating, intoxicating  catch phrases like 'popular' 'viral'  'hits' 'score' 'spread' 'wave' 'tsunami' -  a dung-heapful of self-proclaiming shameless publicity hungry non-profit 'artistes' has been unleashed like miscreant bats from HELL!
  Inappropriate antics often times devoid of values, of worth, usually (particularly) of any human decencies, flood social media sites. Everyone from under-aged  youngsters (who should rightly be disqualified but were given licence by 'loving' parents), to custodians of  Human values - who should know better but didn't; vis. teachers, priests, community leaders, Law enforcement folks, judges & other professionals supposedly imbued with high peer esteem; to whom green tender-feeted youngsters often look for  direction & guidance in their track through the Maze  of life;  are jumping onto the band wagon to popularize, show-off, spotlight the darkness of  their complete absurdity, show-casing their mediocre lack of everything of value & their °ƒø$ ideals, theories & whacked philosophies - °full of ShÎt
 Demonstrating shameless traits all too common & cheap to be of any worth,  they make intellectual sounding pseudo-smart utterances  in "exotic"  foreign  (foreign = educated = classy?) languages to excuse, give credibility to their puerile pranks for which their birth mothers would have regretted  not strangling them when they were being birthed!   
None of Human born, can ever hope to attain holiness, @ par with the DIVINE, the TRUTH, the CREATOR, ALLAH, GOD.
No one of Human born, need try. 
Thus let us save ourselves the grief - imitate those whose hurdle is scalable! Set goals we as fallen human can hope to attain. 
Heck! why try imitate God or His son, His step son, or the Saints? 
why set goals on anyone so far ahead of our own abilities, that as soon as a tinge of temptation is whiffed, through the veils of our lustful lechery we  are  sure to stumble, fall & fail!
Acknowledging our inability to rise to such glorious heights let us NOT be hypocritical in our portrayal of an uprightness of spiritual exemplariness, a standard  we definitely don't have. 
Lets not fake anything when our main & most times only preoccupation is to screw around!
Human decency, sense of honor, embarrassment, values which kept us supposedly slightly-higher-made creatures from wallowing  with the swines, which kept us  from 'fucking' with the whore-mates of Bacchus, which stopped us at the debauchery of virtuousness of the human spirit as it was meant to be, now has quickly been prostituted for a penny  of orgasmic ejeculate at  the altar of popularity, trendiness, hedonism, progress, advancement, and sensual aspirations!  Given stamps of respectability by the all glorious embracing of anything hi-tech, of seemingly practising freedom to choose, of belonging to the crowd of hip, jet-setting, free-loving waves-making, shakers & movers. f being regarded as Game Changers!

  - What game is anyone playing & if it's a game, who is changing it, & to what? -

The commonly held contemporary 'values' on which standards of human achievements and assessment of manliness, machoism or cuntism  often are established, placed in placed by media based profit driven consumers - oriented - organizations! With nothing more noble or of value than profit at whatever costs, would anyone expect no debasing, dehumanization & stripping,  denuding us of every freedom of our human spirit - our integrity as Man.

°Can anyone ever be FREE when bound to hunger for materialistic, consumeristic, hedonistic wants, needs & urges ?? 

°Can anyone be FREE when acceding to the expectations of another, especially a mindless profit driven commercial organization  [helmed by highly acclaimed(by whom?)people with integrity and great moral character? (by whose standards?)

°When one decides to Freely 'CHOOSE' to acquire anything tangible and devoid of 'true' values, - one is no more practicing FREE Choice!

°When one dances to random tunes playing in random 'theatres' other than one's heart-felt mother-based own, ONE is no more FREE!

°When one moves, acts, think, or even does nothing; under the volition of any force other than from the innate soul of oneself, derived from & planted by the only TRUTH  - one is no more FREE! 

Much as one believes otherwise; one has been compromised, controlled, redirected manipulated and diverted onto a mindset to adopt a behavioral preference which not only would enrich the coffers of dis-interested non-benevolent parties but which would  transform one - a Man meant for better - into worthless - 'TRASH' (chaff) 
BOTH my mother AND father(fathers too are just as to be honored - sorry "mother worshippers") taught  me what is wrong can never be made slightly less wrong, or acceptable or more ok by adopting a small bit of its wrongness - if you are fucked pregnant you are fucked FULLY pregnant.  

