Thursday, October 26, 2017

the FENG SUI - calculator

°Prior tø de†ermining †he Po$ihief "feng sui" 
moment  for        
       ASScertaining LOWést Ri$k 

oƒ getting napped

       Doing Dirty Deed$ 


       Optimum chancéS of SUCKc€$$

°°Prior to
when the 
       CøRR€¢† †îm€ 
         ¢orrupt Pra¢ti¢€$: 
         +  UN†ru$†worthin€$$: 
          Most FAVoråblé; 
          B€$†é$† odds {± 130%} 
for committing the

                Perfect Act




The generally considered values  of

°°°One need to 

           FACTor in

    The Likelihood/åbility of 

                      Deflecting Detection

                      Avoiding Arrest 
                      Manipulating {fair/just} Prosecution
to €nsuré
                      HAPpîé$† €ndin

of ñøt becoming
                      Gas of State: 
in the  



"Centers     of     Rehabilitative     INcarceration$"

RUN/sustained by

An €qually CONtrived UNbalanced $yst€m 

of nø† so sure~it's~fair~taxation that extricate$ from the generally stupor-red People 
the chances of attempting
such DééD$
                 is indirec†ly proportional to the-
$aliva-inducing †€mp†ing€$$
of the
& the resulting
Mon€¥†aril¥ Quantifiable Blissfoolness




If what one seeks is »»»»»»»»»««««««««« 
to be dumped onto the Lap of affluence 
to attain da Heaven of Complete Comfort
in the here & now.

The Choice to do the above calculations then rightly should hinge on whether one is convinced that the "here & now", 
is the
               "be all & end all"
or whether the 
is the 

"Eternal   Bliss   of   Immeasurable   Ecstasy"

NåpåLøñé Bø®ñåp宆

circa 00o0

The world is so FOOL of FUN so filled with FACEBOOK SH*T :)

On the social media which makes unimaginable amounts of mullatoe$ for their original creators, one finds:

Ø INTERESTING stuff like "where to eat'

Ø What someone with a phone-cam is 'EATING' !

Ø Brain-surgeon/rocket scientist kind of high IQ  
    decisions like "which mobile phone should I   
    UPgrade to"?

Ø THRILLING scenes like photos of my 'dinner' !

Ø EXCITING pictures of trips to where 'everyone-
   else-has - already been to before oneself" on       
   the  XxXeXOTIC circuits !
Ø EARTH-SHAKING events like a link to a          
    youtube video clip watched till extinction by
    3,500,000,000 viewers with equally Extinctive  
    oops Exciting life!

     EVENTS like photos of self which even one's   
     mother is  aversed to - reflecting extreme     
     obsessive narcissism !
Ø DROOLS ooos ahhhhs woooooows expressed
    over some movie stars assets, dripping with   
    drooling admiration for physical assets like  
    which ONLY stars possess like 'good' looks,  
   BOOBS, Botoxed lips, CRACKs and past    
   history   of having been R A P E 'd plus other     
   attractive-ness etc !

   (supposed indicating one's intellectualism?)      
   from  High   IQ, MOSTLY DEAD, people; no    
   one else has ever heard of !

In an over-crowded world where nobody has any sustained real interest or pays attention to anyone else unless its feigned interest in the guy's 'sparkling' personality due to real interest in his money and even real-er interest in his sexy assets, (i.e. as an excitingly anticipated, orgasm-inducing sleeping partner-for 2 hours {ONLY} to be followed up with drawn out {life sustaining forever - for the proponent} law suits alleging impropriety/sexual assault;  sadly indicate a human need for attention, for self affirmation, for meaningful interaction/relationship with a real-life fellow being! 
Many turn sincerely rightly to religion. But mistakenly, hoping to fulfill these needs through just beseeching, petitioning and offering holocaust-like sacrifice to an unseen imagined entity called God, ('imagined' as none has ever come into ANY contact with him, other than in the mind or the spirit; as opposed to the 'real' life contacts with your living father or mother or wife or boss).
God supposedly having the qualities we wish for, which we can never find in our fellow men, to provide earthly comfort, to fill needs insatiable by anyone else!
And sadly when this emptiness is seen in grown men almost going off to the 'next' level of [non]-existence, with lots of mullahtoe$$ in the bank, with much more than anyone would ever need or perversely desire - it indicates deep seated insecurity plus an even deeper seated  unknowing what THIS all about
Jesus would have a REAL job should He ever decide to return - and ENlighten HIS createees SAVING them [Again -?] from the mess they are in.

