Saturday, April 4, 2015

purposeless PIETY ...

     The "Lotus" after considerable time & effort expended would "think" it is "insulated" from all 'temptations, distractions, & base-instincts".

It "thinks" it has attained a nearness to a higher plane of spirituality after such taxing 'devotion' of time & efforts. 
In actuality, it, like any other created entity is being consumed by it's own as yet undenied, unbridled urges.  
 It is status-wise similar to any other man in the Malls. Wishing to gain a high level spiritual discipleship for very carnal human intention.
 The fact of its self acknowledgement of having attained "enlightenment" confirms its non-attainment.

In psycho talk ~ the "Lotus" is undergoing a "feel good self delusional" sense of false content... 

   The ONE, HIS goodness, & philosophies derived from His Divinity is being "used" being manipulated in a sense by the "lotus" & those with such very human intent, to assume (?false) position, and acquire an external facade.(of piety). 

   Only HE would know the nature of each created being's earnestness, devotion & true intent in attempting spiritual discipleship. 

   Only HE is sure if one were dabbling for self gain or were ONE a true seeker after - TRUTH 

  By itself the Dedication of one's total life efforts to attaining that Spiritual discipline, then lifting that DISCIPLESHIP to the highest Spiritual Level any mere created being could possibly attain, through shear self denial, strength of character & merciless extinguishing of the very 'undying' very human cravings for sensual hedonisitic pursuits-would rightly be for gaining that unique near-ness, that Joyous 'intimacy' with HIM. 
The endeavor would assuredly involve much more than the comparatively trivial exercise of simple self denial of our human sensual & hedonistic urges. 
It definitely is also neither the superficial mouthing of some phrases, "mantras" sourced from renowned books by  illuminated gurus steeped in the practices and philosophies; nor is it acquiring & perfecting deep meditation techniques. 
These only scratch the surface. 
   Other lesser adherents' awed display of obvious admiration & misplaced regard for that "lofty" spiritual guru-hood seemingly attained by such "Lotus" (Lotuses) would reinforce the "Lotus'" delusions. In a way the wayward practitioner "Lotus" who in reality is only superficially circling the Central Purity would be distracted by such adulations, & unless able to disregard that unnecessary unhelpful adulations & useless admiration, would be stumbled on his quest for true spiritual enlightenment - If that in fact was the goal he sought in the first place... 

    Peace of the Buddhas be near as you try to trek toward the Light of TRUTH...  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Happy EASTER -

   Offering help spontaneously has become a bad word : 
Long gone dead & buried is the dictum of a daily good deed.
The other guy in most cases will respond with prejudice, suspicion; the act becomes taken (wrongly) by the intended helpee as patronizing, sometimes viewed as attempt to exploit, could be even regarded as manipulative; in other words  - negatively. 
This kills: ~
-everything in relationships 
-every try at meaningful human interaction
-all initiatives to do good, 
live well together as brethren in a community.

Human interactions become IMPERSONAL.

There result of adopting of un-trust, of seeing no good intent in any human act.   

The sad part even in personal family relationships, family members fall victims to that sad emotion, a defective hang up; of mistrust, fear of being exploited.

The trend being unchecked has parents & children going through lives with no strong building of  family values & ties. 
The unwillingness, reluctance to act or demonstrate spontaneous love or goodness since there are no returns. 
The loss is very sadly apparent in urban  families, in crowded business-ey cities of bustling nations...

Breaking News on live transmissions show unprovoked random expressions of haplessness, "screams" of "complete frustration" ~ emotionalized via random gun-related as well as other extreme acts of non specific unprovoked violence.

NO ONE is to blame except ourselves - we don't want to stop NOT doing anything freely, happily, out of  spontaneity to show care, love, & a natural  raw goodness & kindness of heart; acts undefinable definitely non-profit with no self-gain just to increase 
that feeling of kinship, 
of real human ties, 
of one-ness to another being. 

Why did we stop doing acts that bring joy to anyone at all regardless?
How come we who are grown & supposedly guiding & setting examples to better the world, the society, the community, the peoples of our own habitat YET are reluctant to show that spontaneity of non-return non-profit selflessness?

The initial crack in the wall which let in MISTRUST, SUSPICION, APPREHENSION can never be traced to source.

