before meals
after meals
3 hrs,
2.025 hrs before meals, makes little significant change in your final disposition.
It may make the 'destination' a little better less exhausting to attain - you being in better 'shape'.
Paying attention to details has much implications, much to re-look, reconsider.
This very helpful character attribute so often makes a person excel in most undertakings :(
If one were to adopt an attitudinally Obsessive Compulsive-zoomed-in-focus with regards DETAILS - per se;
not a nånãñøøñøø of progress, anti-gress, motion, émotion; in any direction; physical, virtual, spiritual
would be initiated.
°° One would be probably contemplating one’s navel &
the contents within it thereof?
°° Staring on the speck of dust in da brother’s eye over
°° Coagulating on the pimple next to the dimple of one’s
neighbor on the opposite block?
Unless critical as in an ER life & death scenario - all this paying of particular attention to ‘insignificant superfluous’ details makes for a situation where the nitty gritty, would clog, cloud, block up the FLOW; has to given a back seat — for the while.
For a fact though:
each speck of nØthing, every bit of zerº, every teenîe wéénîé grain of dîr†, each particulate droplet of disallowed, every unFumigated flotsam, each insignifican† ignoblé - has a place in this
Every living, unit that ever was LIFE’d will have it’s day, have its say
•• every ••
Sparrow dropped to earth:
Worm ever enmeshed within the earth:
Fish that salin'd the seas:
Tigers striped suits, dried:
Spot of the d•ts, off the Leopards hide:
be it:
Capacious, Ginormous, Gargantuan
insignificant, nonentity, micro-nullé
Grey hair of anyMan -
will be wove into the Tapestry.
When all’s said, done, acted; each, every & all fibers entwined into the MAINframe of life,
each would have the center stage, the rostrum, given the mike;
to relate each's autobio•tales:
to satisfy, satiate, hand in the log books
so love to ‘know’ how we did,