There is no such thing as being half pregnant - by a half fuck. 

Thus in certain considerations of black or white there is no ambiguity - no compromise, no half measure.



It may sound a little oxymoronic but when one attempts to interpret the concept of Created creatures being given Free Will one has to appreciate that though one could practically make any choice one so wishes, the result of THAT choice is not as one expects. This is because of HIS WILL.
   HE being the CREATOR, MAKER, DESIGNER, THE SUPREME;  The system's BALANCE & EQUILIBRIUM He created is Maintained by HIS WILL 
If one looks at it in a non-religious way, it is not that creatures do not have choice, no, not all; every creature can chose as  desired -  the end results, however, will not upset the ENTIRE Balance or Equilibrium which HIS WILL maintains.

Other than HIS over-riding (unfelt?) WILL, how much or to what extent of control or re-direction in our everyday affairs, is our God actually actively into? 

Thus if one has the ability & choses, say to blow up a part of the geography of another nation, one might well succeed; as has happened more than enough times. 
  HIS WILL tho ensure in the blasting, the entire UNIVERSAL balance is not upset.
If people get killed, properties destroyed etc etc, successfully :) -  THAT IS NOT a given or indication of divine approval, nor was that an imposition of HIS WILL through the agency, the instrument of the aggressor, the Coalition forces, The Allies, the chosen RACE. 
(Satan or Evil regard their 'crew' as ALLIES, the 'Chosen Ones' too - no??)
It might be perceived that HIS WILL is not linked to an emotional Parent Child attachment-relationship as romanticized religions would love followers to believe. Neither is the emotional sense of sorrow when loss, humans associate with the taking or destroying of a life; really  relevant to Him. 
  Our nature being constructed with that ingredient: the ''feeling" component,  perpetuated via incessant inputs glorifying gentleness, love, charity, mothers' sacrifices (Fathers don't?), Light, positivity etc.
make us tend to regard another as cold, unpleasant, even inhuman, when in the face of great human tragedy; little or no response is evoked or demonstrated.
 Yet in a sense, the perfect balance is maintained in all situations. If one removes a "good" from a system a 'filler' has to come occupy that 'space' 
When an act of 'evil' or 'good' is allowed to take place it possibly is the result the balance has been upset by an act in the opposite 'direction'. 
In simple understanding of physical science, every action always has an equal and opposite. 
In life though there always is a reaction;  in what direction or destination that reaction takes is secondary & dependent on many factors as well as on HIS WILL. 
The simple understanding would be HIS WILL maintains the Balance of our world - of the entire creation of HIS.  
 Hopeful creatures that we are, we tend to wish for a Loving Father! or Mother in Heaven, even a Spirit.
  The observation made by the great thinker Aristotle that "Nature abhors a vacuum" may seem like superstitious pseudo science. Since he is so obviously revered in some cultures as the father of whatever he is revered for, he cannot be considered (by them) as a pseudo-scientist! 
  What or who then has the authority, the definitive gold standard on SCIENCE? And following from that non existence of any ISO  on genuine vs non genuine Science or what ever SH*T - who then holds the ultimate TRUTH!
Dawkins? Confucius? Hawkins? Your dad? Rev. Father John Henry? Pope Ignatius ll, Rasputin?    
   Or the nation with the greatest fire-power; as Mao Zedong said?
Thus as the wiser ones say - TRUTH is out there.
In the realm of the unseen, unfelt, un-obvious, dwell much that 'science' yet has no inkling of. 
Imagination may well give us much to confirm - as true - in TIME.

Beyond that is everything else, conjecture, religious faiths, fervor and other (as yet)un-provables -not UNTRUE.
The choice always is ours, always is free.
His WILL however, always is.

You are free to, or not, subscribe to such 'fallacious' "Bull Sh*T"
always Supreme!