JéåLøü$ $éîZü®é



    Do you ever have second thoughts, regarding the direction the local chapter of your  Faith denomination is leading you?
Now you would have no doubt come across the Nicene Creed:
    As many are the languages spoken and understood by man since the Babel-ian tower of confusion; just as many are the versions of the Creed.
The Hilarious, Unbelievable impunity of this Babel tale is how the various CREEDS are hand picked, nit-pick for inclusion in the just as many denominations of Faith Groups - all supposedly honoring, worshiping that one (TRUE) DIVINE.
    Is Man, the subordinate, the Createe derived from HIS magnanimity; so utterly insensitive/audacious to chose how to declare faith, honor and seek reliance on the DIVINE?
Should it not be the other way around — where HE the DIVINE decides & allows; which faith groups on HIS list, are given imprimatur to Honor, Worship, Homage  HIM - he - GOD?

    In the Saga/Tale of Babel; when Man’s unified attempt to construct the tower for self-glory & affirmation of  Ego; was neutralized by the Divine’s disuniting & confusing of Man’s one-ness of purpose, making them Babble in multiple  differing languages - hence disassembling their common intent; 
The existence of the many versions of the Creed, might make one feel Worshipers of the ONE true DIVINE do not really know what God is all about inasfar as Man's relevance to HIM & HIS WILL.
  Due to our domineering human nature, every religious faction insists it possesses the "truth', thus the many different versions of the Creed, each adopts for its authoritative convenient correctness.
   However the subsequent inclusion of “We believe in one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church” in the Creed, sworn to at every Mass, is a little difficult to ingest.
The Church being a human organization, even though set up on Peter by Christ, [as we are to believe] 

 nevertheless is a human organized, humanly structured and humanly run.
The many failings associated with humans too are evident &; manifest in the Church.
Thus to elevate the Church to that same stature as God; by including it [Church] in the Creed - is nothing short of misdirected human impropriety.
   How would it feel if ... 

"We believe in the Town Council of Timbuktu"?

"We believe in the Management Committee of the Department of Postal  Services"?

"We believe in the “Assured Happy Endin Suppliers of Eastern Spices" 
  A clear & obvious utterly ridiculous, utterly hilarious, utterly puerile, pure non-spiritual, very human show of insecurity, no? 
    And pathetic if one could discern the motive.

Why this particular need/insecurity to ensure Catholics swear belief to the  [Catholic] Church ?
   If not for the propagation, continued relevance, dominance by that human organization; over the thousands of faithful, then what?     
   Does the Organization's need to ensure survival, it's continued sustenance, plus the preservation & prolonging of its existence & relevance in the lives of the faithful evoke that oath in the Creed?

Is the intent of Church; in that sworn allegiance to it; to ensure a hold on the lives of the believers, a 'subtle'
(though non- malevolent) control over numerous aspects of every individual Catholic's lives?  If so for whose benefits? Definitely such gains as may be derived is not at all directyed at to or for the DIVINE {being Ominipotent - has NO need - for such trivialities]
 Undeniably much good,  has come of The Catholic Church's
work, initiatives and programs, through the people of the cloth & too the individual faithfilled devotees; but that does not justify its [Church]inclusion in the Creed. 
As worshipers and believers need be organized there is necessity for Church in that sense. Are we bound to swear belief in an organization; as we do to our God?
Does it not amount to spiritual  presumption to equate itself (in a way) to the Divine with its inclusion in the Creed?
By its inclusion 

nothing is added to the spiritual value of our belief. 
no increase in the fervor of our devotive fervour in God. 
no increase in our spirituality.
no gain at all in our adoration, devotion or trust in God.
  Neither will we be lesser worshipers, adorers and glorifiers of God should we not swear to "believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church".
  Hence its inclusion as part of that OATH to HE creator,

just shows the very human aspect of Church, in wanting to maintain relevance, control, influence, and importance in the lives of Catholics.
We rightly do have & should respect, regard and honor the Church.
BUT we should swear belief only in God, 

