Friday, May 11, 2018

Minds Shaped Awry...

     Plastics, sugar consumption plus many other 'noe  noes' thrown at consumers usually are the result of BODIES having agendas of gains, axes to grind, promoting these ideas, rather than any real harm from plastics and sugar. 
    So if dolphins choke on plastic and die, what about the countless human beings dying daily from a myriad of causes. 
      Death is a natural part of living. So is plastic and other inconveniences, almost all of which cause or are instrumental in making one die, Automobiles, petroleum products, declaring WARs all over the globe just to name a few, which evidently cause more death of man and beast.
    BUT are accepted tolerated and pushed under the rug of 
  'no attention need be taken'. 

Coffee drinking was and still is BAD. Anything in excess is bad.

    Hoi in fact if one fears dying which is silly cos it's unavoidable then everything IS ~~~~~~ BAD ~~~~~
 Hence to be a sanity inclined person with some thinking ability, take a little of everything and keep a good balance, is all.

An expatriate ENT professional from a fourth world nation, confided his wisdom : 

A little bitty poison is vitamin.
Too much VITAMINS is POISONous. 

Sîmplé $îmøñé

The LIVING is good...?

Now that i am an elected MP   ̶z̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶

who would dare
get in my hair
now that i am an elected MP  
where are my (necessary) mares
who'd be the 'actors'
in my next 

orchestrated 'nightmares'

is there any place else
where anything is new
or real
or unfeigned?

is there anyone
that's true
or real

would i find ever -
clean of hidden intents
free of suppressed urges
with aims 

not for free cruises?

now that i am an elected MP 

who could care enough
truly be blind enough
to see not 

           the cash, 
             disregard the power, 
               un-note the luxurious wow of potentials 
                glorious affluence ?

who could be

  real enough
    unconcerned enough
       unaffected by the snooty pomp, 
         to not fake respect,
            not bow nor scrape around,

oh my ~!~ the saluting, 
                  the hollow honors, 
                  the oh so 'special' faultless fawning

WHO could be,
just be,
                               a friend  ~!~
             nothing less  ~!~
                              just FRI•END  ~!~

now that i am an elected MP  ̶z̶i̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶ 
                    i wished i were not elected 
                                nor  MP  
     »»»»»»»  i could not even be  ««««««« 
     »»»»»»»     a friend to me       «««««««
              without the Zillion$                                                       
                            of me
                     the  Zillionaire.

 $împlé $îmøñé


Monday, April 30, 2018

It is that simple ?

     When asked who or what GOD is; a youthful person who was happier to associate with having lived almost his entire life in a foreign Western nation, than to take pride for being from the LOCALé here ..the usual "imported is alwaz best" mindset so evidently displayed,
- with little hesitation
 answered, with less thought ---
        "GOD is LOVE"
This just plain & simply reveals: 
Believers in  "god" seldom bother to dwell on the concept of the divine persona aka GOD on whom they place their entire spiritual/religious trust.
After having accepted the faith-based religious badge, as a CVrisist or MAundist or VIStrian
most take the path of what has been fed to them .. as gospel "Truth": unquestioningly living their entire life happily too for many, prospering too for many, miserably too as the case may be since the multitudinal variety of Humans living in the here surely would find many diverse living GOD "love" or not.
Many do little real seeking, mind blowing non-productive worthless  dwelling on this supernatural, all powerful, persona, on whom many faith-based believers have place their faith AND their entire existence on.
 GOD aka Thnee Kong aka ALLAH s.a.w. aka Krishna, aka every other known names, honorifics, titles assigned the ONE true Creator has been a tabooed topic of after dinner controversial noe noes ~~~~ A topic similar to political affiliations, & other high emotion arousing subjects that sure & definitely will cause FRACTIOUS sparks to be generated...even among friends, {still sober}
  These are common people who see 
the "definite non necessity" never ever needed for a 'good' life.
God may {may not} be "LOVE" 
similar or even close to the emotive/love with which we Man love others with.
If HE were indeed that 'LOVE'... so empirically simple, 
so cut & dried,
so easy to ingest, 
-like predigested infant formulae-so explainable,
so understandable, to all and sundry ---
HE/She/It would NOT be the DIVINE persona known as "god".
Placing all finger nails 
all toe nails 
plus every hair on my skin as collateral deposit (pawn shop?)
it is a certainty NO ONE alive now knows if god is the LOVE  Man loves to associate Him/Her/It to be.
If god is the "love" Man like to associate god with - surely that feeling we know and feel as love would NOT be GOD
 The entire nature of this divine persona GOD aka ALLAH aka Thnee Kong & etc is as alien to man's imagined concept of what "god' really would be. To illustrate this point of our inability and non necessity to try fathom HE god.. the accuracy or nearness of our concept or imagined idea of god is as a worm crawling in slime would imagine or conceptualise what a ride on a jet might be like. The accuracy is likelier to be far off the mark, as just like the worm is unable to imagine what a flight on a jet would be like, we too do not have the capacity to grasp HIM ~ god.
 Using human parameters we operate under - can we use otherwise - it is definite that any answer we can surmise or derive about a persona that is not at all same as us would be a futile & self defeatingly non productive, expansion of MST  - (money strength time)
the only bond between god & us is the claim that we have been created with an image similar to his.
Knowing & accepting god as a supernatural persona who is, who had and who will be dealing with us and our destiny is the better prudent faith.
As to if he were just "LOVE"  
the rendition of Jesus rampage in the temple where he dispersed and cast into disarray, even using a self made whip to drive and throw these merchants hawking beasts, doves and other wares out of the temple  would perhaps indicate the childishly too simple acceptance of god as {only:}

