Saturday, April 21, 2018

Bound -- Løck Stock & Barrel ...

Your father taught you
your 1 father — ONE only 

earth father & you became you.

If you had more fathers than the one
earth father
Horrible thoughts 
of Perversion     
  of Whoreyness       
    of Incestfoolery
      of ReligiousLy UNacceptable

                 ILLegaLities ~~
 Frowned UPon as BEASTly inDecencies---   
   would surely pop up in your narrow 
     LOCK STOCK & BARREL RELIGION+$ociety.CONDitioned bounded mind}
  ||||»»»»»»»»»»they indeed did»»»»»»»»»»|||| 

BUT seriousreally...
    if the ΩîLLîøñs of blinking Stars out there could  be your 'fathers' ; NOT •
uuuurrhgg G0∂ forbid• cohabitatively with your one ONLY earth mother,

If these ΩîLLîøñs of Stars (blinking) -
were FATHERs to you

similar to; but as mentors, teachers, enlighteners
as that 1 ONLY  
earth father 
whom with

earth mother was allowed to facilitate your entry to this

If each
& all of these

ΩîLLîøñs of blinking Stars
are allowed to teach, illumine, enlighten you
with the daddy-wisdom
that your ONE (1 ONLY)
earth father   
could never ever teach, impart you with whilst a youngster;
would not you receive, & be bequeathed with the cumulative Wisdom, Smarts & Brilliance of these

ΩîLLîøñs of 'Daddies'
to become perhaps|probably the most illuminé∂
piece of

 "whatever the wtF” 
   you could attain to?

HAVING been allocated life only for Ò≈µéΩ≈ years,
the thoughts that would cross that
"wha†umigh†calli†” ?Mîñ∂? 

of yours
 definitely, surely, can't be of any caliber of

nor would they be filled with 
 Saint-LEE 'holiness' [Posthumous]
  Or would these thought even remotely be 
  as the BLINKing beams of the ΩîLLîøñs of Stars;

which most definitely would be brimful with
IMPOSSIBLé "brilliance"

the LIGHT of which
might probably turn you into such an ILLUMINåTED 

piece of “wtF” 
instead of the
piece of “wtF” 
you had

But GROSSLY, like these many other created "Life forms"
which you derogatorily, as was your nature,  gleefully had label as "beasts” ---- 

whilst your own just as beastly 
Daily ‘urges'
Secret ‘longing' 
Clandestine ‘clamorings' 
Silent ‘cravings' unceasingly rumbling in the innermost depths of a potentialLéé BRIGHT + illuminable wha†umigh†calli†” -- Mîñ∂ --
of yours  -----

undeniably serving ONLY to factually affirm; unequivocally; beyond a shred of reasonable doubt 
•••The Futility of øñés' 'seek'
•••The Frustratibility of øñés' 'ask'
•••The LOck'd tight Unopenness to øñés' 'knock'

WHA†  øñe now living 

   does not know
   would remain 

   as unknowable
   as hidden 

   as veiled 
as shrouded 
as unrevealed 

as unapproacheable
as unattainable
as on 

THAT fateful Ò≈µéΩ≈ of Tîmé ago                                             

                  unfathomable depths
                   .of NOTHINGness.
                              HE did
                              wh  at


surely don't
   feel much more self-worthy
   before stumbling 


inSINuated b¥
$îGmåññ Früå∂
circa 00o0

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

MîLK ---


Contrary to Universal Feel Good
           ~~~ °°° ~~~
 of HUMAN kindness
don’t flow easy..
NOT from woman’s breast
nor from man’s ‘’whatever’’ too.

   Diet of Infants
   from cows, goats, cattle,
   or even from mothers
were NOT: never were,