NOT in any human organization, even if instituted by GOD.
   To cut to the core; avoiding confusion & dilution of faith


  "I believe in GOD almighty;
   Maker of this Entirety, 
 of all
   seen & unseen"




alluded to
JoodAss IsCarrot

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Competition Till Life Departs ...

  Almost to a “T” every ethnic group,
 Naturally   dislikes if not hates & wants to "take out" [not "take away" as in McD] every other ethnic groups. Very little spontaneous sense of belonging to a common human tribe nor of sharing a common human destiny; is either encouraged or promoted as a norm.

Strive, animosity, antagonism, each with the other is

THE norm

This is that fail in the make-up of Man

[The Maker is NOT involved in this failed feature of Man]

From before the first World War there has been birthed all kinds of competitiveness, horned to perfection; for the expressed intent of expressing dislike & perpetrating extreme prejudice by each ethnic group - one against the other.

Despite the League of Nations: from the ashes of WWI

To the United Nations, from the ruins of WWII..

& despite the innumerable mutual benefits, cooperatives, aid organizations, brought together by ambitious, men with noble® intentions to achieve & attain Harmony of some semblance ....

        Peace still Elude

Until & unless every ethnic group; look, behave, & in all ways are like each other;

in odour, in color, in creed, in tastes preferences as also in every other unworthily trivial yet very earth shaking human preferences & biases

or Until all man have become equalized by having attained residency in heaven (whichever takes place first)

STRIVE, Competitiveness, Elimination & Exploitation

one against the other is

             THE NORM.
The only 'correct' way to go hence, to achieve a ‘tranquil’ less traumatized life, whilst here; is the adopting of a 'NO expectation' mindset that any idealized "heavenly" conditions is ever doable, viable or even temporarily enactable here in a failed system.

This here is no Elysium Field nor is it the
PERfec† Harmonious Permanancé
  as many are wont to imagine.
This here is the temporary transient passage where the exploitation of slowER-witted yet “hungry” folks longing for a "better" living experience end up  "baited, hooked, quartered &  served up" 

for the generating of Commerce, the promoting of Enterprise, for filling to bursting the coffers of those better endowed to exploit.

{in reality no better has LIFE been known ever to deliver}

The question unasked; unanswered, cos it's a "given" taken for granted by the generally gullible public is
Who Unethically, Immorally, Intrudingly, Uncalled for Callously deprives the

••happiness ••wealth ••prosperity ••tranquility

of the exploitable, defenseless slightly less informed (blurrier) Communities even though these above states 
  of ••Life's.Goals
     of ••PurposeFull Living 
        of ••Meaning
are delusional & transient & are least of concern in one journey Homeward.
This period of transience here need then be regarded as a process whereby potentially 'worthy' characters, who are all almost to a T possessed of slimey mud-like manimalistic Trump-like traits are transformed, made worthy by trials, tests; & through extreme emotive experiences; have their uncharitable self-caring-Xcesses, smack'd down; their delusional arrogance of permanence dislodge'd, and to them then is shown the confirmed precept that there is

{1 only} persona
 who is addressed

              G O D



and by numerous other honorifics denoting humble acknowledgement of 


The hope salvageable in this rigmarolé is 



invariably, inescapably, 

all human desires, 

kills every 'natural' urges, 

stop$ the €nterpri$ing €xploiter$ of feebler, blurrier men


as DEAD as sitting ducks would be 

right there in

Life’s müddied water

What if Man were

- the blurrier less endowed victims of 

€xploiting Barbarian$ --

would be Victims 

et infinitum ?