John F. Kennedy - Nelson Mandela ∆ FAME ∞ GREATness ∆


     Did a man get great because of himself,  despite himself? 
       Did a man get famous by himself?  
Did one become great at any time at all during one's life? 
By the handling of certain key events in his time? 
By the deflection or affection of events which in a manner of speaking,  moved Man's direction onto a different path? 
Or did a man, no different from any other men, get great because of his dying by another mad?  man's bullet via a successfully executed assassination? 
Or did a man due to his misfortune of being the victim of another's malevolence, malfeasance, malcontent receive greatness & acclaim because of his forbearance, persevering determination & complete absence of our natural human instinct of retaliatory vengefulness? 
Nelson Mandela by not actuating, engaging or launching into violent tooth & nail vengeful punitive retributory pay-back to his tormentors - in-actively conveyed GREATNess on himself!
 (George W. Bush's WAR on TERROR that evoked the ridicule, admonishment, even contempt that shadowed an otherwise potentially honorable presidency)
And even though GREATness is a  cherished, proud legacy to one's family, no one wishes for nor need this, not especially if accompanied by suffering,  loss, anguish, premature bereavement!

Is GREATness, FAME necessary at all as motivation in one's life?

How was one man who acted in a certain way accorded GREATness, whilst another for acts similar, vilified with infamy?

Though tons of literature, publications & opinions, have been generated  discouraging us from living our life with the sole aim to achieve GREATness; in fact exhorting everyone to lay back, smell all the roses, stop & laze through life; there is an equally just as massively huge amount of publications, spoken & unspoken, out there pushing us towards the opposite - achieve GREATness be FAMOUS !

«««President John F. Kennedy »»» 50 + years since,
& the just departed, unbending, indigenous son of an exotic, mysterious, sadly aggrieved, much bullied AFRICAN Continent 
««« Nelson Mandela »»»
both though acclaimed FAMOUS & GREAT, 
would as surely as there are XXXX,000,000,000,000 humans out there,  draw as many as XXXX,000,000,001 differing opinions concerning their FAME & GREATness.  

As creatures of a flawed system, we are encouraged to wake at the crack of dawn to get the worm!  
The worm -  knowing what's good for him, should wake after the crack of dawn?
As failed creatures we are exhorted to chase down every buck again inculcated with another preferred trait.
[What about chasing down the doe?  how else thenwould the deer species flourish if only bucks are chased down - fucked ]:)
Never passing a day with no sounds of pecuniary noises rattling the cash register - one more need in our everyday life!

The message is strident 
'earn' your keep.

More so in nations seemingly deprived, seemingly having less in whatever they should be having more of! 

Shit..who or what tells anyone what is the required, sanctioned, standard of attainment one is expected to follow? What if one, a fool, is so privileged as to be have all one's known, unknown, exotic & otherwise, needs fully supplied. One not even needing to breathe under one's own steam?
Would then that one be considered a less likely candidate for greatNESS? 
Since he won't have to wake at the crack of dawn to get the wake-later-than-crack-of-dawn worm? 
Nor  need he chase down the buck - would he then be disregarded as an industrious person? Unlikely to achieve greatNESS?

In the (?)holy  books it is mentioned 'one who does not work will not eat'.

What about one who does not crave to eat? Does that make one free also to not choose work since one don't crave  to eat?

«» Does a human have to justify his existence by bringing in the bacon? 

«» Does our existence and happiness or joy in plain "just living" have to be tied to other's expectations of achievements? 

«» Does our achievements have to be measured & assessed by our fellow peers' understanding of objectives which could be doubtfully unquantifiable because of differences in value systems?  

«» How about our own judgment, our own assessment of our own level of achievements, our own inclinations, our own wanting to go, or arrive at any peak, of our own choosing?

«» Does anyone have to justify his desired goals to his own conscience, to the expectations of his family, his nation, his people? 

«» What ideals of a hard working productive pull-his-weight-useful individual should one model oneself after?

«» In this life were we made by the One for this? 

«» Who was authorized to implant, implement this idea linking work & achievements & greatness & industriousness & conecting all that BS, glamorizing all that sweat, blood & wasted exhilarations of extended inertia to a Fulfilling Purposeful Life? 

«» Who said at all about Life having to have any Purpose or need to be fulfilling?

Does it not sit well if we only eat when we feel hungry?

And work cos we find joy in the effort? 

Does it not sit well if we work only to be happy in the end products of what we are working at, and not as a means to a end - food? 

Does it not sit well if we ecstasies & thrill at every gorgeous awesome cloud formation, at the glorious awesome sunsets and awesome glorious sunrises & do no other form of labor otherwise than to sing glorious JOY to Him at every awesome glorious rendifications He executes in the atmospheric tapestry daily? 