(YET the FF*ing 'wow' glamor associated with caring for rights of animals like sharks & their fins & Whales & Ferocious Man - eaters is so given star stature)

 Young kids not as yet contaminated with adult 'sophistication' & professionalism' easily spontaneously act this way. It comes to them without prompt, without hesitation as they simply express their NATURAL spontaneity.
 Thus we having 'grown' only in chronological age, having unlearnt that primal predisposition to spontaneous love, sacrifice, care, concern; that ability to disregard consideration of selfishness - the I-Me-My only syndrome being implanted in us replacing our instinctive naturally embedded reflex to just give, share, do LOVE!

Now no one wishes to be regarded as MAD do-gooders ??

Clearly if the prophets (in particular Jesus) should be reborn re-crucified re-resurrected once every 7 months there would be little change.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Growing Farther ...


 The way tools used by humans has drastically changed over centuries might indicate progress to many.  Man got smart; cleverer & is advancing in technological abilities - no doubt. 

Users of the basic hammers now employ hand gestures & touch screens to 'operate' 'tools' or equipment. Some instruments or equipments are operated by 'voice'.    

    The ability of the worker to 'fathom'  & 'interact' at a basic level, with the equipment, tools & other instruments he used in earlier days, now is slowly being lost. 

It was not at all complicated about hammering a nail into the wall or chiseling off a rough edge with those basic 'relatively straight-forward mechanical tools'

  We can see, feel & know what & how they were put together. We even can repair & maintain these tools we used should the need arise. We could take apart the lawn mover, clean its innards, the laptop computers, the mobile phones even can all be stripped or torn down and redone, reworked!
The autos, the many & numerous 'tools' which service us can all be comprehensively 'reached'.
   With mechanization & especially electronics increasingly going higher-tech, we now pride ourselves on having  complex 'tools' that require other even more complex tools,  operated by specific, technically enabled personnel (not necessarily human) to maintain, recalibrate or even to plug into, so to scan "internal circuitry" to 'access' functions & reach processes men used to (manually) 'lay hands on' -

"There are no consumer end-user serviceable parts on this appliance. Please refer to service personnel or distributor for technical advice & or services.
DO NOT repeat DO NOT attempt to repair unit.
WARRANTY void if seal is broken"

    That transition  (~progression?) from a palpable, tangible interaction between man & tools/machines to an "invisible", 'virtual',  'very separate' 'disconnect'ed association between a visible hammer to an instrument with 'unseen inaccessible innards' might analogously provide an insight (punned:) to what has taken place in the 'growing farther' of us 'created ones' from the divine - ONE. 
More & more the physical palpable, 'natural' link that was there between Man & the Perfect ONE has grown further, distanced, now inaccessible. 

ANIMALS though, those beasts (urrrgh) they still are connected..

 AND now, HE cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or at all detectable with ease, with unease or even with extreme 'effort'.
         The link, that missing connect which is necessary for re-establishing, reinstating, reinstalling primordial relationship between us, the 'tools', & The MAKER CRAFTSMITH need to be re-bonded, re-calibrated, restored that we 'images of HIM' could then be returned to the original EMBRACE of ONEness, & be enfolded in the COMPLETEness of PERFECT INTEGRATION

The lost  spirituality: 'Innocence of pre-Eve-Adam' disabled under TIME-less layers of pride imposed   distancing Self-Shining
vain-glorious,  -'worthless chest thumping Manliness' has to be dug up, allowed to resurface.
That false heroic manliness of human uniqueness the perceived special status associated with the Divine i.e. "Proud Spirit" almost always blamed on a divine originated cause & sold as 'RELIGION', has to be discarded, stripped & torn down, expunged from every spiritual psyché before that re-connéction of a cléar signal of any significant spiritual effectiveness can be established - with the LORD & MASTER 



Saturday, February 28, 2015

The left CLICK..

     "... the seeming ease of scaling greater than humanly possible heights (with less than human efforts) & plumbing deeper than inhumanly devilish depths, through computer enhanced or generated interfaces, CGIs, has spawned an untapped pool of potential organ donors or harvestees, insofar as the maximising, extending of normal living human "functionales' are concerned.