What if Barbarians;

tiring of exploiting

(really, they would be tired? of doing their evil?)

are yet compelled to keep €xploiting

et infinitum ? 
Or till the cows come home & after crossing with the chickens sally forth again as ChickådyCows?

               More proof 

   is unnecessary


               G O D

NåpÅløñé BørñÅpår†

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Spice-up with Diverse Variety

In present day contemporary societies almost every living being worth a second glance is aware of cognizant with & well acquainted with many FACTS which seem to be the compasses they maneuver their lives by.

Their Guiding Light, the beacon by which they steer through this Mess

~~~~ Life ~~~~

Are these facts, truths; standards;

reaL honest to goodness TRUE?

Do they serve as HELP, for us, "creatureds" just a little better than the chimp or goat..

to arrive, after-here in a "good" here-after?

Or is everyone unbeknownst to ourselves; taken on a longer ride, embedded with the "happy delusional warm "feel - good" mentality of every other man in the "duty free shop till drop" Mall$

-when in actuality - all of us are being consumed in the innards of the beast of oversold democratic consumeris† capitalis†ic dream/nightmare of getting something real huge for an input of a tiny worthless nothing.

Of the dDoGgXillionz who had gone ahead - none - not one - has ever returned to tell those here;

that these FACTS were not INFALLIBLE

that these are neither ABSOLUTELY GOOD

nOr to confirm they were really True.

The necessary actions, then, to take which might ensure one not miscue'd -

be less diverted «

less consumed «

less deluded «

less messed up «

less cul de sac «

less befuddled «

less brain static'd

which might actually be a Herculean task

cos to a T almost every other ones are already down in the dumped dumpster---

just not being aware that is not CORREC†

that it should not be A collectively accepted  NORM

so friend

* lower expectations ~
  easier to reach "happy"°

* slow the pace ~
  happy the arrival°

* negate competitiveness ~
  reduced stress °
* leisurelize the trip ~
  fresher @ journey's end°

* reduce needs ~
  nearer to goals°

* smaller the eye'd ~  
  short the must-have list°

* labor with passion ~ 
  work = play = fun°

* make less enemies ~
   more the peacefullness in life°

* lessen intensity ~
   easier the task °

variety if that be the "spice" of life

~~ life would be 'curried' ~~

And everybody knows ''curry''


Nø† L î ƒ é 

Jéålîøü$ $éîzü®é
circa 00o0

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cü† & Dried

             Christianity  is not THE only nonsense;  it is like many other worship systems constructed, devised, distilled by Man, over the millenniums, to worship honor & acknowledge G O D. 
Christianity like other religions; is one of the multiple versions, worship systems, each with their distinctive, {sometimes shared} prophets, their celebrated, highly theologized Imams, Pes†ors,  rich traditions & cultural history of interactions with the Divine {whether such contacts are true, contrived, self instituted mind warps, via chemicals, herbs or other hallucinatory procedures; Gok} 
  NO religions, none at all; have any proprietary claims on being THE religion which should be or has received Divine sanction; as the distinct  group … which is the accepted authorized FAITH to honor, worship HIM; The Creator of this HERE 
in which we, Man & other living life; has being.
Hence like many believers or devotees of a god based faith, many faith-filled,  from the first day of accepting Jesus as lord & savior has been guided, molded & some how by association, by familiarizing by the countless subtle (neither wrong nor evil) influences; moved into the mindset of a christ worshipping faithful and Christ is then assigned in the minds of Christians that unique ingredient and given status of  “DIVINE” (NOT at all erroneous — but “that” is another longer convoluted tale)  & worshipped as god —— ONLY via the unique “faith” group; Christianity.                        

«» There is an urgency for the populations of this world, to make distinction between Religions & GOD «»

A man who wears no religious colors need  not necessarily be one who does not hold GOD dear. 
°°He does NOT hold any religions dear.

A man who pays tithe - charity, gives alms, assists those he knows, feels, recognizes has more needs than himself; does these even to those of religious faiths & colors he supposedly by religious edicts, should not “love” ; does NOT hold religions dear. 
°°He holds GOD dear.