Knowing as Man does that HATE is the other emotive antonymous with LOVE, one need to ensure  a balance that God definitely is NOT  

It might be plenty interesting if what is put down in the text as He driving the merchants out were embellished with the verbatim chastisement He would have uttered.{?vehemently} at them. 

 "sweet loving charming niceties" would take on REAL meaning ~~~~ establishing a more down to earth, practical concept of the DIVINE rather than 
           GOD is "L O V E"

the more winable derivative concept of a supernatural creator  would lean more to 
             NOT hate
     as defined by us humans.

that would suffice as a "faith" conviction which would return us to HIS embrace..

Jéålîøü$ $éîzü®é
circa 000o

Saturday, April 28, 2018

How did things get so screwed up...

•Robin Hood was an outlaw, a robber, a criminal, plain & simple, like any other.

°The Sheriff of Nottingham was an official of the Law; doing his job in the best way he could. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

The TRü†h: NEVER was out there..

°10 people, in severe pain, were sitting around, AND each emphathizingly say to one another: 

     “I feel you, I share your pain” 

NONE of the 10 would have the intensity of their individual pain reduced to 1/10th of what it is.

but Knowing there are many (9 in this case)in similar predicament  provide some "analgesia"

SîQmåññ Fråüd

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Bound -- Løck Stock & Barrel ...

Your father taught you
your 1 father — ONE only 

earth father & you became you.

If you had more fathers than the one
earth father
Horrible thoughts 
of Perversion     
  of Whoreyness       
    of Incestfoolery
      of ReligiousLy UNacceptable

                 ILLegaLities ~~
 Frowned UPon as BEASTly inDecencies---   
   would surely pop up in your narrow 
     LOCK STOCK & BARREL RELIGION+$ociety.CONDitioned bounded mind}
  ||||»»»»»»»»»»they indeed did»»»»»»»»»»|||| 

BUT seriousreally...
    if the ΩîLLîøñs of blinking Stars out there could  be your 'fathers' ; NOT •
uuuurrhgg G0∂ forbid• cohabitatively with your one ONLY earth mother,

If these ΩîLLîøñs of Stars (blinking) -
were FATHERs to you

similar to; but as mentors, teachers, enlighteners
as that 1 ONLY  
earth father 
whom with

earth mother was allowed to facilitate your entry to this

If each
& all of these

ΩîLLîøñs of blinking Stars
are allowed to teach, illumine, enlighten you
with the daddy-wisdom
that your ONE (1 ONLY)
earth father   
could never ever teach, impart you with whilst a youngster;
would not you receive, & be bequeathed with the cumulative Wisdom, Smarts & Brilliance of these

ΩîLLîøñs of 'Daddies'
to become perhaps|probably the most illuminé∂
piece of

 "whatever the wtF” 
   you could attain to?