ever filled with ••kindness••
 ~~~ freely, easily, sweetly 
self-givingly ~~~
••HUMAN•• or otherwise.
 .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Kindness since Dawn of Time
    eluded every born’d of Man.

“including the ones not of women born too"

Man never was from "Kindness"
Nor was partial to : “Kindness”
Never was raised on “Kindness"


make more stains & mars deeper; 
than the purest pearliest white MILK of KINDness of any kind ever would ameliorate the indelibly etched blemishes.

From Day 0 of THE eviction of Adam: if the cows, goats, cattle’s milk on which Man's Children
were fed, & nurtured with;
had been foddered with
• HUMBLE pies 

• Leaves of IGNOBILITY
• Shrooms dripping full of MEEK
• spiced with Barks off tree of

• & a pinch of the Salt of  


such Potions of Apothecarial
Concoction Might have brought Man
NOT to this His present

 Buts & Ifs;
 Never altered reality
 Never then
 Not now
 Never EVER would.........    ......

If conscientious good sense, probably lost; 
Høpéfülly not dead drowned; Høpéfülly still viable  & stubbornly floundering, indefatigably buoyant 
even tho drenched & bloated;
Høpéfülly from murky brooks of sensible care-filled cerebral river-lets, would, might,
stubbornly rejoin
  Maybe then, perhaps these suppressed streams might just  reform; against all norms
     to make flow
        the mighty Milk of     

when Good Will prevails
makes Impossibles ---

îñ$pîré∂ by
$împLé $†übbøñ˜n 
circa 00o0

Monday, April 9, 2018

G • I • F • T 3

 -:    The B E S T gift ever :-
the ability to be enfolded by

"good" when "bad"

is spoken ° done & directed ° at one

::with intent:with malice:
:with vehemence:

   -:   The BETTER gift ever :-
the ability to keep
in "dumb" "safe" "silence"
when "bad"
 so overwhelmingly, 
painfully, jarringly,

audible is 
-: The Good gift ever is :-
the ability to be
"blind" | "deaf" | "dumb" 
--when one is dumped onto where one is--
 & harsh  
  $†ar€$ one down
 daily - everyday
   • CONSTANTL¥   
no Oƒƒ days  
 ALWAY$ "on"

 be assured


   What evil...which bad...whose malice
can stand


îñ$pî®é∂ b¥
$împLé $îmøñé

Monday, April 2, 2018

gøLDéñ ...


      There’s a need for most people to be heard. 

As one gets more gøLDéñ, the need & urgency  increases. [with the obvious approaching DEADline] 
   Problem is there’s no one who likes or is tasked to listen to gøLDéñ people.
Other than grandkids :- upto, 7 or 8, age group keeps getting lower, before the snooze factor kicks in; involuntarily ~~ & soon as a gøLDéñ guy opens his mouth, to say anything, other than “Hoi I got presents for you” ~~~ 
the *yawn reflex* immediately kicks in. 
    When Påükîé,  an exceptionally 'weird' guy was a teenager, he could chit chat with gøLDéñ füøks folks rather well; earning good remarks from friends and relatives of such antiquity.
    Nowadays even among the 
gøLDéñ grøüp, there is much impatience, less tolerance, plus a dread to be despised; should they appear to be making nonsensical, foolish remarks. 
    Hence instead of throwing every undue caution to the 7 winds and yammer till their hearts are contented, these gøLDéñ grøüp$ start to dislike talking or listening & shy away from other manners of vocal interactions: AND it has to be mentioned that
other than at Worship sessions, at seminars for gøLDéñ citizens, or in very “select company”; 
they shut the *kRaF up
--effectively cutting, cornering themselves into a tight situation; denying themselves "meaningful"
necessary health ensuring discourse. 
    The resulting clear & visible outcome is the inevitable formation «««««'birth'»»»»»
 of this very UNIVERSALLY ubiquitous group of  

~~~ ALL of us grow old,  
~~~as ALL of us grow old, we acquire almost similar mannerisms & "crankiness", "Talkorky Verbosity" & not so socially acceptable or comfortable
baaad habits.

   In certain nations|Communities|Societies
when such {an 'inherently human'} need for satisfyingly expressing 'innermost' even though 'frivolous' trivialities are stymied|silenced|denied  - mainly 'cos the unwelcome 'irrelevance' 'non-productivity' 'unbeneficial' ""gains"" from wasting time listening to the chatter; 
the 'disgust'|'impatience'|'disdain' sometimes shown to these 'tottering' ones: can be so upsetting that for being
~~~ sidelinednot heardgaggednot given time at the rostrum•BELITTLED ~~~~
tragically could, & HAD on more than numerous occasions 
made these already very unhappy  disturbed, troubled, people,
              --- most of whom are NOT gøLDéñ anyway {cos gøLDéñ conveys patience tolerance & besides the unwelcome BAAAD habits --- much magnanimity
 to resort, seek
 alternatives instruments capable 
:::louder•deadlier•angrier•expressions:::          •••• AK 47 | M16 | AR15 ••••

Hence there is a very real need for people regardless

of age 
of stature
of position
of levels of senility 

of social standing
to be given their time 
to be heard 
to be able to shout at their resident ''devils'' 
to be able to vent ''whaTever the Fü•îø|ark'' venom they needed to DIScharge 
           |           ------------------::::::::::::::------------------ 

even if
     the appointed, involuntary    unsympathetic 
was totally 

                             •             |||||
   |||||||||||||  |||||| ||||||||•  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  ••••      ••             ||||||||       ||||||||||||||||||||            |||||    
or to enforce stringent measures limiting the ridiculous ease of acquiring alternate Deadlier means of EXpessing their pent-up UNhappine$$  

 the disasters/loss/anguish/irreversibles likely, possibly, avoided ---- is well worth the trouble/effort/initiatives involved 
in ensuring a peaceful safe living environ ~~~~ increasingly in short supply, scarcer, diminishing.

inspired by 
real events as 
retold to
JéåLøü$ $éåîzü®é