Untold multitudes of peoples; every-where, every-when, every-way, who never partook of any bread nor drink - tainted, flavored, blessed even,  of the many religious faiths,
they did not hold religions dear. 
°°They held GOD dear.

THE antiChrist, so fairy tale’d  — oversold  as the entity, that supreme ULTRA EvIL, was long created when ‘Lucifer’ supposedly rejected God; that same eVIL, has been embedded in the psyche, soul, in the innermost longings, & niches from where spring the primal urges of Man; emanating from Man’s undetected, unprotected unaware-ness. 

The ‘tragedy’ is when every thinking Man [“thinking”, presumed] becomes the faith-filled yet blinded (nose-ring'd) buffalo,
from the 1st instance he could understand thoughts 
-his mindsets, values, belief systems, cultural norms, plus every other precepts ---- including the original God set values ---- are continuously, moved, maneuvered & nudged,  remolded and milked from him & being separately ’edited’,  ‘REmade’ by those who actually were calling the shots. 
These forces of our worldly life -{not same as Nature - which is unblemished, True] - do all these manipulations, mindlessly: as reflexes necessary for “life”.
They act with no conscious intents.
These themselves are unaware their very acts or insinuations (or non actions) help move others, who are equally unaware; into the spot where god & religions/faith groups, loses the distinctive difference
           FAITH & GOD  -|-  become synonymous.

Though GOD is the center of many faith groups, in more than one {or twelve instances :} faith groups 
                                         is not, 
                                      should not,
     be represented in the minds of worshipping faithfulls; 
                                     as GOD.

Instances of how mindsets are daily, monthly, never-ending-ly being twisted, subtly thwarted from true North 'clarity':

You mean your daughter attends THAT  University?
You drive THIS kind of car? 
You go to THAT place to honor GOD?
You can buy & use THOSE kinds of dresses,  accessories? 
You playTHAT game @ THAT club ?
You swim with THOSE fellas?

and ----
by the age when you supposedly should have become an adult, supposedly imbued with all right set values of good, of not so good, of which religions you should place your faith in instead of placing your faith in The ONE true god

• What you eat, what you pay heed to, what you consider unacceptable, what you sanction as correct,  incorrect - all these values, mindsets, preferences which comprise your innermost “psyche” ‘soul’  are NO LONGER unblemished, neither pristine, nor even of your own decide. 
—— you have been "made" into one of many ‘issues’ ‘end-products’  though not entirely mindless, you now bear the distincive stamp of a common similar attitude & acceptance of value systems, religious convictions,  societal norms, of every other than the pristine, unchangeable DIVINE will which has been lost through your (mine, our) growing - {up}

How did this happen?
How could the young adult w/o his even being aware of it has been nudged into that set ‘sad’ path? 
You that young person at the brink between an unthinking kid & a thought filled adult, are dead sure; you sense & is more than CONvinced, certain, your own abilities, values, et al;  are self acquired & derived — 'all' done; assimilated; under your own volition. 
                       They are most undeniably NOT. 

Short of having no human parts, you, [me] & almost all the rest of the thinking (or so we thought) population of Man; are no better than mechanical automatons — having been brought to - that position, which the "agenda" has been dragging us to, would want us all to be in.
And the best part is - we all (most of us anyway) thought it was our own personal choices. 
Thus even though of flesh & blood, we have all been robotized. 
We feel great about our INDIVIDUAL uniqueness.
We each rejoice like that famous tune declared :      
      "..I did it MY way..

Are you sure? That you (& all else) did in our own unique way?
Nøñé is criticizing, nor passing judgements nor is any a††emp†ing  contrariness, to assume a higher status.

This non awareness of one's non direction as also one's being under-towed into the desired spot
(undesired if one is fully CONcious)
 is obvious, undeniable maybe, unrecognized maybe;
all the same 
 ~~~~ A fact ~~~~

FEW potential robo†s, manage to NOT become automatons,                 
 succumbing, unknowingly, unwittingly, unresistingly 
rather fast-ly

{"fast-ly" used in memoriam of an old friend dépår†éd}

Nåpåløñé Bø®ñåp宆