Appendages & other human organs vis brains, hearts, lungs, 
vocal chords [especially], 
ears [more especially] 
now more often lie dormant, in idle mode, left on the shelf - so to speak.
    Once very value add-ons to our human anatomy & function which in days gone by (not always good) increased human bonding as well as helped make life a truly worthwhile pursuit, 
now  are used & coordinated  to power only "one freaking LEFT- CLICKING Thumb & Right Clicking Forefinger" 
[?UPsizeable appendages] 
     - organs & anatomical parts - denied their  noble intents as intended by "MANUFACTURER'  [OEM]  might  be better off if put up as organs for transplantation to those who definitely would use (as per specifications) vigorously,
in ways more 'use-full' & most definitely would benefit the transplantees in more ways than enumerable  .…"
If one has: 
°    'mouth' but don't say nothing to another human being

°°  'ears' made to listen to sweet or sour or even disputing comments from another being, for assimilating inputs so to increase relationships between fellows, even if comments & ideas jar & mar, scar, are instead made "deaf" with self implanted filters, allowing             
only "suitable' inputs ...

°°° other appendages & organs meant to increase the 'worthwhileness' of one's walk this life - 
are in trying to be politically correct & conformistic & to trendily embrace populist attitudes maybe to 
 save the Fins of sharks; the Sperms of whales or Skins of Sumatran Tigers, or Pangolins of Namibia & to pander to a Hosts of trendy popular put-ons so to add value mostly to one's next pay check demand & saleability/marketibility & say & do politically correct "stuff" that elevates one to that level like a porcine politicø, to  basks in the warmth of public acceptability & "rollicking jolly good old boy" camaraderié  with select special important game changing people in comfort zones of delusional bonding buddyship
- are not usefully gainfully employed as per OEM intended.. 

- oh well, one would in fact morally, ethically life-form-lee be bankrupt & in more than countless way beneficial to many appendage-deprived (real-living) human beings by doing the RIGHT thing & become an organ or appendage donor/harvestee    
  'Gamers attitude' [not gamers] in general has degenerated Man - to a left clicking "simpleton" far short from the highly evolved technological giant, Humans potentially could have been - if the many unrealized potentials locked up unused in idle mode yet attached to the human body are fully realised. 

  A very known vestigial defunct appendix now seemingly is closely being followed by the cerebellum cerebrum complex - that crucial part of a Homo 'S' now unerringly, & contrary to OEM's intent/design is centered, focussed on how much can be GAIN'd can be EARN'd can be WON can be PUT OVER on the OTHER Homo S{hole}

HumanS, considered the greatest created Being since Alley Oo00ps
 - cos he could click with one mighty left thumb, forefinger  & change perhaps redo the ENTIRETY?
 should be re-designed or in the least have these various useful (if as OEM intended) appendages/parts/attachments, translocated, transplanted, transposed - to folks who need more than an Adopting Angel from a resource-rich nation to be made Adoptee then flaunted as an exhibit, a statement, icon of LOVE, of CARE, CONCERN for less fortunate deprived udders ‘OTHERs’.
Perhaps that has already happened cos we might have translocated the human ‘thinker’ CPU to be the next door neighbour of  Da BOSS 
& each time boss makes a break for the outhouse a little of  our thinker CPU gets "fire'd into the °hole°

"...Man has almost (hope N؆) lost opportunity of attaining TRUE greatness,  expending God-given resources, Exhilarating, Gratifying, Obsessing  on zero return benefits via vainglorious  attempts to increase selfworth :- 
"Jüliüs Seizüre - circa 0000"

Friday, February 27, 2015

Better ABBA Father or Ah Pa, Daddy ..

There once was a young person. He was happy while a youth. Things were pretty fun; nothing really serious impacted him or his life.
Change came. 
He heard the Word. Of how he has a Father who loved him with a love, he cannot even say properly - some agabe, mugabe or agape or something, let alone ever understand.
A Father who will grant him everything if he asked with faith, trust and belief, even move a mountain to the sea.
A Father to whom nothing is impossible, even letting His only begotten Son be killed, then raising Him to life again, so that the youth, if he believes, will live in complete happiness with this Father, in a place where there will be no pain, suffering, anger, hate, sickness, or any of the ills of human existence.

In other words a Father completely different from the father he has.

His father, who did not love him as the Father he heard about, sometimes gets angry with him. Sometimes this father scolds, even beats him, as punishment for things he did wrong. 

Would it not be great to have an ALL LOVING FATHER who is TOTAL LOVE??
Yes, most resoundingly – “YES”

His life changed, after hearing of this unheard of Father.

Everything became more complicated.

But after waiting, hoping, begging, fervently appealing (“praying” its called), with anguish, with tears; 
The Father whom he heard was full of LOVE, never was seen, never was heard, and never was felt.
He did not ever even smelled Him or as much as get a whiff of Him when He maybe passed by, if ever He did.
In other words: He just was NOT around.

