Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hurray I "came out" ..

                 Fárging with my trash can ...

Don't do your trash can in PUBLIC ...

Many don't give a sh•+
see no great deed.
who cares if you came out
from the closet 
with your trash can, indeed?

That you had more resources, 

or less of nothing
plus more of everything.
In truth 
you have less of most good
more of most useless.
& yet 
you thought erroneously 
much more of yourself. 

Not untrue

nor deniable 
that the
 & other ± °*‡° 

has all an equal place in the dark/shade/sun/rain/storm
designed made owned allowed by HIM

who is to deny or allow vain glorious antics -

BUT for GAWD"S sake 

don't fárg

in public

Oh no 

NOT with 
your trash can !



 It's getting crowdier 
 as the season grows
 it gets crampier
 by the hour.

While most unbothered
many no fair
Some more fearful 
many over dare.

"Green" grudge "Blue"
what "Maroon" hates "Turquoise" 
"Beige" wishes be hers
 before "Amber" gets it all.

Live celebrate Joy to I to me & to mine  
The rest smells lousy bad
 to be despised
Who is here to care 
or give a Fíck.

Woa yes much crowdier now
as the minutes tick 
Empty fakers speak 
lots loud out there
foul air freeking flow
warming eggs
make credits grow.

Many yet lulled kept fooled 
by what rolls empty laden 
over under 
on & on
from steeples to domes via fanciful tomes.

As glitteringly selling
bright & loud 
thro handouts
packed cloaked zeroéd 
Love, care, charity, aid, 
& every other SH°†.

We dun care 
Nor give a híck
Long as half of what "J" wouldn't swallow 
"X" would eat.

"F" go grab all she wants 
"U" feels her's not enough  
"S" so too
they 3 can both go frúck the bucket with their list. 

We're not shedding  anié hair 

For long as quarter of what "J" wouldn't eat
"X" would swallow ½
The rest we yet will share.

"C" go take all he wants,
Along with mighty "K" 
for theirs that they can't
never bring. 

Not a byté do we care 
Long as tinié bit "J" needn't swallow  
"X" will gladly leave,

WÉ thé RÉS†  

would sharé.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Futile Farce ..

Fictional Responses

1 One who has 5 meals a day:
Overjoyed, Happy, Elated, & Satisfied. I will not change places with anyone. I have hardly many other needs.

2 One who has 4 meals a day:
Happy, Satisfied. Other than changing places with number 1 I have no need for much. God? Later ok?

3 One who has 3 meals a day:
Happy but not really Satisfied, there are many who have more meals than me, how can I be Elated, Overjoyed? But never mind as I still have enough to eat and if I 'kill' myself working harder the extra meals that 1 & 2 get, will come my way, when my efforts increase my productivity, when my income improves, when times get better. When, when, when,

4 One who has 2 meals a day:
Overjoyed? Happy? Elated, Satisfied? What are you talking about? In my condition, eating ONLY 2 meals a day, can anybody be anything but how I am? Sorry, man, I don’t have time to chatter with you as there is plenty to be done. Pray? Oh please, my friend you do that for me ok?

5 One who has NO meals any day:
I will pray for deliverance from this situation, for the charity and generosity of kind hearted God fearing people. Even if I cannot speak God will answer my prayers.

Provisional Moral : The increase in level of dependence/faith/believe in the Divine is directly proportional to the difficulties encountered in life; inversely proportional to the fullness of the stomach. "comfort level"

*   CHURCH 'believing' population (not to be confused with belief in the non-religious Supernatural Divine) increases in places where life is tough & scarcity is rampant.

** Church attendance is notably better when food is served.



I pray to see Him,

He revealed my foolishness.

I pray for wisdom,

He gave me a life of bruising challenges and obstacles.

I pray to fully know and understand Him,

He showed my limited mind.

I pray for riches,

He showed me moth-eaten treasures and rusted gold.

I pray for power, and for glory,

He showed me tombs of decayed kings.

I pray for fame,

He showed me dust, from which I came.

I pray to feel no pain,

He healed my wounds.

I pray to never die,

He promised death is not the end.

I pray my suffering ends,

He reveals His unceasing LOVE..

He answers all prayers

In His time.

His way.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Trouble is -

       Trouble is we always figured we were smart. 
Whoever gave us that idea? 
I don’t know.
All our troubles come from that thought - fatal, flawed .

Trouble is we try to be clever.
More than we actually are.
Cos in the first place,

We thought we were smart.

Trouble is we try to figure out stuff.

Stuff we thought were smart to figure out. 
When we actually are poorly brain'd to even try.
But we thought we were smart.


And we look in the wrong places.                               
In the nitty and the gritty, and more so the petty.
The things that mean a lot, we see not.
The things that mean naught, loom huge, trendy, glamorous, clever and large.

Trouble is we scant feel the warmth of the sun, 

Nor bother the coolness of the evening breeze.
The immaculate glows of fabulous sunsets, displayed as masterpieces in the horizon, we pay little heed.
Lost in our haste to catch up,

To appear smart.

