This might be workable for this particular Japanese guy, though it smells suspiciously like one of those myths/propagandas put forward by some autocratic employers/governments for the following likely purposes :
1) To deny ever having to cough up the collective retirement funds (which could amount to astronomical sum) at any time, to retirees, so the FREE money can be reinvested & derived benefits utilized by the employers/governments. Your guess as to the main beneficiaries of benefits.
2) There is a ready work force, professionally trained, adjusted to work conditions, non-dissenting, non-protesting, compliant/submissive to employers/governments' directives. (Regardless if undemocratic/unfair).
3) Old workers are mostly at maximum salary schemes, thus a win win win for employers rather than employing fresh employees, needing upped salary scales & added benefits.
Read whatever you wish into the 'benefits' of never retiring.
It is a fact, acknowledged by this Japanese doctor too: one has to keep active; mentally & physically; he does this by doing voluntary service.
One can be sure of ZERO benefits if one were to "WORK" till one exits life via the mortuary route direct from the office. What benefits anyone, who does a "JOB" which usually is not 'FUN' while physically capable of having a good time; then retiring at an age when one is physically/mentally/medically unable to 'enjoy' anything anymore - no fun eating, drinking, sexing, traveling, dancing, thinking, meeting people, breathing, not even sleeping?
When most days, of retirement, are spent trying to overcome or lighten problems acquired from long years of "forced" labor.
When most days, of retirement, are spent trying to overcome or lighten problems acquired from long years of "forced" labor.
When nothing at all; physically, mentally, or sensually is doable or enjoyable or interesting; is it then still called retirement ? Or is it called MEBEG ? (MISERABLE EXISTENCE BEFORE ETERNAL GOODBYE)
All this BS about dying if one stopped working is not dissimilar to what some sinister bosses used to tell government workers that their ultimate pension's calculations will be adversely affected when the accounts department considers the numbers of days off due to sick leave!
A load of CRAP to ensure one labors 24/7 all the days of one's working live.
Sick Leave is a basic employee's entitlement.
It is risky to living life happily if one were to gather so-called wisdom from self-professed "experts" in the Art of living life, from the Internet. There is no guaranteed Correct (or Incorrect) way to live life.
The only correct way is when one's life is mostly filled with "living" & the only incorrect way to live life is when one's life is filled with "no life"
The only correct way is when one's life is mostly filled with "living" & the only incorrect way to live life is when one's life is filled with "no life"
Why does anyone have to do a "JOB"?
Why is this word and not "PLAY" used ?...
This might be interesting vis 'job'
BESIDES one happy swallow means just that - ONE swallow's 'happy' story....NOT an entire spring at all!
Everyone knows Happiness is subjective -
"One swallow's route to Heaven may lead to another bird's Hell".
" A fool only is, if he so choses"