Sunday, April 17, 2016


     There were two birds each seated in different trees.

     One in a beautiful, flowering tree with much shade from the burning sun. The fruits of the tree were fragrant & succulent, one would indeed consider the bird sits in avian heaven.
     The other bird’s perch is a dead tree trunk. Denuded of bark, of foliage, shade-lessly hot in the burning sun. Barren of fruits or flowers. Nothing but a stump of wood sticking up from the ground only serving to give perch support to the bird.

     It would in many other creatures’ natural inclination [human being’s especially] to very immediately IMPROVE it’s stature by hopping over to the ‘better’ higher end 'property'.

     Often times indeed the second bird does just that.

    The bird in avian paradise -  though having it’s personal space, it's home - TREE [where it was born, where generations of his ancestors had origin & final dispositions] “threatened”, “invaded”, “intruded”, "compromised" [by human reckoning/values]  -  DOES NOT take any measure to dislodge, evict or prevent the ‘intruding’ 2nd bird.
Even if it sits right next to it, the first Animal would simply shift a little to the side - to make room.

There-in the difference, between MAN (?made in HIS image) & ANIMAL

Which the former,  which the animal?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Child's Prayer

  Allow me Lord to view this Life, All it's wonders:
Even You, LORD as a child would.
No matter how gnarled & withered old I do become,
Allow not my innocence to age,
Nor my sense of wonder, awe, & curiosity to ever dull  or grey.
Grant me, the Perpetual Naivete of a child, Lord,
Should You deign to bless me even as you did Methuselah.
For to lose my Innocence is to lose 


Nationalism, Patriotism, Religion.


       In many ways nationalism & patriotism often lead to isolationism & exclusivity, resulting in a segregated narrow outlook, a closed mindset - a festering ground for extremism, discrimination & injustice.
There was a Presidential hopeful in the US during the 60's who advocated racial segregation vehemently.
Even now such instances of a misplaced & oft violent sense of supremacy based on whatever ideals - be they religious, race or nation-based is evident almost every where Man lives.
    It is such failed righteousness, tainted by a sense of selectivity i.e. of belonging to an exclusive or higher grade creature or group that leads to rejection of other similarly as equal creatures, which more times than not lead to violent deadly altercations. 
   Often if exploited by irresponsible elements using manipulative psychology based on Religious, race based biased rhetorics would promote violence & the taking of lives - often dismissed & justified as a "religious duty - or an obligation Divinely sanctioned".
                      What BALDERDASH
Yet no one who would have an effective impact on turning this tide around has found it in his agenda to campaign, to promote & achieve this ideal that All Man be given EQUAL regard.  
It sounds 'nice' & is 'comforting' to read of these entrenched noble ideals in places like on the Walls of impressive buildings & in speeches as quickly dissipated by the chilly wind of reality, popularity & public acceptance. 
In any case whats the BIG deal in the instilling of PRIDE based on one's CITIZENSHIP i.e Nationalism ?
Or patriotism when one's country is in a war or armed conflict with another ?

After almost 2000 years of western Civilization is Man to still view and regard one another as antagonistically separate creatures?
   Or more nobly as MAN - each as equal & noble  in his own right - NOT based on something less or nobler & worthier as the geographical location in which one has citizenship or of what skin pigmentation was ones parents or to which religious group does one swear allegiance.
  Should we not discard all the irrelevance linked to divisionisms AND become truly a RACE of believers [UMMAH]  created ones of HIM? One Race? 
   Or would that be a confirmed liability in every sphere of commerce & industry & especially military supremacy & dominance?
  It will be never achievable when minds see only as far as the next "profit" "gain" "higher ground positions" 
   Man & animals are different only in Man's -much
Justified & rationalized but - unwarranted greed for more than is necessary to achieve supposed HAPPINESS!
Then again does anyone know what is true Happiness & similarly - what is TRUTH?

