Wednesday, January 2, 2019

To Sleep ° To Dream

Folks have too many ambitious goals unrealistically set; improperly put in place.
----There out there are “endless possibilities”----
(try recall whose quote?) just waiting for the harvester to reach out - pluck..
But a bird can only fly and a fish should be glad to be swimming well 
Due to unrealistic inputs from mostly
»» misdirected starry eyed parents ««
   deludedly seeing potential grandeur in their most mediocre kids & from 
glory-filled impressions plus other totally UNREAL make believe yet looking so real EXploits & CGIs on the NET; 
has some 'blur' parents thinking
«« if these [CGI imageries - where the] bird could swim better than a fish and the worm can snort fire dragon-like, and the chicken could drop-kick the lion and where a teeny weeny bed bug could turn an entire molehill into a looming mountain»»
& the message is plottedly hatched .. then imPRESSed to their less than common immature blur Kid 

-»»--You can BE anything,
                     Do anything, 
         if YOU 
        just put  YOUR MIND to it -««---

from that moment on disasters start to congeal, to coagulate
 -- end result -- 
read history books 
°°°° the many unending
mass killings 
blood letting  
other expressions of someones EXTREME angst against many other hapless someone else
Most the results of the inputs & misdirected deluded proddings of
 a ''mindless immature don't know any better simple kid'' 
who; if allowed to grow naturally, could have become a great goat herd, 
a very happy, successful dough nut maker 
or a satisfied postal clerk. 
or even as a mild mannered reporter at Metropolis'  Daily Planet..

BUT heck hey no, 
that has 
NEVER been -
Never is -
Never will be - how a child is left to find his own happy niche...
No no, not to discourage youth-filled vigour - 
  ˚˚˚Though to know & •accept• -human limits is the cardinal rule in all  human ventures or endeavours˚˚˚
There's only THAT much a human can stretch himself
That and to try; nobly, more worth-whiley; fathom the WILL of the “unknowable” God. 
(who btw is neither Christian nor Muslim nor of any religious affiliations - hoi! know better than put the cart before the horse)
Michael Jackson an example of a person living in unrealisticity and being unrealistic, manipulated by many unscrupulous humans whose usual (main) aim - self aggrandisement. A very gifted person bled dry, chewed and shredded to extinct oblivion..
No fan of MJ; but an outstanding analogy of the exploitative nature of most H.beings.
   The saga of many humans, neither famous nor rich - living untold, ignoramus lives, & dying just as untold ignoramus deaths  
— trying for nothing much nor expecting more than to sustain, continue more of the same 
              - cycle of mindlessness -
to perhaps improve on the intensity, 
the mediocrity, worthlessness of ideals 
& shallowness of goals.
Is this how humans with some Intellect conduct  draft the blue-print for the Race's ultimate destiny..?
Guess it appears to be so 
as since the last era 
«««« • »»»» eons back; till this present «««« • »»»»
  there has been no detectable change ; 
not in the pattern of misEncouragement, 
not in the message of  misMotivation 
nor in the intensity of  DELUdedness of Grand designs..
¿¿ Man must achieve Greatness or Die trying ??

C®åf†îly CøñCø®†éd 
$împlé $îmøñé

Sunday, October 7, 2018

RéTürñ †ø BåBéL

 On a warm Sunday afternoon 
the best thing  is to DREAM:

««The only EFFECTIVE way to achieve 
TOTAL harmony & COMPLETE peacefilled communities»»
is by
“ethnic effacement” 
    on a global scale 
                                –––– whereby all ––––
••••cultural affiliations: 
•••••national pride:
••••••Personal Ego:
•••••••trump snootiness: 
••••••••NAZIs blue eyed blondiness:
•••••••••Yellow hordes:
                    etc & et al:
are effaced & replaced with a bland colourlessness of Same.