We notice not the fragrance of wild roses.
Nor regard the soft melting of the snow flakes.
Hear not the gurgling, bubbling sea-bound brook.

The nourishing splattering rain nurturing sun-drenched fields.
The cheerful chirps of the tiny pecking birds, escape us.


Trouble is we are deaf to the laughter of joyful children, 
To the love of parents for their sons.
And sons for parents.
We spare no thought for the gentleness, concern and care, of aged in-firmed grannies, for the robust yet fragile toddling little ones.

Trouble is we seek for what we think are smart to gain - Wealth, Fame, Power, Greatness and Glory.

And all that we think would make us appear smart to obtain.

Trouble is we even try to figure out God, then conclude there is none.

What gave us that nerve to even think we could ever try, to know or reach or at all understand HIM.

But we thought we were smart. That fatally flawed thought. 

Interfering with the true purpose we are here for:
To appreciate His GREATNESS 
  be embraced in His LOVE. 
  to make this experience 
- Life -
meaningful, rewarding, fulfilling, & glorious.

you be not so troubled

Monday, November 24, 2014



                  Would imply Living had been: 







Full Of SH*†

 Serving only to 

Eternal Salvation & Rewards



YET consists of 


When all burdens have been lifted 

all sorrows consoled 


all pains relieved.

How then does anyone need 


even if 


When all's done here on this earthly Abode,


from all bounds - restrictions - every other shackles of 'LIFE'
  one would 



Would one not wish then to:

  SOAR like eagles!






Tuesday, November 18, 2014

There is no need ....


 If one seeks for TRUTH i.e. the ABSOLUTE, the  COMPLETE,  PERFECT aka GOD in stuff on our imperfect world; no amount of proofs, relics even if positively carbon dated to the exact second of its historical occurrence, even if it were the very nails that pierced Jesus C on the cross or the burial places of the so called greats of God's spokesmen together with their remains, corrupt/rotten/decayed by time or not - ALL WE HAVE ON OUR HANDS in a manner of speech is a load of man made, man derived, man confirmed evidence of a still unproven, un-evidenced & never ever will be evidenced, GOD!
    It will forever be that way in our life, since otherwise HE will not be GOD.
the ONE.
    Our cerebral capacity even if we are able to enhance it till Quantum computing capabilities; with earth depleting intakes of resources when it's fired up, would never meet the capacity required to come near 
receiving HIM in terms of embracing HIM in HIS ENTIRETY!
If you are a little computer savvy, you might appreciate the significance of our human inability to ever contain or fill ourselves with HIM, even a fraction of HIM!
When the pop up tells the computer nerdie guy trying to transfer or download data "the process cannot be completed as there is insufficient space on the device" 
 Having said that, humbly one should realize the role each of us called 'agents or instruments' of the ONE, is as they say similar to the bodily parts.  Each endowed with their individual functional gifts - some do better in certain tasks so blessed are they with that particular talents … 
  Just try not be the BOSS as that is a truly funny joke with which i am sure you are familiar -
the Boss being the 'Asshole'  
  If you feel you need confirmation of HIM I am saying your quest is not going to be ending here, as far as success in finding GOD is concerned.
 And that need for confirmation, isn't necessarily for one to realize there truly is a universal god - the ONE.
Perhaps one has to as you say, break free from RELIGIONS' glorified bondage of a sectarian denomination, &  exclusive GOD, based on nothing more but a human ego tripping misquoted misapplication of  John: 14:6
The years have been more than kind to you, HE your god has been more than fair, to you as well as to the ones who meant more to you than anything or anyone else. 
There should be no need to exercise the invocation of the human guilt psychology or the gratitude psychology to feel indebted to HIM : 
That particular verse "…that God so loved the world that HE sacrificed HIS only begotten SON to die for us that we may have life eternal… " is just another unnecessary, misunderstood script by some 'misguided' divinely uninspired, scriptural author of dubious credentials.
  ..THAT should be viewed in it's true intent, which is a load of unnecessary guilt -evoking gratitude-begging device to invite worship & honor for GOD?
If one recognizes GOD and truly understands the concept, there is no such need for guilt tripping or gratitude inspiring rhetorics to justify  one's  homage or devotion or bond to HIM!
 Man who realize God, should love God for what ever heck he has given us…PERIOD !
  Which is a chance for a most WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE whether it be through happy through thick through hell through hate through sickness through cancers through long suffering through incarceration through all the spectra of human highs, lows, savory ,bland & all else in between - all these that are on this imperfect earth!
 HE gave all living creatures that great chance for a truly marvelous experience!
Though on an IMPERFECT WORLD it is so awesomely beautiful  !   

  Just try envision the PERFECTion when we truly are with HIM wherever HE is!

