In response to the idea of one whose site is worth MILLIONS & whose heightened sense of worth even more...
On reading his posts some say he with that unbelief, has no hope.
Maybe no hope, having science is apparently over-sufficient for one with such mindset. The monetary gains and other unquantifiables, a delusional sense of 'god' would be sufficient, more than sufficient..
On a TOPIC for which our insufficient homo sapienic capacity is unable to achieve comprehension it is only right & proper to assume the position of a lowly {not stupid - but incompletely 'endowed'} ascaride when attempting to seek enlightenment.
...No one can prove or disprove a 'persona' WHICH takes being outside of what we humans know and exist in - Earth.
The CREATOR is SUPERnatural not UNnatural.
The actuality in which the CREATOR has being is dimensionally & existentially different & separate from that ’platform' humans realize or is ‘living' in, which is NATURE - on Earth.
Hence if prayers to Jesus do not bring results and GOD's - promises or assurances given, did not, will not happen,
this query directed to an illustrious author with such ANALYTICAL LOGIC & reliance on SCIENCE & NATURE is made hoping the ?enlightened answer (if of ANY use) might help many with similar set life's 'GPRS' as he:
“..If one is going to:
* be killed by another human, by a drug crazed person/husband/wife/child;
** or be on death row awaiting despatch to the next level of 'life' [death]
**** be killed by an incurable terminal disease perhaps transmitted by bodily fluid of a pet dog (rabies or ebola)
and being a LOGICAL THINKING person reliant on SCIENCE, one will not futilely, pray nor would be inclined to appeal, futilely, to an imaginary god for a hopelessly, not-going-to-happen resolution;
one turns instead to SCIENCE & LOGICAL ANALYTICAL THOUGHT as this author so advocates, since that illness, i.e. the hypothetical incurable dog transmitted terminal illness, the cure for which imaginary god, has not, will not and cannot cure like the other incurable 'CANCER'
WOULD THE MISERABLE PROSPECT OF DYING, LOSING A LOVED ONE, THE ANGUISH, SUFFERING, & PAIN of all that which one who prays to god for 'relief' [ one would probably receive >>> CONSOLATION in TRUTH
- be LESSENED, CURED or BE ADDRESSED MORE SATISFYINGLY or EFFECTIVELY by applying LOGICAL ANALYTICAL THINKING, applying SCIENCE, or by applying PRAYERS & appealing to an imaginary GOD which this INcomplete FOSh•† says is silly to even consider petitioning for?
Has science which up till now shown much IMPOTENCE in it's inability to 'curing' not only cancer; but most diseases, done any better compared to an imaginary god?
: being as impotent, as ineffective medically, as allegedly 'sham-y’ as Homeopathy, and spiritual-wise as 'imaginary' as god.
What then has SCIENCE, LOGICAL analytical thinking have that is advantageous OR LESS IMAGINARY about in comparison?
Is it then logical to conclude god, logic, and science are all as imaginary, one as the other?
Hence all these : NATURE, the author as well as every other SCIENCE certified LOGIC based ANALYTICAL thinking beings are - IMAGINARY?
On a different note; except to treat, reduce the ill effects and give palliative relief to most diseases
please name ONE disease which LOGICAL THINKING, SCIENCE & NATURE or the author 's perhaps own knowledge on Empty has been able to provide, device or make a cure, which effectively makes the disease not a disease anymore ? In other words make that illness a benign part & parcel function of the living process that does not ‘prematurely’ terminate a living being.
Illustrating this in simple layperson's lingo : has SCIENCE with LOGIC & ANALYTICAL intelligence been able to devise, medicate or treat a disease such as BronchoPneunomia 'curing' that disease & it becomes like breathing in & breathing out - a normal physiological function, with no future incidences or events resulting from the initial infection ?
Generally; palliative, supportive, symptom-resolving therapies are utilize to enable the patient overcome the infective organism under his own [god - (?imaginary) - given] resistance ability - the human auto immune system.
(Living terminates, ends in death, one would not consider living as an 'illness' or 'disease' though it is now an interesting study with a 'dream' perhaps of immortality)
Other than smallpox & Poliomyelitis
which btw HAS NOT been 'cured' - but prevented from causing world wide massive epidemic, - "confined to isolated non bio-viable state in controlled environment" [probably being researched for other bio potentials]
There has been no illnesses caused by infections or an element extraneous to a human organism which has ben ‘cured’ by science or intelligent knowledge gathered over the years from man’s studying, researching, unravelling of- NATURE.
It might be interesting to perhaps pose this query "just for the heck of it".
***With all the publicized media hype on pseudo science glam releases of break throughs, advances, discoveries and awesome inventions which are credited to SCIENCE, to LOGIC & NATURAL analytical THINKING
***Has any SCIENCE based human beings, with LOGICAL ANALYTICAL thinking and ALL other resources available from human intelligence so derived been able to make ONE unit of living "life"?
The definition of 'life' which the author being a LOGIC, SCIENCE & NATURE centered individual would be aware
*NOT the coupling of 2 separate germinative nucleic materials into one in a petri dish .
*NOR by the initiation of the forming of another creature; in the uterus of a female; by the random sexual coupling of two reproductively viable adults resulting in the impregnating of one by the other.
*NEITHER is the planting of a 'semi- almost there embryo' into the biologically viable uterus of a surrogate.
*Neither is 'LIFE' the re-making of a LIVING entity from existing living or dead organisms, - RECYCLING or organ transplanting is NOT making a "life"
It is as in GENESIS in the holy book where the MAKER of all this Shebang said (not in Hebrew, American or Greek, JEWISH quite surely not in the lingo of any smart, intelligent scientist or humans of such ilk)
"Let there be light,
and there was LIGHT"
in that same context: Can any man alive say
"LET THERE BE LIFE & there will be LIFE"?
Not if but IF EVER any man is able to do that humbly should alI kneel and proclaim that man GOD -in every sense of the word!
In computer usage, when one attempts transferring a huge file into a folder of minuscule capacity one would have a pop up instantaneously REMINDING one -
"..the process cannot be completed as there is insufficient space in the destination folder.."
In any vain glorious attempt to project oneself as what one is not; with no significant acknowledgment of one's insignificance vs vast NATURE (?GOD) that pop up telling one exactly how immense HE is vs one's insignificance..
in plain language is saying :
very gently:
very politely:
and cordially:
"..FOOL know thy FOLLY..”