Thursday, October 26, 2017

The world is so FOOL of FUN so filled with FACEBOOK SH*T :)

On the social media which makes unimaginable amounts of mullatoe$ for their original creators, one finds:

Ø INTERESTING stuff like "where to eat'

Ø What someone with a phone-cam is 'EATING' !

Ø Brain-surgeon/rocket scientist kind of high IQ  
    decisions like "which mobile phone should I   
    UPgrade to"?

Ø THRILLING scenes like photos of my 'dinner' !

Ø EXCITING pictures of trips to where 'everyone-
   else-has - already been to before oneself" on       
   the  XxXeXOTIC circuits !
Ø EARTH-SHAKING events like a link to a          
    youtube video clip watched till extinction by
    3,500,000,000 viewers with equally Extinctive  
    oops Exciting life!

     EVENTS like photos of self which even one's   
     mother is  aversed to - reflecting extreme     
     obsessive narcissism !
Ø DROOLS ooos ahhhhs woooooows expressed
    over some movie stars assets, dripping with   
    drooling admiration for physical assets like  
    which ONLY stars possess like 'good' looks,  
   BOOBS, Botoxed lips, CRACKs and past    
   history   of having been R A P E 'd plus other     
   attractive-ness etc !

   (supposed indicating one's intellectualism?)      
   from  High   IQ, MOSTLY DEAD, people; no    
   one else has ever heard of !

In an over-crowded world where nobody has any sustained real interest or pays attention to anyone else unless its feigned interest in the guy's 'sparkling' personality due to real interest in his money and even real-er interest in his sexy assets, (i.e. as an excitingly anticipated, orgasm-inducing sleeping partner-for 2 hours {ONLY} to be followed up with drawn out {life sustaining forever - for the proponent} law suits alleging impropriety/sexual assault;  sadly indicate a human need for attention, for self affirmation, for meaningful interaction/relationship with a real-life fellow being! 
Many turn sincerely rightly to religion. But mistakenly, hoping to fulfill these needs through just beseeching, petitioning and offering holocaust-like sacrifice to an unseen imagined entity called God, ('imagined' as none has ever come into ANY contact with him, other than in the mind or the spirit; as opposed to the 'real' life contacts with your living father or mother or wife or boss).
God supposedly having the qualities we wish for, which we can never find in our fellow men, to provide earthly comfort, to fill needs insatiable by anyone else!
And sadly when this emptiness is seen in grown men almost going off to the 'next' level of [non]-existence, with lots of mullahtoe$$ in the bank, with much more than anyone would ever need or perversely desire - it indicates deep seated insecurity plus an even deeper seated  unknowing what THIS all about
Jesus would have a REAL job should He ever decide to return - and ENlighten HIS createees SAVING them [Again -?] from the mess they are in.

JéåLøü$ $éîZü®é

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