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -

No Can Do

  Almost every human activity conceivable, which has even the slightest impact on another individual, positively or negatively, has been identified, listed, then either regulated or re-modeled and licensed i.e. one need to apply to the Authorities & on approval, pay a fee in order to engage in that particular activity.                  
   Simple stuff like driving a car, running a grocery store, being a barber i.e. giving a shave & hair-cut.
Innocuous stuff like being a cook in a local eatery, teaching nursery school, delivering mail as in 'Postman'  being a farmer suppling milk, a tractor, crane or digger operator in a construction site, a pastor of a small parish, a security guard in a Mall, even as a trash collector, or a janitor of a derelict building etc ALL NEED LICENSING.
  - yet a seemingly simple frivolous innocent act the result of which could likely land the world in a real huge F*cking Sh*T mess -


The "activity" most sought after, much promoted & is THE goal of all creatures i.e. us man [of course, can't do without WOMEN]
seemingly has been left out of scrutiny by higher authorities [not GOD please] 

 Sexually Coupling Randomly Erratically Willfully
Ever wonder from whence came creatures like
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ?
Or the deceased former BaadAss -  Osama Ben Laden (SAW)?
Or Hitler [SAW?]
   Who were responsible for & how were such misfitted psychopathic genocidal deviants brought forth?
    How were other well documented historical psychopathic genocidal megalomaniacs, who could potentially have brought an end to the Race, or at least imposed great 'F'ing chaos formed or nurtured?        
    Presently those called ISIL or IS or whatever the 'F' name they wish to give themselves for recruitment or propaganda's sake; where did they come from initially?    
Who were responsible for such overt irresponsibility?
Who could so unconcernedly bring such  "Ass*s" into the world ?
   From the fetid 'loins' & the fertile 'soil'd beds of some deviant specimens of the Race, through S.C.R.E.W-ing  [usually to satiate frivolous hedonistic sexual urges, or boredom, or for getting a chemical free high, or just for the heck of it, or just that the circumstances happened, or the confluence of the stars were opportune, or an expression of PTSD] are sprung countless such individuals.
  These tho with normal genetic make-up after being brought into active "tenure" inadvertently get indoctrinated by deviant ideology. - [exclusive non-inclusive i.e. the believers of an exclusive religion obsessing they were a  specially 'chosen race' - hence are anti-social, anti-human, mostly 'destructive', 'disastrous']
 Some of such 'influence' no doubt are covertly state sanctioned, some religion propagated, some culturally originated, together with other negative experiential inputs; parental abuses, neglect, peer misadventures, self esteem degradation, nil positive family role models &/or support, deprivation of basic human needs & nurturing necessities plus a host of other less than ideal impacting influences & most notably as a trigger point, tripping an all-set(wrong) imbalanced psyche - incarceration in detention centers where other tendencies are further polished & honed by hard-core malcontents, with anti-human inclinations; to their peak maniacal excellence!
   In fact any being after being brought into existence could be influenced & formed by - A MILLION FACTORS IN THE MAKINGS OF A DEVIANT MISCREANT MANIACAL PSYCHOPATHIC INDIVIDUAL - or [as most others] naturally wholesomely developed into great icons of human excellence!   Examples again of such outstanding human creatures abound & are encouragingly uplifting for the human spirit.
 But the likelihood of misfits like such aforementioned degenerating, 'regressing' into full fledged berserk adults filled with a warped psychological make-up, to pose "threats" to the well - being of the rest of the Race would thus necessitate further considerations by those in authority for regulating or at the least paying attentiveness to rampant 'SCREW'-ing
 How were other well documented historical psychopathic genocidal megalomaniacs, or potentially likely ones formed or nurtured or were allowed to have their run?        

think Hitler [SAW?]?
or Attila?
or Genghiz Khan?
or Margaret Thatcher
or G. W. Bush?
or Caligula?
or Kim Jong Il?
or Idi Amin, 
or Fidel Castro
or Lee Harvey Oswald?
or Frankenstein?
or Dr. No?
maybe even Alfred E. Neuman?
to name  just a few likely ones who potentially could have ended us all. 

 All this has relevance as out there lurking are many such individuals harboring thoughts of activating i.e. performing acts which can be completely B-A-D to society in particular & the Race in general.
      These guys were the resultant issues of random purposeless acts of S.C.R.E.W-ing [aka Sexual Couplings Randomly Erratically Willfully] between specimens unconcerned with future disastrous impacts on the rest of us.
 [concerned with only getting a chemical free sexually pleasurable orgasmic high] 
  AND the ultimate destructor of the Race might just be  brought into 'active tenure' this way!
Thus the License to S.C.R.E.W [L2S] 
'Sexually Connecting Randomly Erratically Willfully' 
without State sanction is a definite 'No can do' !
  That the 'act' itself is "a powerful high charged  expression of the ultimate freedom of the human spirit,  warmly passionate,  positively uplifting, the supreme embrace of another in a complete out-pouring, & showering of LOVE" between 2 distinctly separate creatures as only man knows how, is not the point in question, nor the issue here.

  Seen in the correct context of the greater good of the entire RACE it should be a relevant item to include in the next senate/parliament/politburo or Knesset session for inclusion in the list of  "Human Activities" that need to be considered for regulation as a potential threat to the viability of the Race.