Would that hurt anyone? Or would we break any law, if we only live to daily revel in the awesome splendors He regularly performs with His brushes in the stratospheres, ever more glorious in awesomeness?

Does it not sit well if we brain-hibernatingly follow the lazily meandering line of pathologically industrious ants as they lug load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load of never ever enough supplies into their warehouses? And as we in motionless stillness get worked up & excited, without distabilizing our peaceful stupor, from our admiring of these insects' incessant hoarding ways, would THAT detract from our human destiny, or reduce our stature or reduce our dignity as a human in anyway? 

If we did away with needing to work, would we then not be 'earning' our keep, to 'justify' our being given life, or be 'entitled' to our daily bread? And to achieve man's perception of 'GREATness' & 'FAME'?

Or would all these exhortations about being gainfully engaged while alive bring one higher, nearer to anywhere? To a more glamorous, more awesome place?

Would by not making use of our physical or mental abilities to 'work' be considered living a useless wasteful life? 
And does that (wasted) time given to every individual without pre-stated purpose or intent; benevolently by the GIVER,  have to be gainfully employed & put to productive purpose ? 

Is the glorified, noble, admired efforts of ours toward the (mindless) ant-like unceasing acquisition of - load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after load after   load of never ever enough materialistic resources, for striving & gaining, achieving of 'success', grabbing of fame, realizing fortunes, then qualify us to be counted as one of the GREATS? 
Is THAT our  "responsibility, our purpose" in being here? 
Is there a purpose or responsibility?
Would we have gained any inch advancing toward what?

No no no this is not a tirade agains basic human industry!

∆ No no no not a rant against basic human enterprise!

No no no this is not an opposing of the set social pattern of sustainable human living!

No no no this isn't an opposing of any national patriotic objectives!

No no no this isn't against capitalism.

No no no no this isn't a terrorists's idea to bring the country to a halt by promoting zero growth!

No no no this isn't about a revival of Flower Children's power!

No no no this isn't about free sex, or free food or free condoms or free needles or free weed, or free anything, at any time - as nothing is, was or ever is FREE!

Everyone with intelligence recognizes the necessity and reliance of life itself on consumption;  being body bound no one can transcend that physical material need for food, sustenance, water, air, sex, fornication, sports, surfing, WWW, beer, fast cars, golf, iPhone 6,  AND other more basic, more essential human needs like a Ferrari or maybe an island in the tropics filled with sea sun surf sex ? :)

BUT need one go overboard over that?

Please someone, please inform that old couple, aged beyond human productive AND reproductive years, traumatized by life long exhortations from national economic-index-raising-propaganda; 
work-abused to the bone by psycho implanted misconcepts about the usefulness, the glorious role of human industriousness, the heroics of being a super 'bacon bring-homer', media reconditioned & completely psycho-tuned to the ant-like mindless over-drive.

Please tell that couple opposite the block, it is alright now, it is OK to not open the shutters of their small can't-even-make-the-monthly-rent, convenience store, so fucking early at the crack of dawn  

That it is OK to stop chasing the Key performance indices, or to try  raise  the nations self reliance on sustainable individual citizens' collective effort for the promoting of national integrity and mindless chase after non essentials!

Tell them no need to do any of that anymore!

NO need to strive, especially not, to even try acquire GREATness or be FAMEous!
Just live out what He so lovingly gave each of us. A precious LIFE for a short sojourn through an awesome, impossibly beautiful, wondrous place we call our home - planet earth!                                                                  
 ›››››You mean there are NO BETTER things to do besides work ‹‹‹‹‹

›››››››› NOTHING BETTER than to waste precious days of our brief being-ness in the trivial useless pursuit of  success & the attempts at greatness ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹

All around us this awesomely designed, unimaginably beautiful, perfectly balanced place we call HOME is beckoning to us to
"Hey STOP everything else"  

‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹  get a LIFE ››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››





Saturday, November 9, 2013

Allah Tuhan God Yahweh Jehovah - who owns who :)

The One True God [whom I own]...

It is not of concern by what name you call God  -
   it is whether God hears your call.
It is not of concern if you believe in God -
   it is whether God believe in you!
It is not of concern what you think God is about  -
   it is what God think you are about.
It is not of concern how numerous are the followers of your Faith -
    it is how many of ANY faith, God accept as His.