His own father though, who did not love him as much (not with that Agape Love anyway), was around all the time, taking care of his meals, his schooling, his every physical, emotional need. In fact even though his father did not love him as they say that Father does; all he ever needed, his father was around to see to; ensuring that when the father dies, the youth would be able to fend for himself.

Thus as time went by, it increasingly got more and more impossible to even think the entire idea being ever likely.

The idea of a Father who loved with no limits, yet never was around. 
A loving Father, who never speak to him, try as he might to listen. 
A Father, whom strain as you might, cannot be reached. 
A Father whom they say is everywhere, yet was always missing.
A Father who Loved agape-ly yet the youth (now older) never felt that love.

The now older youth decides that his direction is to find answers and work out his life without any help or intervention from this so called FATHER.

And he too decided, when his life is over, it is over. What he hears about a Happy-ever-after-place, he will just wait till he’s dead to see if there is one.
And he will find happiness in any way possible without help from any Father who is never around.

What about you?
You want to try the easy way with an All Loving Father, who alone is able to love with AGAPE 
yet is never around?
This is the romanticism of the CREATOR god as promulgated promoted widely transmitted as a RELIGION as though without the dissemination of such idea the entire creation would change course in a melt down.

    In the context of a bigger picture, when one ponders eternity, salvation, the life after death,  one's earth bound almost always present Ah Pa is a derivation and contemporal representation of THAT eternal ABBA in whom ALL created life including earth bound fathers, draw life from & would  be assimilated with as ONE...

Our father who is on earth would not be enabled should our ABBA in heaven not initiate him.
 The Father of earthly nature, the ONE of eternity
is the ONE maker of ALL 
Definitely superiorly intelligent beings should realize and acknowledge the universality and complete non-denominational nature of 
that ONE 
 that REALITY which is


The 'youth' is enabled to receive what is adequate for his current viability.

There is NO distinction between ABBA or Ah Pa.
BOTH are in essence one
Ah Pa - the human manifestation of ABBA whom as a channel, as a conduit, as an instrument, as the ABBA in Ah Pa form, would throughout their lives together, shape the 'youth' (Man in spiritual Infancy)such that
The PURPOSE,  INTENT & ALL of God's WILL for the "youth", & HIS every wish for 'youth' would in  good TIME be receivable.....


Monday, February 16, 2015

CHINESE NEW YEAR - wishes ..

Ever wonder why one would wish for more years?
I would wish for LESS of:
* pain
* insomnia
* family disputes
* misunderstandings
* differences in opinions
* unbridled selfish instincts
* one-up-manship 
* social posturing & maneuverings
* price increases of every fucking thing ever affordably enjoyed
* thin skinned taking of offenses not even meant
* red tapes & useless unnecessary security measures put in place to thwart paranoia induced imaginary raving murderous terrorists

AND the MOTHER of ALL the most LESS


      * Exclusive RELIGIOUS High Horsey-ness 
      * my father in Heaven can beat your     
        father (not in heaven of course)
   * higher credentialed Ass-holes with poorly accredited backwaters Universities Degrees "blessed" with dubious intellectual abilities encases in huge airy heads, espousing like they were what they exactly are not, holding high offices in government bodies

       * "dedicated" people of the cloth who would bring disgrace to God                
       * unnecessary fakey put on "proper cultured etiquette" - for 'Effing' snob values

     * LESS: rushing, LESS "fast" in everything emphasis, even in useless not at all "urgencies" like an evening stroll through the park with the dog

       * LESS:  youth-oriented marketing "geniuses" with emphasis on all   things new - youthful - thus trendy cos its youthful

     * manipulative consumeristic introductions & impositions of unneeded gadgets, appliances & stuff/things no one truly needed to TRULY LIVE  iFarg, iskrew, ¥oink, stuff of such genre ripping off millions

   * LESS falsehood cloaked in Truthful sounding Bull Sh*T especially from important personalities whose pronouncements impact many
  * LESS proprietary plugs, adaptors, cables, chargers, terminals & all such commercially selfish 'wanna grab ALL profits for own enterprise' items - each 'effing' INCOMPATIBLE with the others

I am sure friend, your list might have more "LESS" that are interestingly what we should wish for this CNY.

PEACE my friend - elusive, but worth the seeking  & wishing for..

Saturday, January 31, 2015

From Sh•† we came -- to Sh•† we should be thankful..