The unchangeable fact of a mortal existence preempts anyman's quest for such answers

Saturday, March 12, 2016

MøñkéYing around

      "... the seeming ease of scaling greater than humanly possible heights (with less than human efforts) & plumbing deeper than inhumanly devilish depths, through computer enhanced or generated interfaces, CGIs, has spawned an untapped pool of potential organ donors or harvestees, insofar as the maximising, extending of normal living human "functionales' are concerned.

Appendages & other human organs vis brains, hearts, lungs, 
vocal chords [especially], 
ears [more especially] 
now more often lie dormant, in idle mode, left on the shelf - so to speak.
    Once very value add-ons to our human anatomy & function which in days gone by (not always good Oldé Då¥s) increased human bonding as well as helped make life a truly worthwhile pursuit.
are now used & coordinated, preconfigured  to unerringly, [contrary to OEM's intent/design]
be centered, focused on what, how much, can be GAIN'd, be EARN'd, be WON, be PUT OVER on the OTHER Homo S{hole?}

HomoS (pronounce HomoASS), considered the greatest created Being since Alley Oo00ps
 -now cos he could click with one mighty left thumb, & mightier forefinger & could change perhaps redo the ENTIRETY?
 should be re-designed or in the least have these various useful (if as CREATOR intended) appendages/parts/attachments: translocated, transplanted, transposed - to folks who really needed these.
Many might prefer an Adopting Angel from a resource-rich nation to be made an Adoptee &  then flaunted as exhibits, of LOVE, of CARE, CONCERN for less fortunate, deprived udders ‘OTHERs’.
Perhaps that has already happened cos we might have translocated the human ‘thinker CPU' to be the next door neighbour of  Da BOSS 
& each time boss makes a break for the outhouse a little of  our 'thinker CPU' gets "fire'd into the °hole°

"...Man has almost (hope N؆) lost opportunity of attaining TRUE greatness,  expending God-given resources, Exhilarating, Gratifying, Obsessing  on zero return benefits via vainglorious  attempts to increase selfworth :- 

"Jéålous Seizüre - circa 0000"

Thursday, March 3, 2016

SMARTER than Clever

  Trouble starts, 

     every time, 
       without fail, 
               when mere creatures

Whoever gave us that idea?
You knew who?

that trouble comes from that fatally flawed 'thought'. 

when we try to 'think' clever.

More than we really could ever be .

More trouble when we try to 'act' clever.

In the first place, there wasn’t any need to even try to be anything, especially - "smart".

We thought we were 'too' smart.



When we actually are so poor in that department vs HIM we should not even try.

But we thought we were smarter.

SMARTER than clever


Trouble is we seek in the wrong places:

In the nice sounding 'nothings'
In the politely 'petty'
In the correctly 'inoffensive' --- but untrue.
Frequently haunting places which would place us high in social esteem. 
We get close & cozy with the well-set & connected folks when what is ‘well’ & ‘connected’ might smell bad & is contaminated.
We wheel & deal to add "value". 

The things that truly should mean, we deny.
The things that mean naught, we blow up to add glamor to our poor self esteem.
All acts we commit, do or omit to do, ensure our image, seen by others as what would raise our stature regardless whether these are 





even decently 


Lost in our haste to catch up, in getting ahead.
  -- of whom -- of what -- of which race?

we engage in games from which we think we did derive pleasure playing - so to seem to have 'arrived'
We posture, preen, attempting almost every moment there is any inter-creature interface to raise our exclusivity, to increase our 'regality'

A silly illustration:
Is it possible to be having great fun tortuously trying to hit a tiny ball, purposely crafted to be unnatural in denying every Law of Nature  & chasing it into a tiny hole; 
with a club which is ineffectively shaped for     hitting anything at all by a normally formed human hand, all over a man made obstacle course even army recruits would cringe from?

so to be considered  as being 
someONE of Stature ?