HAVING been allocated life only for Ò≈µéΩ≈ years,
the thoughts that would cross that
"wha†umigh†calli†” ?Mîñ∂? 

of yours
 definitely, surely, can't be of any caliber of

nor would they be filled with 
 Saint-LEE 'holiness' [Posthumous]
  Or would these thought even remotely be 
  as the BLINKing beams of the ΩîLLîøñs of Stars;

which most definitely would be brimful with
IMPOSSIBLé "brilliance"

the LIGHT of which
might probably turn you into such an ILLUMINåTED 

piece of “wtF” 
instead of the
piece of “wtF” 
you had

But GROSSLY, like these many other created "Life forms"
which you derogatorily, as was your nature,  gleefully had label as "beasts” ---- 

whilst your own just as beastly 
Daily ‘urges'
Secret ‘longing' 
Clandestine ‘clamorings' 
Silent ‘cravings' unceasingly rumbling in the innermost depths of a potentialLéé BRIGHT + illuminable wha†umigh†calli†” -- Mîñ∂ --
of yours  -----

undeniably serving ONLY to factually affirm; unequivocally; beyond a shred of reasonable doubt 
•••The Futility of øñés' 'seek'
•••The Frustratibility of øñés' 'ask'
•••The LOck'd tight Unopenness to øñés' 'knock'

WHA†  øñe now living 

   does not know
   would remain 

   as unknowable
   as hidden 

   as veiled 
as shrouded 
as unrevealed 

as unapproacheable
as unattainable
as on 

THAT fateful Ò≈µéΩ≈ of Tîmé ago                                             

                  unfathomable depths
                   .of NOTHINGness.
                              HE did
                              wh  at


surely don't
   feel much more self-worthy
   before stumbling 


inSINuated b¥
$îGmåññ Früå∂
circa 00o0

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

MîLK ---


Contrary to Universal Feel Good
           ~~~ °°° ~~~
 of HUMAN kindness
don’t flow easy..
NOT from woman’s breast
nor from man’s ‘’whatever’’ too.

   Diet of Infants
   from cows, goats, cattle,
   or even from mothers
were NOT: never were,

ever filled with ••kindness••
 ~~~ freely, easily, sweetly 
self-givingly ~~~
••HUMAN•• or otherwise.
 .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Kindness since Dawn of Time
    eluded every born’d of Man.

“including the ones not of women born too"

Man never was from "Kindness"
Nor was partial to : “Kindness”
Never was raised on “Kindness"


make more stains & mars deeper; 
than the purest pearliest white MILK of KINDness of any kind ever would ameliorate the indelibly etched blemishes.

From Day 0 of THE eviction of Adam: if the cows, goats, cattle’s milk on which Man's Children
were fed, & nurtured with;
had been foddered with
• HUMBLE pies 

• Leaves of IGNOBILITY
• Shrooms dripping full of MEEK
• spiced with Barks off tree of

• & a pinch of the Salt of  


such Potions of Apothecarial
Concoction Might have brought Man
NOT to this His present

 Buts & Ifs;
 Never altered reality
 Never then
 Not now
 Never EVER would.........    ......

If conscientious good sense, probably lost; 
Høpéfülly not dead drowned; Høpéfülly still viable  & stubbornly floundering, indefatigably buoyant 
even tho drenched & bloated;
Høpéfülly from murky brooks of sensible care-filled cerebral river-lets, would, might,
stubbornly rejoin
  Maybe then, perhaps these suppressed streams might just  reform; against all norms
     to make flow
        the mighty Milk of     

when Good Will prevails
makes Impossibles ---

îñ$pîré∂ by
$împLé $†übbøñ˜n 
circa 00o0

Monday, April 9, 2018

G • I • F • T 3

 -:    The B E S T gift ever :-
the ability to be enfolded by

"good" when "bad"

is spoken ° done & directed ° at one

::with intent:with malice:
:with vehemence:

   -:   The BETTER gift ever :-
the ability to keep
in "dumb" "safe" "silence"
when "bad"
 so overwhelmingly, 
painfully, jarringly,

audible is 
-: The Good gift ever is :-
the ability to be
"blind" | "deaf" | "dumb" 
--when one is dumped onto where one is--
 & harsh  
  $†ar€$ one down
 daily - everyday
   • CONSTANTL¥   
no Oƒƒ days  
 ALWAY$ "on"

 be assured


   What evil...which bad...whose malice
can stand


îñ$pî®é∂ b¥
$împLé $îmøñé