      Present 'situation'  over the entire world points to one OBVIOUS trait.
   The manifestation of (failed) Man's true colors - THE FOCUSSING ON SELF - driven by ego centric arrogance, manifesting in malevolence towards fellows.
  Most of us being plain beings like most everyone else has to have an 'aur sua' (backing mountain) to give greater credibility & authority when wishing to control or sound higher than other,  equally  as  ordinary men ..
   what better 'Ego-Booster' than God?
The Divine all powerful,  the undeniably greatest authority?
Even Sir Mahathir Madogmak, Lord Obama, the  PM of Oz underneath,  Chinese Master President, Korean Comrade Kim Jong X, any Power of Nature, of earthly origins, wouldn't dare go against Him - the DIVINE - aka GOD!
   God, who actually don't seem & hasn't really never  indicated irrefutably (or even refutably) He is bothered with the 'petty' bickering  
& other 'gloriously self elevated' vaunted high ambitions of men,  thus got 'used' or 'patronized' by megalomaniacs - small, medium. large, XXL  & of every color, shade, ethnicity, with such self-raising intents, which basically aim at glorifying, raising & affirming the useless "great" SELF.
   Problems start to begin when each crazed megalomaniac would not submit to the other just as crazed megalomaniacs' divine authority - leading to the claim of an exclusive "more" supreme than the other guy's  god from which the equally divisive claim of a special select Race so chosen by their God to be inheritors of All Creation (more or less)
In the case of these control perves the leverage via a greater Power god basically is animal in instinct - to assume total superiority AND control over all and sundry via the UNDENIABLE Divine
   When too many Divines are being referenced those nice poor well-meaning, simple souls, the ordinary brain frozen men & women of the Malls, nicely & properly  get truly confused.          
          God the independent Divinity now has been hijacked by concerned power crazed groups with each claiming their's is the ONE ...
   Blessed with child-like faith, many (tho a good number refuse to  admit to simple faith - so as to to appear 'sophisticatedly' smarter :) instinctively recognize THAT god - the unblemished Divine who has little involvement with men's & mice's self centered insecure arrogance! 
Thus other than a few fringed true believers (derided as heretics) - the ENTIRE assembled jungle of creatures then, together with the Aborigines and Chinese and Aussies and Honkies and Caucasian Americans and Kosher Jews and Malays and Indians and Rotary Club members and Royal Golf Clubbers and wrongly discovered RED Indians [due to navigational confusion]{actually Native AMERICANS},  and Sarawakians and blue eyed mermaids and one horned unicorns and Black Africans of American citizenry and communist North Koreans and Taiwanese and Indonesian Ethnic Chinese with Islamic names and Incas and North Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Bolsheviks and Mormons and Scientologists and Whalers and Vegans and Homosexual Royals and Vietcongs and Liliputtans and Haemophilics as well as all these others also mentioned in this song  divisively began to claim exclusive privilege of being select people of their own special God.. 

The simple faith of a Child is enough to carry everyone so inclined through the eye of the needle to His glory …
If each one closes one's mind to everything except THAT simple understanding of God - the world might unravel itself from the sh•† it has spun itself in.. to ridiculously, divisively claim oneself exclusive creatures when in reality each is no better or less than XYZ123? 

If HE had only left out THAT gene of competitiveness & the vacuous Obsessive insecurity in the final item on His "to create" list..

Stay simply true, & be blessed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Size makes little difference...

Folks in less urbanized, rural places, who could effortlessly live a "richer life" has as huge an appetite inasfar as unnecessary wants & needs, greed & related unfull-ness are  concerned!
Despite easier less stressful tension free lives these who live in less crowded places have as much if not more 'greed' 'avarice' as well as other similar 'unfulfillments' as those floundering in packed overly competitive communities. 
The appetite for more than what one can truly consume drives commerce, industry. These unnecessary planted cravings should propel man to a better HIGHER level in most aspects of life.  
   Yet rather the effect is the opposite & this un-fillness is diametrical and as non-synchronous as a pair of conjoined non-identical twin with different wants needs and agendas. Instead of heightened commerce, active pursuits of consumeristic wants and needs obviously bringing improvement to the human spirit & increasing man's nobility this avaricious over consumption has the opposite effects.
The "voracity" a creature, (Man without doubt is a creature) has for satiation of it's innate unbridled urges is the root from which the world's imperfection draws sustenance.