* drop names of the high, mighty, powerful   
   like we really were pals, when these don't even      know us from Adam, 
* say trendy words 
* make cool sounds 
   to impress       

Once "taking out" some one is for pleasurable pursuits, for ice cream, movies, a stroll, 
a leisurely drive   
* now it's
 'gungho'  jargon deadlier than removing weeds.

* miss to value the love parents have for kids.
* miss to value the love of kids for parents.
* dismiss the gentleness, concern, care, time         
     devoted by aged Grandies (Grandies in law)  as      they love little grandkiddies,      
     despite, disabling, painful infirmities,   
* are unfeeling, unconcerned for the lost of
     camaraderie between good friends from way 
     back then.
* fail to truly share others' sorrows in any   
     helpful way, but become experts in paying lip   
     service…which literally "SUCKS"
* look for things that are 'smart' to look for.
   Wealth, Fame, Power, Prestige, Social       
    Integrity, Respect of Queers oooops 'Peers'.

We seek 
* Greatness,
* Glory, 
* to fly in lofty circles (of vultures?)
* Glamor 
* Transient Adulations
* Meaningless Attention 

And all the time we think we are smart, savvy, worldly, trendy, well set, cool.

We :
* speak no wrong even against the greatest    
* fake niceties, nodding to disagreeables,
   to unpleasentness,  to nice-sounding   
   but dishonest values, to appear as 'team' players           [life's game?] 
* lose our principles, our moral, spiritual   
   compass, drop off our pride, our convictions, on 
   what is 






Trouble is we try to figure out stuff 
- "How stuff works" -
Stuff we thought we were smart to figure out. That's rather clever: then cleverer still 
- we so arrogantly try to figure out "GOD" 
with scientific succinct "human" logic  
     to unravel how, what, who, when, HE is about !

If this makes money : Heck why not

Attempting to gain ultimate supreme  credibility (perhaps?) with the ULTIMATE ‘ace’ up our sleeve.
So that when we say anything 
EVERY "é Joe stands at attention, erect, pay føøl attention, happily, submissively, cooperatively, patriotically,
piously agreeably nod assent.


What gave us that nerve to even think
That we could ever try,
To claim to know HIM?
[cos we've been there, done that?]

We have always thought we were pretty clever rather 'smart'.

Y E S !

That fatally flawed thought,

Interferes with our being here simply to appreciate 

All living Createds were gifted

'moment' 'chance' 'life' 
to immerse, 
 deeply drink
be truly drenched, 
to saturate 
 & resonate with the

JOY HE felt when 

..He saw that it was GOOD..

we were birthed, to live, die, 
to return 
to whence we were and to again be 

enfolded, embraced, 



May you be not that smart.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Simple SIMON

"You think therefore you are


the bed bug thinks too:

so does the earthworm:

& too the bitch in heat:
thinking all the while the mongrel 
was dipping deep 
in her 


that 'blob' 
crawling around in the cesspool of sewage
    was [probably] thinking; 

" 'animal' could make 
such a sh•tty 
smelly pool 

And you 
[who thought you was solely specially made]


was your special exclusive gift 




Jihardists - Cum in MULTI-Flavors † Psychopathologies

A very thorny extremely controversial, charged issue currently being given much media focus.

Comments made more often add nothing positive -being partisan one way or the other.

The response of anyone, from whichever camp, being "non Absolute" i.e. not having characteristics of GOD's benevolence - would most "naturally" evoke & promote more of the same confrontational angst. 

Man operates in a Natural environ. 


Religions & the prescribed theologies being adopted, are man's ways to attempt reaching, returning to HIM, our attempts to understand God, perhaps not so much understanding rather to be synchronous with HIM.

However the competitiveness & 'must do better' urges of certain psychopathic megalomaniacal individuals which is directly affected & proportional to the size of the multitude of adoring faithfooled adherents; & fired by the level of incensed frenzy; has, is, will continue to destroy HIS will. 