It WAS NOT about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.
It IS NOT about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.
It WILL FOREVER NOT be about you, nor your faith, nor your high priests.

God is not yours to own -
God owns you, to FUG around with if He so wishes!
God did not make you alone, you were an after thought - AFTER He made everything else! The worms, the mosquitoes, the insects, the fornicating fruit-flies, the wart-hogs, the huge marine leviathans, the slimy blobs crawling in the sewage sludge - then when these creatures amused HIM not sufficiently enough, HE thought of you….an after-thought!
The Sh*T has outgrown itself and thought it was the Lord!

And you said YOUR name was??

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Corner Stone reject..

The progress of any groupings of people has been dependent on individuals who had a slight edged over the rest. These were called 'leaders' - not because of any special Oxford Degrees or Kennel Pedigrees, (marks of the Beasts) but they had that extra 'ace' up their sleeves - which commoners mostly lack. 

    'Leaders' being not one genome more or less than anyone else, are as blur as anyone else, & some really have no idea where they were  leading -

   "In the kingdom of the blind the half blind is KING..."

History analysts will confirm; tho..

some were born 'great' with all the relevant credentials of lineage, education, grooming, perhaps even an additional "®" twisted double spliced Genome, some obviously 'unqualified' ones  were coincidentally (?Divinely) placed  at the 'CORRECT' spot when a vacuum needed to be filled, & for purposes no one will ever know, entrusted with the destiny of a race or nation. 
As believers of a Creator, whom some address as GOD, ALLAH, the Papas & the Mamas, Peter Paul & Mary, BAPA, Dad, STEVE, GATES, Ayahtollah; Guru, Sir, Sayang, HUNEE, Mr. President, eMeM, Ah KONG, et infinitum, et absurdum; all of us created beings, GIs (God's Issues), were gifted with basic "intelligence" aka common sense -  the ability to differentiate what is 'food' & 'shit'; to be able to know 'shame'  'dishonor'; & have the innate human decency to not try perfume overt despicably obvious misdeeds with pseudonyms to justify self glorification or dynasty building (note NASTY) when helming, ?leading fellow travelers on the road to our Destiny.

Despite the very necessary innate ability to think ''CORRECT-CORRECT-CORRECT-ly" :) CLICK here for Correct X 3 
to a greater extent is the need for 'honesty', the benign self inspired benevolence, the in-born 'idealism' to perform not for (usually unwarranted personal) gains - private hidden Swiss bank accounts, peer esteem, statues in Public squares for pigeons to shit on, named roads, public libraries, eye sore stones slabs erected in awkward locations; nor other unquantifiable, glorious purposes; but the advancing of the entrusted aspirations of the peoples one leads; be that as uncomplicatedly simple, yet spiritually appropriate, as to reach the next shelter to pay homage to God, or as super effort-ful (probably unnecessary) to fly to the outermost edge of the unknown Universe, or as mundane as to just feed their family till God brings everyone HOME.  
Unless defectively cooked while in the divine baking Oven most responsible  leaders despite being constrained by Human-ness, has generally,  fumblingly managed not to lead their respective peoples to the brink of extinction.
In any peoples' predicament of needing inspired effective leadership,  many certified failed, to-be-rejected miscreants, somehow would managed to escape the dragnet & the loop-holes of quality control filtering, & invariably be  'spot on' when the leadership "vacuum" needed to be filled  AND on their very parochial, tunnel visioned shoulders would invariably be Mis-placed the IR-responsibilities of leadership!

 Does anyone expect a worm,  given ascension to the throne,  ever wake to his own unworthiness & wormy nature & would not as per its wormy nature attempt to worm its way to ensure entrenchment of its WormNasty! (DieNasty)
Ask your friendly neighborhood history analyst ... for an educated confirmation.

 Most, man (even worms), given overwhelming power will unfailingly live up to, proving, reaffirming the cynic's unshakeable confidence in Man's fallen nature.
Few and far between are the super novas. 
Throughout the continuing saga of our presence here the preconceived misconcepts of leadership qualities i.e. super nova IQ brilliance, sterling credentials from IVY league Institutions, descent from a certain lineage - the line of Arumiayathum S. David, blue skinned yellow eyed GM super Race, from the Chosen Race (who chose?), has again & again been repeatedly debunked by our Maker.
        "The corner stone on which the building's foundation was based was the stone reject"
Thus if one were to see, assess & select leaders with eyes human, evaluate with wizardry yet M.A.N. gadgets, & technologically advance highly acclaimed instruments powered by ego-centric, materialistic, self profiting, monetary based values; invariably the 'leaders' chosen would lead ones' peoples to the sewage dump of Man's (romantically understood) HELL. A place where human spirit can not, has not, will not, & is never able to soar, take flight, to attain the heights to which it was made and meant to be. 

