Folks have too many ambitious goals unrealistically set; improperly put in place.
----There out there are “endless possibilities”----
(try recall whose quote?) just waiting for the harvester to reach out - pluck..
But a bird can only fly and a fish should be glad to be swimming well
Due to unrealistic inputs from mostly
»» misdirected starry eyed parents ««
deludedly seeing potential grandeur in their most mediocre kids & from
glory-filled impressions plus other totally UNREAL make believe yet looking so real EXploits & CGIs on the NET;
has some 'blur' parents thinking
«« if these [CGI imageries - where the] bird could swim better than a fish and the worm can snort fire dragon-like, and the chicken could drop-kick the lion and where a teeny weeny bed bug could turn an entire molehill into a looming mountain»»
& the message is plottedly hatched .. then imPRESSed to their less than common immature blur Kid
-»»--You can BE anything,
Do anything,
if YOU
just put YOUR MIND to it -««---
from that moment on disasters start to congeal, to coagulate
-- end result --
read history books
°°°° the many unending
mass killings
blood letting
other expressions of someones EXTREME angst against many other hapless someone else
Most the results of the inputs & misdirected deluded proddings of
a ''mindless immature don't know any better simple kid''
who; if allowed to grow naturally, could have become a great goat herd,
a very happy, successful dough nut maker
or a satisfied postal clerk.
or even as a mild mannered reporter at Metropolis' Daily Planet..
BUT heck hey no,
that has
NEVER been -
Never is -
Never will be - how a child is left to find his own happy niche...
No no, not to discourage youth-filled vigour -
˚˚˚Though to know & •accept• -human limits is the cardinal rule in all human ventures or endeavours˚˚˚
There's only THAT much a human can stretch himself
That and to try; nobly, more worth-whiley; fathom the WILL of the “unknowable” God.
(who btw is neither Christian nor Muslim nor of any religious affiliations - hoi! know better than put the cart before the horse)
Michael Jackson an example of a person living in unrealisticity and being unrealistic, manipulated by many unscrupulous humans whose usual (main) aim - self aggrandisement. A very gifted person bled dry, chewed and shredded to extinct oblivion..
No fan of MJ; but an outstanding analogy of the exploitative nature of most H.beings.
The saga of many humans, neither famous nor rich - living untold, ignoramus lives, & dying just as untold ignoramus deaths
— trying for nothing much nor expecting more than to sustain, continue more of the same
- cycle of mindlessness -
to perhaps improve on the intensity,
the mediocrity, worthlessness of ideals
& shallowness of goals.
Is this how humans with some Intellect conduct draft the blue-print for the Race's ultimate destiny..?
Guess it appears to be so
as since the last era
«««« • »»»» eons back; till this present «««« • »»»»
there has been no detectable change ; not in the pattern of misEncouragement,
not in the message of misMotivation
nor in the intensity of DELUdedness of Grand designs..
¿¿ Man must achieve Greatness or Die trying ??
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