And adding to that sameness - that bland  indistinction
everyone is able to understand what the other is about


$îQmåññ Fråüd

Thursday, September 27, 2018

All the people ALL the TIME

People, [Lîƒé] die everyday.
[Lîƒé] die from ALL causes everyday.
All people die from any & every cause on any day.

*°*°*Lîƒé departs,  [DIEs]  leaves the [body]
                  a temporary organic container. *°*°*

Should one thus, be saddened if 43 brothers &  siblings "related >from Adam<  were all killed;
when they fell
                  .--- sp¥h|aå† ---.
attempting a record, 
sky-diving ?

Should one weep more if an aged fella died

 whilst trying to run as fast as he shouldn't
   to exercise his exotic pet Eqp in order to longer bond with it? 
     Or should one shed more tears when death 
           delivers a youngER fella.
Is more the tragic when a baby dies
from inherited fatal genetics; 

or just plain -- died? 

~~~~ Sadness, grief, tears, 
                      at the 
death, demise, 
[return to HøME]
of a Lîƒé
be inversely proportional to the length of years lived? ~~~~

            Knowing life is not forever
          Why then is a dead young fella
grieved, sorrowed, saddened over,
more than a dead old fella ?
Both get equally as dead <>  one not Deader 

                                       <>   nor less Dead
                                     <>   than the other

Yet the younger fella receives more grief.

 The "S A D" is much more unbearable, more voluminous the out pouring of  GRIEF.        
    Is there then, an age, that when death comes, 
it is acceptable, better received?    
  Or is this another preCODITIONING of perception in all who ever were born human, that dying is unnatural, is bad? that only 
THE aged,
THE decrepit,
THE nonuseful
THE unproductive
should deserve to be "gladly" "acceptably" dead?

it has been
That one has to FEAR, to DREAD, deny, to AVOID, to FORGET, to not dwell on  
DYING less one be     
  branded morbid negative weird

Yet death is the LOGICAL NATURAL     
                                     transcending of LIFE
                              to its ORIGINal abode 
 The e†ernal EMBRACE from which [Lîƒé]one, 
was sent when 
one[Lîƒé]elects to be birth'd

Another Preconditioning  >> after dying --- it is the   END 

At the earliest inappropriate Place & Tîmé

Ask [& tho' you might be questioning]...
Seek [& tho' you might be prying]..
Knock [& tho' it just might hit back].

find out
    ««« however one does it »»» 
AND know •• so be assured
from whence one came
to  hence one is to be  return'd





no, no, no, not really.
there's another
to that.
not necessarily is one returned to


SîQmåññ F®åü∂
circa 00o0

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blue MOON everyDAY

“...What separates the léc from the Cømmøn  
is the forbearance to not actuate
*unholy thoughts 
which rise daily
in the hearts of both..”

$îQmåññ Fråü∂
circa: 00o0

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Specially Chosen aka DREAMon

The REALITY often 
denied <> overlooked <> glossed over  <> ignored
   racial bias
   religious exclusivity  
   ethnic ego
   national hubris  
           is the
unpalatable <|> uncomfortable <|> disagreeable
 despite seeming GREATness 
    >>> everyone is plain & simply <<<
           a HUMAN BEING
  greater <|> lesser <|> higher <|> lower <|> exalted <|> mediocre

Living in packed societies, cramped communities,  tightly housed cities, swamped slums, ghoulish ghettos...
an individual would feel unDISTINGUISHED;  UNdifferent from the next zillion copies of a massively huge herd of others, too many for comfort - all mucking around in one's 
non-existing 'personal' zone.
      To desire to be differently perceived;
   as unique, not as a copy of zillionz 
  but a special entity; in a sense; to       
 entertain the SHIok 
the SPECIAL uniqueness of a completely  INDIVIDUAL being, though fulfilling 
 is transient;unreal;

--reality as it hits--
would negate that little comfort ..
 "look" at a person; 
   any person;
 after it becomes dust 
  it is just plain & simply
                   D U S
knowing all others - zillionz -
AND oneself included