As Conan the Bird brained yet faith filled 'Prayer Warrior' (woooa just love THAT word) said  :
GOK - God Only Knows

Thursday, October 17, 2013

There is no time ..

Nothing like 
the passing 
of a friend, 
to shake us. 
More if he was 
our age. 
We know we'll die, 
one day.
That it could be sudden, 
  unannounced, like a thief 
in the night -  
not likely. 

We are sure, 
very confident we have time, 
even if we are almost there in years. 
Maybe that was fatal delusion.
That makes for regrets! 

We Need worry? No; 
Medical problems? 
Yes,  not life threatening. 
Medications, regular follow-ups 
will keep the Reaper at bay. 
Besides, feeling great, things going well.
 What can go wrong?

HE cannot be so unkind. 

Do we need to hurry? 
Make special time to make up? 
No need. We'd rather Wait.
 Hey the guy's is not such a 
nice fella anyway. 
Why bother? 

Do we want to say "I Love you"? 
No no Wait.. 
Resolve the grudges, the hurts, the aches; 
for the right time.  
for the right day. 
for the right moment.

We have received jokes, 
of old age - its comical infirmities? 
Flags that should wake us, 
to our temporary-ness
we dismiss them, as jest. 
We deny our mortality
running out of time ….  not yet.   
Such happy fwds
 were fwd to an old classmate, 
And his response:   

"Good one!!!   
Why are we not meeting more often 
when we know our time 
is coming to end soon?   
call when you are in town

Did not call, 
did not meet.
Thought there is time yet, 
to see him, 
another day. 

Yesterday, he died.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Saints have enemies as do the devils friends....

    It of course is the better choice to be true to ourselves -  remaining true to oneself, however is FAR from just holding on to what one's understanding of TRUE is. 
Truth is & always has been subjective - a snake is true to himself just by practicing snaki-ness, & a lamb would be holding to his true-ness by practicing meek-ness. 
Similarly a meek snake, or a snaky lamb would both not be true to themselves, though that might be a better scenario.
However when one is TRUE to the UNIVERSAL, ETERNAL (DIVINE?) TRUTH, then it becomes very, very difficult, almost impossible to deny or to defend values which are not reflective or representative of that TRUTH. Then snaki-ness is snaki-ness and meekness is meekness. 
Right IS Right and Wrong is inexcusable. AND any body else's version of truths, half truths or plain goddam lies; are a load of euphemistic Bull! In the same sense Justice - She has no other considerations other than just plain unadulterated, undefiled, unequivocal, positively uncompromising TRUTH!

Many children of great men, when making comments giving their take on their earthly parents, by defending or justifying their parents' conduct or misconduct, are in so doing rightly being filial offsprings. 
This does not at all set right misdeeds committed nor defile what's been done right by their parents. 
Thus in assessing a political leader's performance or effectiveness, the general benefits, gains, or demerits, the nation & its people have derived while being led (or misled) under the watch of the guy is what should be of paramount consideration. History should be drafted by unemotional historians based on cold factual historical events as should eulogies be weepingly filled with tearful syrupy love and devotional laments. 
Fairy tales and fictions should never be confused with the fact sheets on a leaders accomplishments or disastrous grandiose adventurism. 
Thus the accounts so often given on how loving a leader was as a parent or how sweet his smile when he looked on his fav grandson or how pathetic he cried when his favorite kitten died; Snakes, rapists,  Attila & his huns, as well as those in Alcatraz do the same, some even better(worse)!
Thus such testimonies could blind listeners to the tragedies, sufferings and extreme hardships the guy has visited & imposed on the country he led while alive & in power. Even if a leader was really great comments should be forthcoming from unbiased impartial parties.
How do you think the son  (if any)  of Hitler would gauge  his dad's 'performance'?
And  that might illustrate the point.