Few bother to know or would strive to know what HIS Will is - rather all of us gladly subvert and manipulate HIS WILL, knowing not what that is - to impose our own on others.
THAT is the NATURAL man - MANipulative

GOD being SUPERNATURAL man would never be able to fully grasp - till perhaps when Man lose his human nature - Assumes SuperNature 

transcend - become spirit - body-less - dead to this PRESENT.. 

[Even then man will not fully comprehensively know HIM]

The process of transformation would not begin, for anyone to be enabled to 'approach' 'get close' to the Divine 
until every conventionally installed thought, value,  ideal of Righteousness/Wrongeousness AND everything the world receives & prescribes as right-set 

[most critically if such values/non-values are religion tainted]

are expunged.

together with human pride, agenda of man; be that man - the Pope, Popeye, Donald McTrump, Immam, Guru, The Lord, Master, Nabi/Nabinot, Uztaz whatever or whomever he be.

Till one devoids all that is embedded, that is earth-bounding one, the distance from 
HIM is far 

as distant 

as heaven is from Earth.

Thus CONtemporary media hyped & WWW disseminated tit for tat statements of strength, of bravado, of patriotism, of wtf, of political correctness, of Religious propriety, culturally presumed freedom & liberated 'impropriety' so labeled as support one for the other, displays the dichotomy of "natural" man's disability to be complete in his empathy, in his embrace of other's 'life'

LIFE is ALL that is from HIM 
the indefinable, unquantifiable, 
unmeasurable 'F' factor 
which came from HIM
to HIM must return.

That deafening, most obnoxious truth oft being justified as right :

*The tragic 9/11 event in NEW YORK 

*The equally tragic & just as justified & as true as even more correct : WAR on TERROR

Looking at the Scenario if via cyclops-like eye through a single narrowly focused, short-sighted lens, all the while hyper-driving on the steroids of Ethnicity, Nationalism, Patriotism, Religious Rhetorics
 "my dad is greater than your dad" school yard pride & other parochially focussed - non directional aim of self bloating intent - will hide Truth from all.                           






Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Silence - that's SPIRî†

           Overhead during Prayer Service held in Celebration of Eternally Elusive Peace, at the back pew of the Hall of CONS†AN† CONS†ERNA†ION
 - longitude 0° latitude 0° altitude -3,600,000

Two shriveled-withered-dried-up-prunney looking retired educationists were "Sharing" on retirement.

Retired Educationist #1:

                                         "Hi what are you into now sir, after leaving service? Working anymore?"
Retired Educationist #2 :
                                         "Oh I rear swines at the farm my dad left me up in  Bukit  Geroan."

Retired Educationist #1:
                                          "Wow that must be interesting, any different from teaching?"

Retired Educationist #2: 

                                           "Haiyaaa most definitely! AND more frustrating!  You wouldn't know how exasperating! Fed them swine's swill, not only do they thrive, they were thrilled. 
When I tried to improve their lot by feeding them Pearls, 
& I know my Pearls are best for them, they look at me like I was stupid or something ! 
Imagine, them; swines! dare to even look at me a senior ASSistant (rtd) of a Certified ABA+ College ! Heck if not for my wife not needing a foreign tour come fall I would have had them all slaughtered !  
Just to  show them how silly they were for rejecting my Pearls.
And you, what have you been up to lately good friend?"

Retired Educationist #1: 

                                          "Oh I'm enrolled to  follow the prescribed  therapeutic exercises from The Department of Requilibrilliance  to Re-calibrate, Re-align Re-establish the UnSavory Syndrome  suffered since graduating Training School  - 
It's some Idiopathic not at all understood 
disorder of the cerebral incapacity which result in
Incommensurate Inordinate MegaéYébloat  
 akin to megaloboastomae or something like that according to the Italian (Expatriate)Specialist who's practicing on me."

The Spirit that lives under the left hand corner of the [IKEA] table cloth; in extreme desperation & fearing for his Eternal Salvation chanted his mantra with increased veracity:
"Ommmm may I be enligh†ened asap oOo0OmmmmmmGG”

NOBODY was any the wiser