 would be that 
  one & the same dust
should do much good 
add strength
  a solitary individual
 in a huge countless herd of 
  D U S


$îQmåññ ƒråü∂
in collaboration with 
$împlé $îmøñé

Monday, August 13, 2018

End îs bEgîn

 Man come,  mEn come 
     womån come, womén too 
     Prophetic men women COME 
      Saviours oo; 
Not much can any do
making little noticeably effective impact on
S†A†US Quo;
 Long overdue
       is the  entire BUCKET to be upturn'd
                 & Renew'd. 
from the phoenix’s pyre 
     a  recreated new free spirit
      would soar 
                         to a different height        
               a different level

Is so with
                          et al & etc 
from the 

     discarding 'that' which binds 
               one earthwards. 
Enabled, Free'∂, 
 stripp'd of bindings, bonds & shecklés
into HIS Unfetteredness 
  Spirit's release'd  
  Soaringly Fly

      Nøné RESTs,
        in PEACE

 H0ME again from whence
 oné oncé came
welcom'd received 
    BES† reception

At last 
All's done 
All's finished
All's accomplished.  
In Good & proper speed..
 enfold'∂ IN 
safe ~ sound ~ warm 

$împlé $îmøn
circa 00o0

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Settling of Scores --

There being a season for almost everything - 
it’s human to jeer, to gloat, to celebrate “victory” for defeat of an opponent, 
be that opponent opposing “Good” & supporting “Bad” : or opposing “Bad” & supporting “Good”
for it requires one who is not in this system to arbitrate as to  one's goodness or to determine if one is "bad".
  Man's version of these values varies depending on one's cultural, ethnic as well as  personal perspectives.

For instance, to one who subscribes to 'different' ethical/moral values there is nothing "bad" or 'evil' to help oneself to others' belongings. To certain folks it is OK to even use someone else's personal belongings without requesting permission. Carrying that further is sleeping with another person's spouse (which of course, unless done forcibly, need the wayward spouse of the other person to be consensual) 

Again, all aberrations of how Man's values of
other 'shades' in between
making it impossible standardizing such values good or bad, whilst here..

Universal  "Good" & "Evil" - is Completely non-negotiable.
In that system there is no ambiguity & there is no different shades to confuse RIGHT from WRONG


WHITE is white

In an "absolute" system, 
grey ~ a lighter shade of BLACK 
is non-palatably regurgitated, 
 with indignant Force  
if/when forwarded as supportive credentials seeking Approval  for 
é†érnal Åbødé


But putting the 'confirmed beyond reasonable doubt' - 'evil' 
(regarded by normal human standards as so i.e. "evil") 
and ensuring such acts of “bad”  perpetrated by the “wrong” evil-doer/doer$,   
do not become the norm in human communities; is laudable, logical &amp from which only G00d would flow.
This is different entirely from an act of revenge:
 “an eye for an eye”
in retribution to whatever act done by whomever as long as oneself is the “victim” 
The story before the coming of 
He - God (as man embodied in human flesh) to institute an even more unattainable goal for us Man - a goal where one is expected to be unHuman - to do unHuman acts of adopting god-like “divine” modus operandi
 of giving the other cheek; in response to BAD done to one;
 is  SO  contrary and anti human-NATURE
so alien to how common petty minded humans, 

of which most are; would act.
  In contemporary life, Happiness is thus,  a gift that enables one to retain Sanity, maintain  Direction & Purpose & persevere with Goodwill, 
despite being swamped, in an ever populous world filled with every ~ UNiQUe ~ creature of different stripes of :

 bladabladibladaaaa &amp more other kinds of UNIQUEness.(countless) ...
most of which make "life"
an extremely tough call for many whose entire living intent & direction is to lie on the fresh

bloomed weeds/the rejected trash HillocK$/the weighty gold bullion/the glitzy diamonds

                      bearable if regarded as





       for consideration
          a better beingness 

            after the "now"

$îQmåññ Fråüd